The Weasley Twins One Shot Bo...

By EclipseBrock

1.1M 19.8K 8.6K

A bunch of relationship situations I wondered how the Weasley Twins would handle. This is strongly how I'd pr... More

Prompt Disclaimer
George Weasley: Touch
George Weasley: Scars
Fred Weasley: Starving
Fred Weasley: Jealous
George Weasley: Thief
George Weasley: Vulnerability
Fred Weasley: Held
Fred Weasley: Sleepy
George Weasley: Alcohol
George Weasley: Bullied
Fred Weasley: Music
Fred and George: The Deal
Fred Weasley: Mischief
George Weasley: Fights
George Weasley: Kids
Fred Weasley: Help
Fred Weasley: Unbelievable
George Weasley: Repairo
George Weasley: Mumbles
Fred Weasley: Signs
Fred Weasley: Ill
Little Weasley :: S1 P1 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: S1 P2 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: Last Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Protector
Fred Weasley: Ouch
George Weasley: Careful
Fred Weasley: Panic
Fred Weasley: Cry
George Weasley: ily
The Little Weasley :: S2 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 Last Part :: George Weasley
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part One
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part Two
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Last Part
George Weasley: Sad
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Part One
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Last Part
Fred Weasley: Paralyzed
Fred Weasley: Backfired
George Weasley: Rest
George Weasley: Worried
Fred Weasley: Boring
Fred Weasley: Towers
George Weasley: Called Out
The Little Weasley :: S3 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S3 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: Final Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Posessive
George Weasley: Fever
George Weasley: Take Your Pain
Fred Weasley: Come Home to Me
George Weasley: Pretty Girl
Fred Weasley: No More Secrets
Fred Weasley: Eleven Years
George Weasley: Can't Sleep
George Weasley: Kiss Me
Fred Weasley: Change of Perspective
Fred Weasley: Impulse Control
George Weasley: Once Upon A Time
George Weasley: Your Kind of Pretty
Fred Weasley: Behave Yourself
Fred Weasley: Whine
George Weasley: Little Love
George Weasley: Stains
Fred Weasley: You're Safe
Fred Weasley: Not That Drunk
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P1|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P2|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P3|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |Final|
George Weasley: Lost and Found
George Weasley: Just Tell Me
George Weasley: Just Tell Me || P2
Fred Weasley: Oops?
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P1
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P2
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P3
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P4
Fred Weasley: In My Way || Final Part
George Weasley: They're Okay
George Weasley: Snooze the Day Away
Fred Weasley: Parallel Minds
Fred Weasley: Flinch
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P1
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P2
Fred Weasley: I'm Right Here
Announcement !!

George Weasley: Promised

12.9K 234 182
By EclipseBrock

Prompt: the war ended. and apparently so did the life you once knew. what you didn't know, is that the man who loved you hasn't ever stopped looking for you. all the characters who died in the movies, are still alive in this.

"Hey, dad," You tiredly walked down the stairs of the cabin you and your stepfather, Remus, had slipped away to after the war. You both were exhausted, not to mention your stepmother, Nymphadora, had just had your younger step brother Teddy.

Your birth parents had been murdered when you were young as Voldemort had begun to rise for the war. Remus, who was your professor at the time, saw an opportunity to show his favorite, most hard working student just how much she meant to him. So he adopted you.

"Hello, dear, your father and I need you to watch over Teddy today, yeah? We have an important meeting to attend at the office."

"Okay," You smiled as your mother handed Teddy to you, who grinned up at you. "Hi, Teddy! You wanna play with your blocks or something?"

"Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed, clapping his small hands with excitement. Your parents kissed Teddy's head goodbye and did the same for you.

"We love you. Lock the door after we leave. Don't answ-"

"Don't answer the door to a knock because you two have keys and you won't need to knock," You nodded, making your parents smile. "I know. I love you guys."

"We love you too."

Just like that, they left, got in the car, and drove off. It's safe to say that your family had taken to a muggle lifestyle, and lived in the small town of Alfriston. Just to make sure there wasn't any chance of being traced.

The crime rate in the wizarding world skyrocketed after the war because of the fact that many of Voldemort's followers were either imprisoned or murdered. The argument was that they didn't have a choice, that their families were threatened and they had to join his army to keep them safe.

Which was a valid argument, but regardless of their heroic actions to save their families, many of those members still murdered those of the good side. Which deserved punishment regardless. So it's safe to say that there are riots and crimes being committed often.

As you would expect, after a war. It's not as perfect as everyone would have expected. It's real.

Distracting you from your thoughts, Teddy began building a large tower with the large, multicolored blocks that you had bought him for his third birthday. He had just begun to get curious about what he could do with his hands, so you bought him something that would encourage his brain to work and keep him the creative and curious boy he is.

