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     STRAPS were secured around the girl's arms along with her legs. She felt someone holding her head up as they opened her mouth to put a mouth guard between her teeth. The hands continued to rest on her face to hold it up until she held metal replace the hands.

In her delirious state, the girl wondered how she had even gotten into this situation. She tried to think of the last thing she remembered but all she could remember was little flashes of memories.

There was flashes of a woman and man playing with a younger version of herself. A blonde man making pancakes. Her and a redhaired boy dancing in the rain. Her and more redhaired boys along with a messy haired boy in a flying car. Throwing cake at a man. Making cupcakes with a set of kids and a couple. The blonde man once again appeared in her memory's unconscious in a hospital bed with cuts and bruises.

A jolt was felt in the girl's head as she let out a scream that was muffled by the mouth guard in her mouth. She felt another one as she continued to scream, her memories fading to the back of her mind before she suddenly couldn't recall what she had just thought about moments before.

The jolts ceased and the girl's eyes opened, scanning the room she was in. She looked into the eyes of the girl who stood in front of her, both of their eyes flashing red. The girl strapped down felt someone entering her mind and attempted to push them out. The standing girl grimaced as she attempted to read the other girl's mind.

"Just let me help you," a voice rang in the girl's mind. "Don't shut me out. It will end badly for both of us."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Wanda. I've learned your name is Inez."

"Where are we?" Wanda heard Inez's in her mind. "What's happened to me?"

"We're in Sokovia. They told me we're helping you. You're like me and my brother. You're special."

A man entered the room, demanding Wanda to tell him what he saw in the other girl's mind. Wanda told him that she had no memories of her past which seemed to satisfy the man. He ordered for the other men in the room to unstrap the girl and escort her and Wanda to the cells.

Inez's eyes scanned the halls as the men guided her to the cells. She was put in one that was one away from the girl that called herself Wanda. There was a small window about five and a half feet above the ground. The girl was sat on the cot in the corner and she was quick to curl up.

She couldn't remember anything about her life. If Wanda had not told the girl her own name, she would not know it. That was if Inez even was her name. She felt stupid. She didn't know who she was or anything about herself. She stared at the wall as she tried to think of what her life could have possibly been like before she arrived here.

Where her parents worried about her? Did she even have parents? What if she was an orphan? Did she have any siblings? She wondered if she was happy with her life before now. If there was anything she would change. Did she like someone? What if she had a pet and it needed her?

She had spent what felt like hours trying to come up with something that could be true about herself but came up with nothing. So, she decided to come up with something that could be her true life in a different reality.

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