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"HE told me not to trust anyone."

"I wonder if that included him," Pierce said. "Possibly your daughter."

Steve stared at the man for a long moment, clenching his jaw slightly.

"I'm sorry," the blonde stated. "Those were his last words."


INEZ sat in Sam's guest bedroom, reading her book. She was grateful for the fact that Sam let her be alone for a while, just needing time to process what had happened now that she was away from all the chaos of it all. It hadn't been that long since she had gotten to Sam's house, maybe about twenty minutes when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

She looked up from her book as her eyebrows furrowed. Something was wrong and she knew that.

"Oh merlin Dad's doing something reckless," the girl muttered before marking the page she was at with her bookmark.

She tossed her book back on the bed and walked out of the room. She saw Sam in the living room and decided to hang out there with him for a while. She needed something to distract her from the feeling that Steve was doing something that could possibly get him in trouble.

"Hey kid, you good?" Sam asked when he noticed the girl wrapping the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

"I just have this gut feeling that Steve's doing something reckless," Inez sighed as she looked up from her knees. "I don't know, it just happens sometimes."

Sam nodded in understanding and thought for a moment.

"Want to make something to eat? We can make pancakes or we could make a cake if you want."

Inez grinned as she agreed to the idea. It had been a long time since she had the chance to bake anything and wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to.


"ALL security cameras in the city go through this monitor right here. Scan all open sources, phones, computers, PDAs. Whatever," Sitwell spoke to a group of agents. "If someone tweets about this guy, I want to know about it."

"With all due respect, if S.H.I.E.L.D. is conducting a manhunt for Captain America, we deserve to know why."

There were murmurs of agreement to Sharon Carter's statement. Alexander Pierce entering the room caught everyone's attention as he spoke.

"Because he lied to us," he started. "Captain Rogers has information regarding the death of Director Fury. He refused to share it. As difficult as this is to accept, Captain America is a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. and by association so is his daughter. Finding her and bringing her in just might be the key to finding him."


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