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tw: mentions of mental illness and medication

     SITTING on her bed in her room at the Avengers Tower was not what Inez had planned for her Saturday. The different time zones between New York and Scotland confused her, especially with no traveling time. As soon as she had gotten to Dumbledore's office, she said goodbye to the headmaster and Professor McGonagall and used the floo network back to New York. When she appeared in the living room of the tower, Steve greeted her with a hug that she reluctantly returned.

She was still upset with her friends for telling the man about her issues which put her in a sour mood overall. She didn't want to take it out on her dad so she quickly excused herself to her room where she could be alone. It was early in the morning in New York, sometime near six. Inez had been sitting on her bed for a while, she wasn't entirely sure how long. She wanted to return to school and be a normal kid for once. Well, as normal as magical teens can be.

A knock was heard on her door and Inez looked up to see Wanda opening it just enough to peek through. The Maximoff girl smiled sheepishly at the Rogers girl as she fully stepped into the room.

"Your dad told me you were back for the weekend," she said as she closed the door behind her. "He didn't tell me why though. What happened?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now," Inez sighed as she looked forward toward her clothing rack. "I'll have to talk about it later with my therapist anyway so you can listen in then."

Wanda's lips turned downward into a deep frown that overtook her entire face. She hated seeing Inez like this, so down and upset. She hated that she didn't know how to help her. The girl took a seat next to her friend on the bed, leaning her head on her shoulder.

"I missed you," Wanda said quietly as her eyes flickered up to see Inez's face. "It's weird not having you around."

Inez stayed silent but rested her hand on the other girl's to assure her that she was listening to her. She rested her head against Wanda's and let out a deep sigh.

"Why're you up so early?" Inez asks after a few minutes of silence between the pair of girls. "Its only just after six."

"I have training at seven and Steve told me you were back," Wanda explained as she lifted her head from Inez's shoulder. "Want to come have breakfast with me? Or at least sit with me."

"Yeah, sure," Inez nodded slightly as she wrapped the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

She followed Wanda out of the room and through the many hallways of the tower. The two entered the kitchen together, Sam and Natasha greeting them with bright smiles.

"Hey sunshine," Nat said as she walked over to Inez who stood in the entryway. "It's good to see your face around here again."

Inez mustered up a small smile as she wrapped her arms around the redhead. She allowed the woman to squeeze her but knew that she would ask about what was wrong later. Sam came over to the pair once he had set down the bowl that was in his hands and cleared his throat in a joking manner.

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