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tw for eating habits and teen drinking

     CHRISTMAS was different than normal. Inez felt empty inside despite the cheery holiday and the presence of the Avengers. Conan, Max, and their moms accepted Steve's invitation to join them all for the entire holiday that the kids had off of school. The adults wanted Inez to know people were there for her and she did know that. She just had this hole in her that felt like it would never leave. She wanted nothing more than to feel like she did before she was taken. Before her life fell apart.

Her, Conan, Max, and Wanda sat in Inez's room together, the two girls leaning against each other on Inez's bed while the siblings lay on the ground, staring up at the girls. They were listening to some of the records Inez had but otherwise sat in silence.

"Cedric sent me a letter for you," Conan said out of the blue as he tilted his head in Inez's direction. "He misses you."

Inez looked down at Conan and felt her lips twitch slightly at the mention of the Diggory boy.

"I miss him too," she said quietly as she thought of the boy. "Where's the letter?"

Conan stood up from the floor, excusing himself to quickly grab the letter. Inez felt her phone buzz and looked down at it to see that Steve had texted her. She opened it and saw a message saying that her therapist was here for their session and let out a loud sigh. Max and Wanda looked in her direction as she began to get up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Max asked as they sat up.

"My therapist is here," Inez explained as she slipped on her slippers. "Let Conan know to just leave the letter on my nightstand. I'll read it when I'm done. I'll be back in like an hour or so."

Therapy that day was different than normal. It started the same as always, Inez not wanting to open up. She kept her talking to the bare minimum as she tried to avoid eye contact with her therapist. About ten minutes in though, Inez burst into tears as she recounted what had happened when Pietro died. She went on a tangent about how she felt like a horrible person because of the fact that before she was kidnapped she was with George but then was with Pietro.

She felt like a horrible person because of everything that happened and how it all went down.

Her therapist and she talked through it and all the feelings the girl had on the inside that she kept hidden away. She had never shared these thoughts with anyone before and it was a struggle for her to open up about them. Her therapist managed to help her verbalize and express everything that was bugging her.

Inez knew that Steve wouldn't let her go back to school until her therapist thought that she was doing better so she decided to try and actually make progress. She wanted to see her friends and get away from all the things that reminded her of Pietro. She wanted to have something to keep her mind occupied that actually would matter in her future. She needed to get away.

Once Inez's therapist dismissed her for the day, the girl made her way to the kitchen to grab a snack. She opens the fridge and looks around for a moment before staring blanking at the contents. A voice drew her attention away from the food, startling her.

"Staring at it won't make anything change," Sam stood leaning against the doorway with a soft smile as Inez turned to look at him.

"I don't know what I want," the girl said quietly as she looked back at the refrigerator.

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