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     NEWS of Ron and Harry arriving at school in the Weasley's flying car broke out fast around Hogwarts. Everyone was talking about it whether they thought it was the coolest thing to happen since Harry showing up at school the previous year or thinking that the pair should be expelled. Inez didn't think that the two should be praised for their actions but being expelled was going too far. She was just glad to see them at the Gryffindor table the next morning at breakfast.

The brunette sat with Cedric Diggory and Hannah Abbott at the Hufflepuff table as they ate their breakfast in peace. They weren't in a rush thankfully but the sound of yelling caught their attention. The three stared at the Gryffindor table where Ron had received a howler from his mother.

"If I were Ron I would have died on the spot," Inez said as the howler ripped itself to shreds.

Cedric and Hannah both nodded in agreement before they turned back to their breakfast. As they made small talk, Professor Sprout passed out their timetables for their classes. Inez looked hers over and tried her best to memorize her classes for the day.

"What classes did you sign up for this year?" Cedric asked the third year as he took a bite of toast.

"I decided on Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Alchemy," Inez responded as she saw Lee, Fred, and George running towards her table. "I think I'm about to be dragged away so I'll see you later."

Just like she assumed, the three boys pulled Inez away from the Hufflepuff table and into the hallway. She had no idea where they were going but she knew she was in for a ride.

"Guys I was trying to eat my toast," Inez pouted as George tugged on her hand.

"Too bad. This is better than toast!" Lee said excitedly as the four ran down the corridor.

The four stopped in the middle of one of the corridors where they were met with the sight of Mrs. Norris and Lady Loki hissing at each other. Inez stared in shock as Lady Loki pounced on Mrs. Norris and began to swipe at the other cat's face. The black cat continued to scratch at Filch's cat before Inez decided to intervene and grab her cat.

"Hey stop it!" The girl spoke firmly, causing Lady Loki to stop her attack.

Mrs. Norris took this opportunity to try and attack Lady Loki. Inez groaned as she shoved the caretaker's cat off of her own and picked up Lady Loki.

"There there angel. Let's get you out of here," Inez spoke gently to her cat as she walked back over to her friends.

The boys followed Inez as she walked back towards the Hufflepuff common room. When they reached the entrance, the girl sent her friends to the kitchens to grab her something else to eat as they took her away from her breakfast. While they did that, Inez took Lady Loki back to her dorm room.

"Alright my love. I need you to stay here or at least in the common room for me please. I don't want you getting into any more trouble," Inez said as she sat with the black cat in her lap. "I'll be back as soon as classes are over. I promise."

And with that, Inez left the dorm to meet back up with the boys.


     THE first Gryffindor quidditch practice of the term was early in the morning one morning. Fred and George had sent Inez an owl telling her to get up which annoyed her but still she got up and got ready to meet the Gryffindor team at the quidditch pitch. She tossed on George's quidditch jumper over a white button up collared shirt along with some light beige trousers and a brown belt. Once she walked out of the bathroom, she put on her brown heeled boots before scratching Lady Loki's head and heading out of her dorm room.

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