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     BREAKFAST the day of quidditch matches was always fun for Inez but she was especially excited to have breakfast so close to Harry's Firebolt. She loved seeing Harry, Ron, and the twins so excited about the Potter boy's broom and quidditch. What she didn't love however was Draco Malfoy's voice and him attempting to ruin that joy.

"Sure, you can manage that broom, Potter?" The blonde boy asked coldly as he approached the Gryffindor table with his two friends.

Well, if he could even call Crabbe and Goyle friends. The pair really just followed him around and laughed at his poor attempts at jokes.

"Yeah, reckon so," Harry responded, not giving the Slytherin much attention.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it? Shame it doesn't come with a parachute," Malfoy said. "In case you get too near a dementor."

Inez rolled her eyes at the boy's taunt and his friends' laughing. If he wanted to try and make fun of Harry, Inez thought that he should try and at least be original. The fainting bit had gotten old in the girl's opinion and she had only been at school for barely over a month. The girl wanted to say something to the blonde boy but before she could even begin to think of something clever to say to him, Harry was speaking.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy. Then it could catch the Snitch for you."

Inez joined the Gryffindor team in laughing at the Potter boy's remark, the girl high fiving him from across the table. The blonde boy narrowed his eyes at the other boy before stalking away from the table. Inez rolled her eyes at the boy before turning her attention to George.

"Hey, did you bring your sweater for me to wear?" Inez asked the boy as he grabbed his glass of orange juice.

The boy nodded absentmindedly, his attention still mainly on Harry's Firebolt. George patted the spot next to him and Inez peaked over the table to see that it was sitting on the bench. She felt like maybe, just maybe things were finally beginning to heal. Max soon joined the group, sitting next to Inez as the Slytherin grabbed a slice of toast off of the girl's plate.

"So, I was thinking that since Gryffindor always has parties when they win, if they win today, we should sneak out and grab some stuff to drink. Oh, and get some snacks," Max spoke before taking a small bite of Inez's toast. "It would be fun to have a repeat of New Year's but with magical hangover remedies. What do you say?"

"Well, I say sounds fun to sneak out and for you all to drink," Inez took her toast back from Max causing the Slytherin to frown. "I also say I can't drink on my meds so it doesn't matter what I think at all."

Max's frown deepened as they turned their attention to the table in front of them. Inez took a bite out of her toast, setting it back on her plate before putting her attention on Harry, Ron, and the Potter boy's broomstick once again as she scooted down the bench to talk to the boys. George leaned in close to Max, whispering over to the other fifth year.

"Don't take it personally Max. I think she hates taking her meds. I overheard her talking to your brother this morning about any possible potions or something that can possibly take the place of them," the boy informed them. "Just, give her time to adjust."

"I know," Max sighed sadly. "I just, I worry about her."

"Me too," George sighed before smiling as Inez slid back down the bench toward him and Max. "How's your boys?"

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