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      INEZ stood on the balcony and tried to stay away from the edge the best she could. Not only did she hate heights, but she hated heights when there was nothing to hold her if she fell. She did her best to keep the Chitauri from attacking the streets but knew that when she hit them, they would fall to the ground and cause damage that way. Nonetheless she sent energy blasts at as many of the creatures as she could.

As the young brunette continued to blast at any of the Chitauri that were in range, she tried to keep an eye out for any of the Avengers in case they needed her assistance. She spotted Loki chasing Nat who was on one of the creature's flying scooter things. Inez didn't have any other word to describe the vehicles so she decided that's how she would describe them to anyone who asked.

Suddenly there was an explosion and Loki was thrown from his vehicle. The God landed on the balcony several feet away from Inez, the girl screaming as she felt glass and rubble fly towards her. She didn't have time to protect herself and apparently her body chose this as the time for her cramps to kick in again.

"Oh, merlin I feel like I'm being torn apart," Inez groaned as she held her side.

"That might be because you are," Loki pointed out as he sat up from the ground.

Inez gave the God a look of confusion as she tilted her head. He motioned towards the girl's stomach where her shirt was mopping up blood. The brunette's eyes widened as she took notice of the crimson color her shirt was being stained.

"When did I get stabbed?"

"There seems to be quite a bit of blood so I would say a while ago child," Loki responded as he stood from the ground.

At that moment, the Hulk jumped onto the balcony with the God and witch. The green creature took in his surroundings before throwing Loki into the glass window of the Stark Tower. Inez stood in her spot as she watched, frozen. Sure, Loki was her friend but he was doing a bad thing. She just didn't want anyone close to her to get hurt.

She watched as Loki yelled at the Hulk, his eyes turning more a blue shade than the green they had been hours earlier, before the God was grabbed and thrown around like a ragdoll. The sight of the ground breaking made her squeak. She rushed into the room, doing her best to avoid any broken glass. She completely forgot that she was bleeding from her stomach.

"Hulk stop! That's enough," Inez spoke firmly as she approached him.

Hulk listened and dropped Loki before walking away, muttering under his breath. Inez slowly and cautiously approached the God on the ground. He groaned slightly as he laid there staring at the ceiling. He passed out which scared the young girl but she heard her name being called by Natasha and rushed out of the room.

"We need the scepter. Can you get it up here somehow?" The agent asked as she stared down at the girl from the top of the building.

"I'll find a way," Inez assured before picking up the scepter.

The scepter glowed a bright blue before it lifted the Carter girl from the ground she was standing on. She felt as if she was gaining power from the scepter but she ignored it as realized she was moving.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Don't tell Steve!" Inez yelled as she was lifted to the top of the building.

Stepping onto the platform, the brunette tossed Natasha the scepter. She had no idea what had just happened but didn't want to experience it again if she had the choice. Looking to her right, Inez saw a man who she assumed was the Doctor Selvig that was mentioned earlier. She waved with a smile at the man who gave an unsure smile back to the kid.

The man began setting up his computer as the other two waited for instructions. Inez kept a lookout for any rogue Chitauri that came their way and was told to blast them. She spotted three coming their way and rushed towards the edge. The Carter girl shoved both of her arms out, one towards Natasha and Selvig and the other towards the extraterrestrials. She put a shield around the two adults and as quickly as she could sent three beams of energy at the Chitauri. All three of the creatures began to fall to the ground before Inez put her force fields down.

"Right at the crown!" The Doctor told Nat as she began to shove the scepter into the portal.

"I can close it. Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down," the agent spoke to the team through the comms as she held the scepter in place. "Oh god."

Inez turned to the redheaded woman, feeling nervous at the tone of her voice. The Doctor and the Carter girl, who both didn't have comms connecting them to the rest of the Avengers, questioned the woman who looked anxious.

"Stark said there's a nuke coming and it's supposed to blow in less than a minute," Nat informed the pair who both looked at each other in worry. 

The three waited in anticipation for what was to happen. They stood there watching the sky for any signs of Tony or a bomb. After a short amount of time that felt like hours, Inez spotted Tony who seemed to be guiding the explosive towards Stark Tower before he curved up and towards the portal.

"Please be okay. Please be okay," Inez kept repeating under her breath as she waited for the man to fly out of the portal.

Her hands shook as she looked up at the sky and still saw no sign of the billionaire. Nat was given the order to close the portal which caused the young Carter girl to tense up. No one had seen Tony come back out of the sky until the moment the portal closed. Inez sighed and wrapped her arms around Natasha's midsection.

"We did it kid," the agent sighed with a soft smile and she hugged the girl. 


     INEZ stood in the Stark Tower with the seven Avengers and waited for Loki to regain consciousness. After a few moments Inez got tired of waiting and screamed at the top of her lungs. This scared Loki awake and he shot up from his lying position.

The God looked towards Inez and the Avengers to see the adults standing, with the exception of Clint who squatted to point an arrow at Loki's face, looking intimidating. Inez stood between Clint and Thor as she held a satisfied look on her face at successfully waking Loki up.

"Child did you ever figure out when you got stabbed?" The God asked as he noticed there was more blood on her shirt.

"Not yet. To be completely honest I forgot about that," Inez chuckled nervously as she gave an awkward thumbs up.

"Nez," Steve sighed as he shook his head.

Loki spoke up once again after a few moments of silence.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now."

When it was time, Inez was sad that Thor and Loki had to go back to Asgard but knew it was for the best. She would miss them greatly but Thor promised she would see them again and that's all she needed to hear. The two brothers promised to write to her while she was away at school which was more than enough for her. As the pair were about to leave for Asgard, Inez rushed up to them and brought them both into a hug.

"I shall see you soon child," Thor said before Inez stepped back and the two Asgardians left the Earth.

Inez moved to stand with Steve as the rest of the Avengers began to say their goodbyes. Natasha got the tightest hug out of all of them from Inez before the Carter girl and Steve made their way towards the man's motorcycle. The girl took her spot in the sidecar while Steve started the vehicle.

"Ready Nez?"

"Hell yeah!"


and that's the end
the avengers. now
onto the philosopher's
stone :)

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