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     WATCHING the twin’s quidditch practices was something Inez loved doing, especially when it rained, but lately they were so long that she had to choose between doing homework or going to watch the boy’s practice on nights that they had practice. Thankfully she was able to do a bunch of work on other nights to make up for it. Conan and Cedric helping her with her work was also a bonus. When she was in the library, she was with either one or the other.

Thankfully for all the quidditch players, the rain had been letting up a lot recently but it made Inez sad that she couldn’t go sit in the rain as much as weeks prior. Lee and Max had dragged the girl out of the castle the first chance at sunlight they got. Max brought a blanket while Lee brought a book for Inez who was following the pair down towards the Black Lake.

“What are we even doing?” Inez asked as she laid back on the blanket.

“We’re enjoying the sun while Fred and George are in detention,” Max responded as if it was obvious.

To be fair it kind of was. The two had already told her that when they ran up to her in the halls after her last class.

“Don’t worry though,” Lee smiled. “I brought you a book.”

Inez gave him a thankful smile as she took the book from him and began to read. Lee and Max began to converse with each other about random topics. They seemed to be off in their own little world, almost not noticing Conan making his way over to them.

But when he sat down next to Inez, Max noticed their brother.

“Hey Co. What’s up?”

“I just heard you three were enjoying the rare sun and thought I’d join you. Is that okay?”

Lee and Max agreed, going back to their conversation as Inez sat up to give the older boy more room on the blanket. The pair smiled at each other before the girl went back to reading. Conan pulled out his leather-bound sketch book, looking back at the brunette. They made eye contact once again and Inez raised an eyebrow.

“Do you mind if I,” Conan trailed off as he held up his sketchbook with a nervous smile.

“I more than owe you for all the homework help,” Inez let out an airy laugh. “Draw away.”

“You don’t owe me for all that. I enjoy helping you.”

Inez smiled before turning back to her book. Again. She was beginning to think that no one wanted her to make progress in the book. But as Conan sat there and sketched the girl and Max and Lee were off in their own world, Inez was able to read several chapters before the sun was setting and it was time for dinner.

The four made their way back to the castle, Conan and Inez behind the other two. He was showing her the sketches he had done of her by the lake, there being about four. The boy had a talent for anything that had to do with art. He could sketch out a wall and paint it and somehow it was the best painting of a wall there could possibly be. There was just something about his art that drew people in.

“You really are talented, Edwards,” Inez complimented as her eyes flickered between the different sketches on the page. “You were born for this.”

“You flatter me Rogers,” Conan laughed. “But really it's all you. You’re the subject.”

“You flatter me Edwards,” the girl teased as they walked into the Great Hall. “I better find Cedric so I can make sure he’s ready for the quidditch match tomorrow. Don’t tell the twins but I’m hoping for a win for Hufflepuff.”

hurricane [marvel x harry potter crossover]Where stories live. Discover now