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     IT didn’t take long for news of Colin Creevey, a muggleborn first year in Gryffindor, being petrified the night after the quidditch match long to spread. Despite being a half blood, Inez still felt scared. She didn’t let anyone else know it but she let herself feel anxious about the events that were happening around Hogwarts.

It quickly became December, the second week of which Professor McGonagall came around collecting names of students who would be staying at school for the winter holiday. Inez and Steve already had plans to spend Christmas together so she just passed the list to the person next to her.

The week after that it was posted on the notice boards that there would be a dueling club. It interested Inez until just hours before the first meeting she had found out that Professor Lockhart was the one who would be teaching. The twins and Lee had managed to convince her to go to the meeting. However, they arrived late and barely managed to watch Snape disarm Lockhart, causing the Ravenclaw professor to hit the wall and land on the floor.

“Nobody speak for a minute. I need to memorize that image for the future,” Inez giggled as she stared at the man on the ground.

After Lockhart went on for a few moments about demonstrating, him and Snape went around pairing students up to practice dueling each other. Lockhart paired Inez with Fred while George was paired with Lee.

The pairs stood near each other and tried to hit each other with disarming spells. The four ended up just messing around until they heard Lockhart calling out for everyone to stop. Snape shouted out an incantation that rid all the students of whatever jinxes that had been hit with.

Inez looked over to where she heard someone crying out in pain and spotted Millicent Bulstrode, a second year Slytherin, with Hermione in a headlock. Harry rushed over and tried to pry the large girl off of Hermione while Inez stayed where she stood and sent out a small stream of energy towards the Slytherin girl. Millicent let go of Hermione and instead rested her hands on her head causing Inez to stop the stream of energy.

“I think I’d better teach you how to block unfriendly spells,” Professor Lockhart said with a glance around the room.

He started to call up Justin, a second year Hufflepuff, and Neville but was stopped by Snape.

“Longbottom causes devastation with the simplest spells. We’ll be sending what’s left of Finch-Fletchley up to the hospital wing in a matchbox.”

Neville went bright pink while George had to hold Inez back, one hand clamped over her mouth and his other arm around her waist, to keep her from yelling at the potions professor. Harry and Draco Malfoy were called up instead to demonstrate which Inez felt was just because Lockhart didn’t want to bruise his ego by losing to Snape.

Inez spaced out for a few moments until she heard Malfoy call out a spell and suddenly there was a snake on the floor between the blonde and Harry. Snape went to vanish the snake when Lockhart insisted. However, the man ended up using the wrong spell and the snake flew into the air and then fell back to the ground. The snake made its way towards Justin Finch-Fletchley with its fangs exposed.

Harry walked towards the snake and began speaking if you could even call it that. He was hissing and looking at the snake, concentrating. Inez and everyone else in the Great Hall watched in either awe or terror as the snake moved away from Justin and looked towards Harry. The messy haired boy looked towards the Hufflepuff with a smile which dropped when he saw the anger on his face.

“What do you think you’re playing at?”

Justin quickly turned and stormed out of the room while Harry watched in shock. After a moment Ron grabbed onto his best friend and steered him out of the Great Hall. Inez didn’t know what had just happened but knew it wasn’t good.

Inez was sitting in McGonagall’s class for Transfiguration the next day when she heard Peeves yelling. There had been another attack. The professor ran out of the room and her students quickly followed despite being told to stay put. They found Justin Finch-Fletchley petrified along with Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor ghost.

McGonagall ordered all the students in the hallway back to their classrooms, most of which reluctantly left the hall. Inez followed her class back into the empty classroom and they all began to speak to each other about what had just happened.  


     WHILE Inez found Fred and George’s jokes about Harry being the heir of Slytherin hilarious she also knew that some people didn’t realize they were just jokes. She was just glad that the jokes made Harry feel somewhat better about the situation. The girl’s favorite bit that the twins had come up with so far was the one about Harry’s fanged servants in the Chamber of Secrets that were waiting to have tea with the boy.

Thankfully the term ended quickly and she was home with Steve.

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