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     WAKING up the next morning was difficult for most of the group but mainly Inez who was the least used to the time difference between Scotland and America. She had been woken up by Max walking out of the restroom after getting ready for class. The Slytherin had the first class out of the group that spent the night in the dorm, having a double Care of Magical Creatures class that started at nine in the morning.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Max smiled at the girl. "I just have to get down to breakfast since I have a double today. After that though, I don't have anything else today so I'll help you work on getting caught up for divination."

Inez smiled lazily at her friend, thanking them quietly so as to not wake George and the others up from their slumbers. She shifted out of George's arms to get out of bed and move toward her bag.

"How long do you have to get down to breakfast before you have to get to class?" She asked as she picked up her bag and began shuffling through it.

"Enough time for you to get changed and ready," Max smiled as they lightly pushed Inez toward the bathroom.

Inez laughed lightly at the push before making her way into the restroom to change and brush her teeth and hair. She didn't allow herself to take her time getting ready so that she didn't slow Max down more than she already was. The girl walked out of the bathroom within three minutes of going in and dropped her bag off where she left it the night before.

The pair left the twins dorm room together and made their way down to the common room where Harry and Ron were also on their way down to breakfast. Inez called out for them to wait for her and they stopped in their tracks as they looked back.

"What classes do you two have today?" Inez asked as the four exited the common room together.

"Divination and then Care of Magical Creatures," Harry responded as he lifted his bag higher up on his shoulder. "What about you two?"

"I have double Care of Magical Creatures and that's all today," Max responded as they wrapped their arm around Inez.

"I have divination an hour after lunch and that's it," Inez sighed as she leaned into Max's side. "I'm thinking of dropping something to make it easier to catch up on work. I'll just have to see."

"You are literally taking arithmancy because you like the sound of the word," Max reminded the girl with an eye roll. "Please do everyone a favor and drop it before you hate yourself for ever taking it in the first place. Co can barely keep up with it."

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Ron asked as he stared at the girl. "Arithmancy is awful."

"Hey, like Max said, I like saying arithmancy. It's a cool word."

The three others rolled their eyes at the girl's antics but nonetheless accepted the fact that she would take whatever classes she wanted. They continued walking to the Great Hall for breakfast, nobody saying anything else. Being the first day back to classes after the holiday, everyone was exhausted and just wanted to return to bed.

The four sat together at the Gryffindor table, eating quietly. Max and Inez were both still exhausted from barely sleeping the night before and Ron and Harry were still mourning the Potter boy's Firebolt being confiscated. Inez poked her food around her plate as she rested her chin on her hand.

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