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OCTOBER came quicker than Inez realized as the stormy weather and muddy ground came in full swing. The girl spent her days working on homework and hanging out with the boys as well as Ginny. She tried her best to make the younger girl feel comfortable but it seemed like the more time she spent with Ginny the more stressed and annoyed the redhead became. So, Inez decided to spend less time with the girl as she felt she embarrassed the ginger.

Fred and George had convinced the brunette to join them in spying on the Slytherin team's quidditch practice. They managed to sneak up to the commentator's box when they saw the team go into the changing room and hid there until they went out onto the pitch and began their practice.

"Oh shit. They're fast," Inez said as she stared at the seven Slytherin boys flying through the air.

"There is no way anyone can beat them with those brooms," George scoffed as the three of them continued to watch the team practice.

"Let's get out of here," Fred told the other two before the three of them booked it out of the stands.

They made their way back to the castle as it began to rain, making Inez smile. She stopped in her tracks in front of the boys and turned around to look at them.

"I refuse to dance in the rain," Fred said immediately when he noticed the look on Inez's face. "George you're up. I'll be in the common room."

Fred ran off towards the castle which left George and Inez by themselves. George smiled at the girl before grabbing her hands and spinning the two of them around in circles. Inez laughed as the pair spun around together, ignoring the rain and cold biting at their skin. They were having the time of their lives and that's all that mattered to them.

Eventually Inez noticed the way that George shivered and the way that his bottom lip trembled and decided that it was time for them to head back into the castle. Inez was slightly sad to go inside as she wasn't cold but knew that George was drenched in rain and freezing.

"Seriously, how are you not freezing right now?" George asked the girl as the two of them walked into the castle.

"I'm not sure but it's great. Hey let's meet up in a while to get hot chocolate in the kitchens," Inez suggested as they passed a group of older Ravenclaws.

"Yeah. See you there in forty-five minutes?"

"See you then."

Inez took her time drying off and changing as her body felt tired from the sneaking around and dancing. She found her wand and did a hair drying spell that one of the older girls had taught her during her first year. It always came in handy during the damper times of the year. Inez laid on her bed for the remainder of her free time before having to meet up with George again.

When Inez had finally walked into the kitchens after tickling the pear in the portrait, she was feeling less tired than she had felt previously. She walked more into the room and sat at one of the tables as one of the house elves ran up to her, asking what she would like.

"I'll have two hot chocolates please. No rush," Inez smiled at the house elf before they rushed away.

Inez heard the portrait whole swing open and turned to see George, Fred and Lee shoving each other around as they laughed. The girl lightly laughed at the three before she called over the house elf who had greeted her when she had first arrived to request two more hot chocolates.

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