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     INEZ sat anxiously in the quinjet as they got closer to where Steve and Loki were. She knew the man was more than capable of taking care of himself, but she still worried about him. She worried about everyone all the time even if she tried not to.

Natasha spoke over the PA system to Loki, telling him to stand down. The god in return attempted to blast the quinjet with his scepter but missed as Natasha steered it out of the line of fire. Inez gripped onto the arm of her seat as she was jerked to the side. She had no clear view of what was happening on the ground, but she knew Steve and Loki were fighting.

Suddenly there was an override on the PA system and there was a voice that spoke to Natasha. Inez sat up straighter as she looked at the woman who had a small smirk on her face.

"Who is it?" Inez questioned as she tried to get a look out the front of the aircraft.

"You'll see in a minute."

Once the quinjet landed on the ground, Steve and the guy in an iron suit brought Loki onto the aircraft and cuffed him. The man was introduced to Inez as Tony Stark, a name she recognized. She shook his hand before returning to her seat. After a few moments they took off once again and were heading back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Looking around her, Inez decided her best bet at conversation was the God across from her. She stood up and walked directly in front of him before plopping down onto the ground.

"Hi," Inez smiled up at Loki who looked at her in confusion.

"Hello child. What do you want?"

The smile on Inez's face faltered slightly before returning to her bright, large smile. She figured he would be hesitant to talk to her, but it still hurt slightly.

"No one else here really talks to me. I just thought it might be nice for the both of us to have someone to talk to," Inez shrugged as she wrapped the hem of her shirt around her thumb.

"Well, that is very kind of you child. I guess it would be alright if you talked to me," Loki spoke after a moment of thinking, his eyes changing from an ocean blue to a greenish color.

Inez's smile became even bigger if that was possible.

"I'm Inez. It's nice to meet you Mr. Loki, sir."

Loki looked at her confused for a moment.

"You know who I am?" Loki was genuinely shocked that she knew of his existence before meeting him.

Although she was with Captain America so maybe he should have expected it. Now that he was thinking about it, Loki was unsure of why he was so shocked that the child knew who he was.

"Of course, I do! My friends would be so jealous that I got to meet you. They're big on pranking and making life difficult for our teachers," Inez explained. "That's besides the point. Your pointy helmet was really cool. Do you think I could ever try it on?"

Loki stared at the girl for a moment as he wondered what she was doing here. Why would they let a child come with them? Especially a child that seemed to like the person they were after.

"Um I don't see a reason that can't happen," Loki spoke slowly. "Not that I don't love the company because trust me child I appreciate it, but what are you doing here?"

Inez sat for a moment thinking. What was she doing here? Steve could have hired a babysitter or even sent her to stay with the Weasley's while he took care of whatever this was. Sure, she would have been worried sick about him but still she wondered why she was here.

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