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INEZ wasn't used to living without her parents. They were everything to her and now they were gone. Sure, she knew she had her friends by her side but there was only so much that they could do to help her cope with the loss of her parents. She was just glad that she had somewhere to go now that Steve Rogers was appointed her new guardian. Inez knew that she hadn't met him, but he knew her grandmother, Peggy, very well.

She was sitting on the train with her friends, anxious to see the man who would be taking care of her. The brunette wanted to make a good first impression but between her nervous thoughts and shaking hands she wasn't sure she'd be able to do that.

"Nezzie you okay?" Lee asked as he waved his hand in front of her face.

"I'm so nervous, I feel like I'm going to be sick," Inez spoke as she put her face in her hands.

The three boys with her exchanged looks before looking back at the girl. Lee, who was sitting next to her, patted Inez's back gently. The three reassured her that she would be fine and that she had nothing to worry about. She nodded her head, agreeing with them but she knew there were so many things that could go wrong.

As the train pulled into the station, Inez sighed heavily, not ready to leave her friends. She loved her friends more than anyone could imagine. The four grabbed their trunks and began making their way off of the train. They spotted Mrs. Weasley, Fred and George's mother, first and made their way over to her.

Inez had spent the Christmas holiday with the family after hearing the news about her mother and father, the Weasley's welcoming her with open arms. Molly even made her a sweater for Christmas which made the girl cry a bit, not that anyone mentioned it.

"There you four are!" The woman exclaimed with a large smile.

Inez was the first to reach Mrs. Weasley as she was pulled into a tight hug. The brunette wrapped her arms around the woman and squeezed as tightly as she could.

"Oi, you know you're our mother, right?" One of the twins cried out as they rushed over to the hugging pair.

Molly rolled her eyes at her two sons before embracing them. Lee got a hug as well before he left to find his parents. He told Inez that he would be back before he left to make sure that this Steve guy was good enough to be taking care of one of his best friends. The girl laughed before shoving him in the direction of his parents.

"Inez, dear, is someone going to be here for you?" Mrs. Weasley asked once she had finished greeting her other son, Percy.

"Yes, a family friend from America is supposed to be picking me up," Inez replied as she looked around the crowded platform.

"She's been so nervous we thought she would be sick," George piped in as him and his twin snickered.

"Oh you poor thing."

Inez ignored the voices of the Weasley's when she spotted the six-foot two man looking around the platform. The two made eye contact and Inez felt her hands begin to shake once again. She quickly made her way over to the man, leaving her trunk with the twins. She stood in front of the man and stuck her hand out for him to shake.

hurricane [marvel x harry potter crossover]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang