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     ULTRON bots seemed to multiple in front of the team's eyes. Inez's first priority was to keep the people of Sokovia safe which made it difficult for her to fight off the bots around her. Her attention was divided as she ushered people to safety while also trying to take out the robots that attacked her and the people of Sokovia.

"Stay together!" The girl called out over her shoulder as she put up a shield around a large group of civilians that were near her.

With one hand occupied with holding up the shield, Inez's other hand was busy trying to take out as many bots as possible. Between flinging them into each other, throwing them to the ground, and firing energy blasts at the bots, Inez was pretty occupied.

Screaming caught the girl's attention and she turned around to see Ultron bots attacking her shield. She rolled her eyes before rushing over to the bots, jumping on one's back and holding her hand to its neck as she shocked it until it fell to the ground. Some of the other bots tried to attack the girl but within seconds they were on the ground and Pietro stood in front of her with a look of worry.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he held her face in his hands.

"I'm fine," she nodded before looking back at the people who were now rushing to evacuate the city. "How are we supposed to get all these people out of the city without any of them getting hurt?"

The girl got no response as the ground beneath them began to crack again. The pair grabbed onto each other, Pietro tugging Inez closer to him when the ground between them began to slip in half. They struggled to stand as the ground shook, both of them stumbling back to avoid the edge as the city began to rise.

More screaming was heard from practically every direction. Inez looked around and noticed a young girl gripping the edge of the city as she cried for help. Inez felt her heart drop at the sight and rushed over to the girl, grabbing onto her hand and knees as she tried to help her up.

"Hey sweetie, look at me," Inez smiled down at the girl. "You're going to be fine. I promise, okay? I'm going to help you up. Just stay calm."

The girl nodded but continued to cry which Inez understood. She was scared to. With one hand she pulled the girl and the other she used her telekinesis to help guide the girl up without getting cut by the jagged rocks. Once the girl was on the ground once again, she threw herself onto Inez in a hug which the brunette gladly returned.

"You're alright," she cooed as she ran her fingers through the girl's hair. "Let's get you somewhere safe."

Inez held the girl in her arms as her and Pietro tried to find some place for the girl. They managed to find the girl's mother who took her from them with a quick thank you before the two rushed off once again.

Inez found a trio of bots terrorizing a small group of civilians, throwing an energy blast at one of them to catch their attention. One of them grabbed her from behind by her shoulders and lifted her up in the air. The other came up in front of her and the girl took this as an opportunity to kick the bot's face and whatever else she could reach. The face of the bot was smashed in by the time it fell to the ground.

Reaching her arm back behind its neck, Inez pulled the Ultron bot over her shoulder as she threw both of them to the ground. They landed with Inez's leg on its neck which allowed her to shock the top of the robot's head until it malfunctioned and fell limp.

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