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     NATASHA rushed into the room, walking towards the window giving a view of Nick Fury’s emergency surgery. Inez sat in a chair a few feet behind the redhead and Steve, staring at the ground. She couldn’t bring herself to look through the window, too scared to watch the surgery happening on the other side. Her earbuds were in her eyes but no music was playing. Nothing seemed to comfort her at the moment. 

“Is he gonna make it?” 

“I don’t know.” 

“Tell me about the shooter.” 

Inez took her earbuds out of her ears, setting her hands over them instead. She hid her face between her knees as she tried to think of anything besides what was happening around her. Her head was beginning to ache and she just wanted to be back home or sitting in the Hufflepuff common room talking with Cedric. He always seemed to calm her down without acknowledging the fact that she was upset. 

Beeping sounds were heard from the operation room causing Inez to look up. Two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had entered the room quietly at the sound as well. Fury’s heart rate was dropping and there didn’t seem to be anything the doctors could do to bring it back up. 

Inez rushed to Steve’s side, fitting right between him and Natasha. She gripped her dad’s hand as she watched the doctors rush around the man. 

“Don’t do this to me Nick.” 

Inez gripped Nat’s hand in her unoccupied one, squeezing it three times. Within thirty seconds Nick Fury was pronounced dead. Steve walked out of the room, Inez following him only stopping to look back at Natasha for a moment. 

She had no idea how everything changed so quickly and that terrified her. 


     INEZ sat outside the room Steve and Nat were currently in with Nick Fury’s body. The girl couldn’t bring herself to enter the doorway. One of the nurses had brought the girl a chair to sit in which Inez thanked her for multiple times. 

She sat cross legged in the chair, staring down at her hands as they wrapped the hem of her shirt around her thumb. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen now and she wasn’t sure she was ready for it. She had an awful gut feeling that she was no longer willing to ignore after recent events. 

“Hey sweetie,” Maria Hill stood next to the girl as she spoke gently. “Are you doing okay?” 

Inez looked up at her and nodded. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to respond to the question and felt that nodding was the best way to go. 

“It’s okay if you’re not, you know? Everything happened so fast and it must have been scary. What’s something that usually makes you feel better?” 

Inez thought about the question for a second, really trying to come up with an answer. She couldn’t think of anything besides her friends and Steve and those were out of the question right now. Her friends were at school right now and Steve was trying to process and deal with everything that had just happened. 

“I don’t know,” Inez frowned as she looked up at Maria. “Is that a bad thing?” 

“Not necessarily,” the woman gave her a gentle smile. “You just have to try different things and figure out what works best for you. What’s your favorite thing to do while you're home?” 

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