"That's a beautiful tower, Teddy," You smiled, sitting on the floor with him. You began building your own tower with the blocks. You weren't allowed to use magic around Teddy until he was old enough to understand it safely. But, you couldn't help it when all of the blocks ran out and he gave you that puppy face.

With a swish of your wand, another large pile of blocks appeared between you two. Teddy squealed in excitement and clapped, absolutely beaming up at you. "Tank you!!"

"You're welcome, buddy," You kissed his head and stroked his soft blue hair, then watched lovingly as your little brother began picking up the blocks and adding to his tower. Only, one wrong misplaced blue block and the tower toppled over and the blocks exploded everywhere.

Instead of crying like you would expect, Teddy suddenly burst out laughing and eventually laid back on his back, still giggling. He must have thought that was hilarious. You laughed too.

"Teddy, you're a goofball," You grouped all of the blocks together in the middle again. Teddy stood up and wobbled over to your tower. His eyes met yours for a second, as if to ask permission. When you nodded and sat back, he grinned mischievously and knocked your tower. The blocks crashed against each other loudly as they tumbled to the floor.

Just as you expected, Teddy completely lost it once again and just started cracking up. You couldn't help but laugh as well.

"So you find destruction funny," You joked, beaming at your little brother, once again on his back on the floor just laughing. "That's probably not good, buddy."

Eventually, an hour and a half after building block towers with Teddy and knocking them down, he grew hungry. So, you prepared some macaroni and cheese for the two of you and set the dishes to wash themselves. Again, breaking your parents' rule of not using magic around Teddy.

You and your parents disagreed on the fact that was magic and Teddy. You thought it best for him to grow up with it and around it and see it. Whereas they thought it was best for him to learn about it when he's old enough to properly understand it. They didn't want any chance of him being encouraged to use it immaturely or improperly.

Which was valid, and that's why you never let him do any magic of any sort. Even though he was a little wizard himself. You used it around him because you could use it properly and understood what to do should something happen or go wrong.

As you and Teddy ate lunch, you thought about what it would be like for Teddy to gain his magical education. The rebuilding of Hogwarts was still in progress, at least that's what you've known for the past three years. You have no idea if it's been completely rebuilt by now. You would assume not, considering Hogwarts is a whole castle. But, then again, you've seen magic do amazing things.

You started thinking about what Hogwarts used to be when you attended it, which led to you falling down the rabbit hole of your school memories there with friends and family and... lovers. You shook your head and winced, sighing, trying to shake yourself out of those memories before they took you too far.

"Sis otay?" Teddy asked, a light pucker on his face.

"Yeah, Ted," You rubbed his cheek. "You done there? You ate fast."

Teddy looked down at his belly and rubbed it. "Full."

"Yeah? I'd hope so. I gave you more than I gave myself, hungry boy," You picked him up out of his high chair and carried him to the living room. Sitting on the rocking chair, you snatched one of his blankets from the couch next to the chair and draped it over him as Teddy cuddled into your chest.

Soon, he had drifted off to sleep in your arms. It's moments like these that make you imagine what it would be like to be a mother. Having a small human on your hip all the time, caring for them and loving them. Disciplining them when it came to it. You hadn't wanted to be a mother. It wasn't really in your plans, but caring for your little brother like you have been might just be changing that.

You remember telling yourself that the only person you'd ever have kids with would be your future husband should you even get married. It's safe to say that when you were in school, the only plans you had were caring for yourself and making sure you were safe and sound financially and career-wise.

That was, until you met a certain goofy redhead that flipped your world upside down, but not in a bad way. He swept you off your feet and redefined what you thought life was. What you thought love was.. Hell, he had to show you what true love was to begin with. Especially after you lost your parents.

Since Teddy was asleep, you let yourself feel emotion without having to worry about Teddy being upset because you were upset. That's how it usually happens.

Your eyes filled with tears as you remembered those perfect, quiet little moments with him. With your George. Times you'd have panic attacks about your parents and Voldemort. George would pull you into his arms on the couch in front of the fire, open a book, and read to you with a soft voice as you safely drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice and his heartbeat. The warmth of the fireplace soothing you just as much as his embrace did.

You remember his brothers teasing him about how flustered he'd get whenever you'd kiss his cheek or take his hand in person. He wasn't much for physical touch in public, but he knew touch was your love language. So he got used to it and trained himself in the knowledge of that, with Hermione's help, to make you feel as loved as he could. He put his own uncomfortability aside to make you feel loved. And to you, that said more than words could ever say.

The sound of the front door opening snapped you out of your thoughts. Your parents smiled seeing Teddy asleep, and thanked you for taking care of him while they were out. Nymphadora took Teddy into her arms, then walked him upstairs to hers and Remus' bedroom where his crib was, and shut the door behind herself to put Teddy down to continue his nap.

You wiped the tears from your eyes, which earned you a concerned look from your father.

