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     USING a jet from Dr. Cho's lab, Steve flew himself and the three teenagers to the Avengers tower. The three sat together, Pietro gripping onto Inez's hand as if it were a lifeline. Wanda had her head resting in Inez's lap as her hand that wasn't in the boy's was running through the girl's hair. They were anxious about what were to happen when they arrived at the tower but knew that they had to be ready.

Steve landed the jet and rushed the other three off as he quickly guided them through the building and to Tony's lab. They went unnoticed by both Bruce and Tony as they continued working on the Cradle.

"I'm gonna say this once," Steve said as he made the four's presence known.

"How about nonce."

Inez let out a deep sigh as the two went back and forth with each other. When Steve told the two scientists that they didn't know what they were doing, Bruce decided to speak up.

"And you do? She's not in either of your heads?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda said as she stepped out from behind Inez.

"Oh, we're way past that," Bruce stated. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

Inez gently pushed Wanda behind her as Steve stepped forward to try and reason with the man. Tony and Steve began to argue once again, Wanda interjecting as well. Inez tapped Pietro's shoulder and pointed to the tubes attacked to the Cradle. The boy took a deep breath as he looked around before speeding around the lab and messing several things up before finally unplugging the tubes.

"No, no. Go on," the boy said as he tossed the last tube to the side. "You were saying."

A gunshot rings through the air and Pietro begins to fall through the glass below him as Inez manages to form a shield below him to soften his landing. Wanda yelled out for her brother as he fell. Inez rushed over to the whole in the floor to see Clint standing next to Pietro.

"What? You didn't see that coming?"

One of the computers made a beeping noise and Tony said something about rerouting the upload. Steve threw his shield at the computer causing Tony to summon his hand blaster and aiming it at the man. Inez attempted to shield her dad as Tony blasted at him, managing to only soften his landing as he fell to the ground. Tony summoned the rest of his suit as Bruce grabbed onto to Wanda.

Clint ran up to the main floor with his gun in hand. Steve and Tony began fighting and Inez helped Pietro back to the main floor as Wanda freed herself from Bruce. Thor flew in at that moment, jumping on the Cradle before summoning lightning and allowing it to charge whatever was inside the Cradle.

Everyone else in the room watched anxiously for something to happen until the Cradle exploded and the entity lands on top of it. Pietro pulled Inez behind him as they watched it stand and look around the room. When its eyes landed on Thor, it lunged to attack but the god grabbed him and threw him through one of the glass walls. The red body stops itself just before it can go through the window, staring out at the city.

Everyone else rushes down to the see the entity's next move, Thor holding up his arm to tell them to wait. Thor set his hammer down before slowly approaching the other. It floats back to the ground as it creates clothing for itself.

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