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     HOGSMEADE weekend was always fun for Inez and her friends. Sure, they snuck out to visit so they were there more often than they were supposed to but they still enjoyed their time there on weekends when the rest of the Hogwarts students visited the village.

Inez's favorite part about any Hogsmeade trip was getting to walk around and get butterbeer. The twins, however, loved going to Zonko's and spent most of their money there, so it tended to be the group's first stop. After one too many trips where they went to Zonko's last or close to last and the twins had to borrow money from either Lee, Max, or Inez, they five all decided there needed to be a change.

After leaving the prank shop, Inez requested that they make a stop at Honeydukes, the sweets shop, so that she could get some treats to send back to Clint's family, Wanda, and her dad. Normally she would also want to get Thor something as well but the last time she had checked in with him, he was heading off to a different realm for something he said was very important. She dragged Max along by their hand, the three Gryffindors trailing along behind the pair.

"Sometimes it feels like I'm dating Max and Inez," Lee joked quietly as he walked between the twins.

"Do you want us to keep her occupied for a few hours today so you and Max can hang out alone?" Fred asked as he switched which of his hands was carrying his two bags from the prank shop.

"She wanted to help Neville with some essay when we got back, so maybe we could convince her to go back to the castle early," George suggested with a shrug.

"That would actually be brilliant," Lee smiled. "I don't remember the last time we got to hang out here, just me and Max."

Inez and Max were oblivious to the other three talking as they entered Honeydukes together, arm in arm. They wandered throughout the store as they looked at every product despite them already knowing each and every one of them. They both grabbed different sweets as they passed by ones that they liked, screwing up their faces when they saw the ones that they found gross.

"I told Lila that I would get her some more chocolate frogs," Inez said as her and Max stocked up on Fizzing Whizzbees. "She likes watching them jump when she opens the packaging."

"I still need to meet her and Cooper," Max sighed as they examined one of the packages of Exploding Bon Bons.

"Don't forget Nate," the girl reminded with a sad smile. "I got a letter about a week ago that he was born. They named him Nathaniel, uh, Pietro. Obviously after Natasha but Clint said that his middle name is because he saved me in Sokovia."

"So, you have another brother?" Max teased in an attempt to get the girl's mind off of Pietro. "That makes, what? Four? Cedric, Conan, Cooper, and now Nate."

Inez let out a small laugh at the thought of how many people she considered her siblings. Besides the four boys, Inez also considered Max her sibling and Lila her sister.

"Being an only child made me lonely," she joked. "I had to adopt as many siblings as I could."

Max rolled their eyes with a small grin as they began grabbing chocolate frogs. The twins and Lee joined them shortly after, George holding onto all of the sweets Inez had picked out so far. He watched her fondly as she counted how many of each of the sweets she had grabbed.

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