"You alright there, love?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah," You stood up, setting Teddy's blanket aside. You slipped your hands into your pockets and forced the emotion down like you always have. "Just got into overthinking."

"About what? Sit down."

You sat next to your father on the couch, who wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"I just got to thinking about my life at Hogwarts and my friends. How much I miss everyone."

"I'm sure you miss them. There isn't a day I don't think about teaching classes at Hogwarts and spending time with the other staff members. I understand. But the best thing we can do, is look upon those days with fondness, and realize just how far we've come since then."

"Yeah... I get to see you and mom more than I used to," You offered, making your father nod.

"See? There you go. You'll be alright, darling," He pressed a loving kiss to your temple. "Now, you want to know the real reason why your mother and I were out?"

"You two were gone for nearly two hours."

"We met with some friends from the wizarding community," He began, meeting your eyes knowing you'd react. Which, you did. Your eyes widened and met his instantly. "We invited a few over to catch up."

"Spoiling her surprise, are we?" Nymphadora laughed as she came downstairs and stood in front of the couch you and your father were sitting on. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"I haven't yet told her who," Remus grinned. Which made you suspicious.

"You're not... not being serious are you?"

Someone knocked on the front door. Nymphadora smiled and turned to answer it.

"Hey, come here," Your father tightened his grip on you, making you more anxious. Your mother opened the door.

"Hey, you four! Welcome! Come on in!"

You sucked in a breath when the one and only Hermione Granger walked into your living room. Followed by Harry and Ron. Weren't there four though?

"Mione?!" You scoffed, standing to greet her. She pulled you into a hug, both of you tearing up.

"Hi, love!" She pulled back with a grin. You both laughed tearfully and wiped your eyes. "You look well!"

"As do you," You hugged Ron, noticing that he and Hermione wore engagement rings. Which made your heart happy. You always knew they'd end up together in the end. Even during your third year at Hogwarts. You just knew it.

Harry even got emotional, and pulled you in immediately. Harry has always been like an older brother to you. He was like your family when you had none. He was very important to you and you haven't seen him in three years.

"Harry," You squeaked, your voice barely audible. "I-I missed you so much."

"I missed you more. I guarantee it," He replied, pulling back to look at you. "You're so beautiful. And strong. I'm proud of you."

You hugged him again, and kissed his cheek, then pulled back. Harry tightly grabbed your hand, Hermione rubbed your back. You were confused for a moment, before you saw why they were doing it.

The one. The only, George Weasley. Stood in your living room. An absolute mess of tears and sniffles and broken sobs. You lost the ability to breathe for a few seconds and your legs nearly gave out.

"G-Georgie?" You whispered, in shock. Complete and utter shock.

"Hey, darling," He laughed tearfully, biting his lip hard to prevent another sob. He was unsuccessful and just broke down in tears. He held his arms out. "Come here. Just come here."

You walked up to him and held your breath as you buried yourself into his chest. Which didn't last long. He needed to sit down with the impact of being able to hold you again. You two just sobbed in each other's arms. Not one care about anyone around you seeing you both come completely undone.

He's here. Right here. That's all you cared about. That's all you've ever cared about/

You were so scared about him. You were separated during the war. You didn't get to say goodbye to anyone before your parents whisked you away the second that the war was won by your side. You feared the worst and had nightmares for months. You thought the worst. That he had been killed in battle or he'd been tortured or kidnapped.

All of those nightmares vanished now that he had you in his arms. Now that you saw he was okay.

"I-I thought... I thought I'd l-lost you," George choked out. "I w-was depressed for two y-years..."

"I know. I-I thought I'd lost you too," You sat back a little, looking into his eyes. He leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against yours. "I'm okay. I'm right here. You- you're okay, love."

"God," He pulled you back into his chest and held you there, huffing in relief. His eyes darted around the room almost in shock, before he buried his face into your neck, kissing it softly. "My girl..."

"My Georgie," You sniffled and pulled back, then kissed him passionately. "I'm here. We're okay now, alright? It's us again. It's you and me. Like we promised, remember?"

"You and me," He nodded and smiled in relief. "I've got you now."

"Did I miss the emotional reunion?" An all too familiar voice spoke into the peaceful silence, making everyone laugh. "Sorry I was late. I think I broke the flying car."

"You gave the flying car to Fred?" You asked George, who just started laughing. You stood to hug Fred.

"Good to see you again... shorty," Fred hugged you back. "Missed messing with you."

"I'm sure you did, pyro."


Everyone in the room laughed as you curled back up on George's lap and snuggled into his chest.

"It's all okay now," George whispered into your ear. "We're okay."

"We are," You turned up to look at him, then kissed him again. "Just like we promised."


I wanted to make sure I came back strong with a good prompt. this one was an emotional rollercoaster to write. hope you guys like it.


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