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     THAT night once everyone was in bed, Fred grabbed Inez from the room she was sharing with Ginny while George got Ron from his room. The four of them were going to take Mr. Weasley’s car that had been enchanted to fly to rescue Harry from his insufferable relatives. Inez was glad that she had gotten to the Burrow the day that she did because otherwise she would have missed this.

Once the four made it to the car, Ron and Inez got into the backseat with the twins in the front, Fred in the driver’s seat. Inez curled up against the side of the car as Fred backed it out of its spot and began to drift off. She was exhausted from waking up super early and then traveling all day.

George shook the girl awake as they came up to the Dursley’s house causing her to groan.

“I just want to sleep,” Inez whined as she curled into herself a bit more.

“Zie we need you to come sit up front with us so that Harry can fit his things up here. You can sleep as soon as we get Harry into the car safely,” George told her as he grabbed her hand.

Inez grumbled as she climbed up front with the twins, lifting her knees to her chest. Ron shook the bars that were on Harry’s window in an attempt to wake him up. Harry seemed to hear him and woke up, coming to the window and opening it. The messy haired boy gawked at his best friend before noticing the other three in the front seat. Ron and Harry spoke in hushed tones about whether or not Harry had actually used magic outside of school and the flying car. Harry was rambling about letting Hogwarts know that he was basically being held hostage before Ron cut him off.

“Stop gibbering. We’ve come to take you home with us,” Ron told his best friend.

Harry, who seemed excited yet confused, pointed out that the four of them couldn’t magic him out of the house either. This caused Inez to roll her eyes in amusement as Harry seemed to forget what the twins were best known for.

Fred tossed the end of a rope to Harry, instructing him to tie it to the bars on his window. The boy did so, telling them that he was dead if his relatives woke up. Once the brunette boy stood back, Fred revved the engine and after a moment managed to pull the bars from the window.

Ron pulled the bars into the backseat with him before telling Harry to get into the car. Realizing that his stuff was in the cupboard under the stairs, the twins climbed into the boy’s room before George looked back at Inez. The girl moved closer to the window and pulled out the bobby pin that was holding the small braids around her hair.

“What do I get for it?” Inez asked as she handed it to George.

“My undying love darling,” George winked before rushing off to the door with his brother.

The girl sat there stunned as a blush covered her cheeks. She was glad that it was dark so that it hid the color of her face. She listened as Harry informed the twins about the creaky stair before the pair disappeared into the hallway. The messy haired boy began to rush around his room, picking up things he needed before passing them to Ron through the door.

Inez helped Ron situate the things Harry passed him as the Potter boy rushed to help Fred and George with his trunk. As the three came back into the room, Fred crawled back into the car to help Ron and Inez pull the trunk. The girl had a difficult time helping as she was in the front seat and the trunk was going to the back seat.

“A bit more,” Fred muttered as he tried his best to pull the trunk into the car. “One good push.”

“You sound like a doctor talking to someone in labor,” Inez said just as the trunk slid into the car.

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