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     FINDING Inez who had locked herself in the hall closet was not what Natasha expected when she went looking for one of Lila's toys. The redhead had opened the door, furrowing her eyebrows when she saw the girl sitting in the closet with her hands clamped over her ears and her eyes skewed shut. Nat squatted down to sit in front of the girl, pulling her hands away from her ears.

Inez felt someone grab her and grabbed their arm, twisting it behind them until she realized it was in fact just Natasha. She immediately let go of the woman's arm as she apologized profusely. The palms of her hands now moved to dig into her closed eyes as she felt them begin to water again.

Nat pulled the girl's hands away from her face and held them in her own as she stared at the girl in front of her. She used one hand to brush a section of hair out of Inez's face before it returned to holding the girl's hand once more.

"What are you doing in here?" Nat asked as she shifted to sit with her legs crossed. "Why are you isolating yourself from everyone else?"

"It was too loud," the girl spoke quietly as she lifted her shoulders to press her left ear against her left shoulder. "I'm not used to hearing a lot of people. I couldn't hear myself think."

"Did they keep you somewhere quiet?" Nat asked gently as she pushed the door to stay barely cracked, the noise from within the house drowning out slightly.

"It was only the three of us there and we only left the cells when they wanted to do experiments or tests our abilities. It was always quiet even when we talked to each other. Loud noises have been hard to stand now."

Natasha nodded as she leaned forward to pull the girl closer to her, Inez now sitting next to the red-haired woman as she leaned against her side. The brunette used her hand that wasn't in Nat's to wipe under her eyes as she felt the tears pour over.

"I'm so scared Nattie," the girl closed her eyes as she leaned her forehead against the woman's upper arm. "I don't even know what part was me. They took away who I was but what if I just became who I really am deep down? I helped Ultron but I didn't want to. I couldn't leave them alone with him. I couldn't do that. Not after everything Pietro did for me."

"It's not your fault sweetie. You said it yourself. They took away who you were. You did what you had to do to stay alive and that's all you could do. Who you are is the sweetest girl I have ever met. You will never be what those people wanted you to be. The light in you is too bright to be turned off and become one of them. Nez, nothing that has happened if your fault."

"I messed up big time this time," Inez let out a dry, humorless chuckle as she leaned her head against the wall behind her.

"Nez, I told you-"

"I love him, Nat."

The woman was silent as she looked down at the girl. She nodded in understanding as she pulled the girl tighter into her side. Inez sighed as she leaned her head against Natasha's shoulder as the two sat there in silence. Neither knew what to say after Inez's confession, nothing seeming to be the right words.

"I missed you a lot," Inez said after some time of sitting in silence. "I couldn't remember anything for the longest time and then every once in a while I would get these random memories, only at the time I didn't know they were memories. Even when I couldn't remember who I was, I remembered the things you've taught me. I was able to trick Ultron because the entire time I was with him, all I could think about was you saying 'Conceal your emotions. Don't let them know what you're thinking.' What you taught me kept me alive."

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