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     THE next morning, news of how Harry Potter had defeated Professor Quirrell who had Lord Voldemort on the back of his head. For three days the students and professors waited for the boy to wake up. Many sent him cards or small gifts. Inez sent him a card along with some sweets that Lee had gotten her on his last Hogsmeade visit.

Fred and George had tried to send the boy a toilet seat which Madam Pomfrey had decided was too unhygienic and confiscated it. Inez laughed for minutes and the healer had to have the twins and Lee escort the girl out of the hospital ward.

The first time Inez saw Harry after he gained consciousness was at the End of the Year feast. She spotted sitting with Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table. The Great Hall was covered in green and silver in honor of Slytherin winning the house cup. Again.

In fourth place for the house cup was Gryffindor with a total of three hundred and twelve house points. In third was Inez’s house, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two house points. Second was Ravenclaw with a total of four hundred and twenty-six points. And obviously first was Slytherin with four hundred and seventy-two points. 

The Slytherins began cheering and being a rowdy bunch. Inez wished they would be quiet and wondered how Dumbledore hadn’t found a way for Gryffindor to win with favoritism towards Harry being obvious. Dumbledore began talking once again which made Inez realize she spoke too soon. The headmaster said he had some final last-minute points to reward.

“To Ron Weasley for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points,” the bespectacled man announced.

Inez looked over to Cedric Diggory who was on her left and whispered, “All I had to do was play chess and I could have gotten us fifty house points? Oh, not to mention be a Gryffindor.”

The boy laughed as Dumbledore announced that Hermione got her house another fifty points for the “use of cool logic in the face of fire.” The headmaster then gave Gryffindor sixty more points because Harry had “pure nerve and outstanding courage.”

“Another year everyone else is overlooked so that Slytherin and Gryffindor can shine,” Inez sighed as she rested her chin on her hand.

The Gryffindors and Slytherins were now tied with each other. The room was silent as Dumbledore spoke once more.

“There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”

The man then rewarded Gryffindor ten more points on behalf of Neville for standing up for himself. Inez was proud of the boy but was upset that no one else ever got rewarded points for the same reasons as the four first years. 

How many times did Inez have to find a way to put out fires that the twins started? Countless times? Was she ever awarded points for that? No. In fact most of the time she got points taken from Hufflepuff for being associated with her friends. 

How many times has the Hufflepuff girl stood up for herself against people? A bunch and even more so after she found out about her powers. She was never awarded anything for that and was encouraged by certain teachers to shake the disrespectful person's hand and forget about it. 

The Great Hall erupted in cheers from the Gryffindor table. Inez sent Lee, Fred, and George a forced smile from her spot at the Hufflepuff table. Just once, she wanted her house to get the respect it deserved.

The next morning Inez ate breakfast with her Hufflepuff friends. She was sad to have to leave school as she wouldn’t be able to see the twins and Lee every day but knew she would get to see Steve and the Barton’s when she got back to America.

After a train ride that felt way too short, Inez was on Platform Nine and Three Quarters waiting for the guard to let her and the others off the platform. Her and her friends were meeting their families on the muggle platform since Harry’s uncle and aunt didn’t know how to get onto the magical platform. About a minute after Fred and George left Platform Nine and Three Quarters, the guard let Inez and Lee through.

The girl grabbed Lee’s hand in her left hand and her trunk handle in her right. The pair ran at the barrier and were suddenly at King’s Cross Station. They quickly moved out of the way so they didn’t get hit by other students exiting the platform.


The Carter girl felt a weight hit her and she almost fell backwards. Realizing it was Ginny who had jumped on her, Inez picked the younger girl up and hugged her.

“It’s so good to see you Little Red,” the brunette said while she set the redhead back on the ground.

Inez greeted Molly and Arthur as well before rushing off to bid farewell to Harry. She knew the boy had it rough at home and wanted to let him know that there were people that were there for him. She needed it last year and she wanted to make sure anyone who felt something similar to her knew they were cared about.


The Carter girl whipped her head around, her hair hitting Harry in the face. The girl spotted a redheaded woman and smiled. Running up to Natasha, Inez squealed.

“I can’t believe you’re here! Oh my god I’ve missed you so much,” the girl spoke in excitement, refusing to let go of the woman.

“It’s good to see you kid. You’re going to be staying with Barton very soon,” Nat informed the girl with a smile.

Inez pumped her fists in the air before dragging the agent towards her friends. The woman informed Inez that it was just herself picking the girl up today as Steve was doing something for S.H.I.E.L.D. The Carter girl frowned before putting on a smile when she stood in front of the Weasley’s.

“Nat these are my friends and their family. There’s Fred and George, the twins I told you about, their little brother, Ron. Then there’s their other brother, Percy, and their sister, Ginny. Then their parents, Molly and Arthur. Guys this is Natasha. She works with Steve,” Inez introduced the ex-assassin to her friends.

Nat waved at the other redheads with a smile. Molly brought the other woman into a hug before Arthur shook the woman’s hand. The three chatted for a few minutes while Inez said her goodbyes to the kids. She was sad to go as she wouldn’t get to see Steve for a couple days but was excited to see Clint and his family. 

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