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     WHILE Fred and George were at their quidditch practice, Lee and Inez were running around the castle. They weren't really sure what they were doing but they at least got to see the beauty that is the Hogwarts castle. The pair ran down a hall, racing each other, until they quite literally ran into Fred and George. The two boys looked pissed which caused Inez to frown.

"What's got your boxers in a twist?"

"Snape is the ref for our next match," Fred spat out as he glared at nothing.

"Oh shit," Lee said as soon as Fred finished speaking.

The twins were so mad that their faces were slightly pink. The days leading up to the match, Lee and Inez did their best to make the redheads forget about the temporary referee. The three planned pranks and managed to actually go through with a few of their smaller ones.

Inez also wrote her weekly letters to different people including Steve, Thor and Loki (she sent those letters to Steve and he somehow got them to the two brothers), Nat, and the Barton's. The brunette made sure to leave individual messages for Lila, Cooper, and Laura in her letter to them. She also wrote her monthly letter to Mrs. Weasley and made sure to include messages for Ginny and Mr. Weasley as well.

The morning of the Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor quidditch match, Inez found herself at the Gryffindor table for breakfast like always. The only problem was now George was trying to get her to wear his Gryffindor jumper.

"I already told you I can't! Hufflepuff is also playing today and I'm going to support my house," Inez said for what seemed like the umpteenth time that morning.

"Oh come on please Nezzie. Snape's the ref today and you're our lucky charm," George argued as he tried to shove the jumper over her head.

The girl shoved the jumper away from her, not wanting to knock anything off the table. George continued trying to shove the jumper into the girl's arms just for it to be thrown in his face each time.

"Please Nezzie just wear it so he will shut up," Lee groaned as George began to pout.

"Fine but just know if anyone gets mad at me, I'm blaming you Lee," Inez gave in, taking the clothing item from the redhead next to her.

George was much happier after Inez put on his jumper and didn't complain about anything for the rest of breakfast. Eventually the three boys had to leave to prepare for the game, Lee setting up his commentary equipment and the twins to get changed. Inez met up with Ron who was with Hermione and Neville, walking down to the stands.

"There's my favorite ginger," the Hufflepuff smiled as she fell in step next to the youngest Weasley boy. "I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you that much this year. How has it been?"

"It's been okay. Malfoy's bloody annoying," Ron complained as the four walked closer to the pitch.

"Just ignore him. He's not worth your time."

"Why are you wearing a Gryffindor jumper if you're a Hufflepuff?" Hermione asked the Carter girl when she noticed the girl's clothes.

Inez groaned quietly, throwing her head back slightly. She explained to the three first years that George was being annoying and practically begged her to wear his sweater because Snape was the ref for the day's match. She also told them about their tradition of Inez wearing the jumper to any Gryffindor matches that weren't against Hufflepuff, today being the only exception.

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