Lost & Found

By MeloveDBZ

104K 2.8K 722

On a faraway planet named Gem, a set of twins girl, Liza and Lena are raised in an abusive home. Experiences... More

1: Hurting Ways
2: Cared
3: Why?
4: Abandoned
5: Found
6: Little One
7: Known
8: New Things
9: Odd Greetings
10: Loved
11: New Family
New Life
More Fun
First Day
First Day Continues
The Vision
Nightly Talks
Moving Out
Proper Introduction?
Really Sam?
More Signs
It becomes reality
The Matrix
The Tomb Of The Primes
Battle For Life And Power
Revival 0f A Prime
Fighting For Family
Unexpected Surprise?
Meeting More
Healing Better
A Gift
New Relative?
Learning To Be Cybertronian
Halloween 🎃
Childish Adults
Unknown Thoughts
More New Things
Story Time
Back Here Again?
I'm in Trouble!
Girly Problems.
Murderous Rampage
Sick Day
Another Surprise?
More and More New Things
Knowing Each Other
Gotta Go Back Once Again
Anger Issues
Human Holidays Are Weird
First Snow Day
Valentines Day
The Aftermath and Memories
An Odd Birthday
Truth Or Dare
Wanted Secrets
Little Hope
Risky Sacrifices
A Special Dream
An Attempt
It's Not My Fault!
Fun in the Night Sky
A Bit of Trouble
There's More?
New Base
Painful Memories
Daily Explosions
True Family
Dark of the Moon
The Great Sentinel Prime
A Promise
Final Leave
The Return
Stepping Up
Recurring Nightmares
A Tragedy
Determined Spirit
Heavy Guilt
A Slight Recovery
It's All Part of War
Natural Pain
First Love
The Backstabbing Truth
Final Precious Moments
Slight Faith in Humanity
Revealed Secrets
On the Run
A New War
Bots Reunited
A Quiet Moment
The Future Awaits
Tough Reveal
Machinery vs. Organic

Enemies Become Friends

756 20 3
By MeloveDBZ

Chapter 30: Enemies Become Friends

"Hey, hey wake up kid."

The feeling of someone gently slapping my face, awoke me from my sleep. I sat up, shielding my eyes from the bright sun that hung in the sky above us.

"Hey." I looked over to see Leo standing over me. "Uh...Lizzy, isn't it?"

"Liza." I corrected, standing to my feet. "Oh..uh, sorry."

"It's cool, but you can call me Lizzy if ya want."

I noticed the 'bots were in their alt forms, ready to go. "Where are we going?"

"We gotta find RoboWarrior to help Sam."


"I said, we gotta find RoboWar-"

"No, I heard what you said, I'm just....what does Sam need help with?" I questioned with a confused look. Sam walked around Bee, pointing to some signs that were carved in the ground. "We think he can help me figure out these signs."

I looked at the signs and immediately recognized them. "These signs...I-I...S-Sam how do you know these signs?" I stuttered. " I don't know....they keep just...popping up out of nowhere. They're just...stuck there."

"Sam." I looked up at the human boy in awe. "I-I've been seeing these signs too."

"You have?!" Sam screeched. "Yes! Ever since I left your house, I've been seeing these signs and having these mental breakdowns."

"Me too! I don't know what's going on!"

"How is that possible? How are you two seeing the same thing?" Mikaela asked.

"We don't know!" Sam and I yelled in unison. My lips tightened together in concentration as I studied the signs carefully.

The signs. They reminded me of Cybertroanian language that Ironhide had engraved around his faceplates, mostly around his audio receptors, but this didn't seem like any normal Cybertroanian.

Totally not saying that, because I can't read Cybertronian.

Definitely not.

"These signs remind me of Cybertronian, can't any of you read this?"

"I already asked those two. They don't know." Sam said. "Yeah we can't read that. That's old school Cybertronian."

"What about Bee?"

::...Nope, sorry. That's...wayyyy...before my time dude.::

"Then what are we going to do?"

"You're gonna get in the car, so we can go, that's what you're gonna do." Sam said, leading me to Bee. I squeaked as I was definitely not forced into the Camaro by Sam. ::Hey! No pushing, kids!::

"Sorry Bee. Hey we're leaving!"

In a matter of seconds Sam was in the driver seat, Mikaela in the front, and Leo was in the backseat with me. Bee allowed Sam to take control and began to drive out the junkyard, the twins following behind.

"...Umm...can someone tell me what's going on?"


"Cons are trying to hunt me down, we're possibly being tracked who knows, and I'm going crazy."

"Why are the Cons trying to hunt you down?"

"They want something in my brain." Sam replied.

"Which is the signs and symbols he's seeing." Mikaela added.

"If they're going after what's in his head then how come they aren't coming after me?" I inquired.

"It's probably, because Sam's the one that killed that one big bad guy. I think that's their leader." Leo gasped.

"Funny." Sam said wryly.

::No, No that's not it children.:: A woman's sweet voice interrupted.

"What is it Bumblebee?" Sam questioned, glancing towards the radio and stopping at a red light. ::They don't even know...she exists...and it needs to stay that way!::

"Oh." Mikaela said in realization.

"That could work too." Leo mumbled.

"So you're saying the Cons don't know she's Optimus' daughter?"

::Thank you. You're beautiful. You're beautiful.::

"Oh that makes sense. Welp sucks to be you, Sam."

"Hey! You're not the one with giant evil alien robots after you!"

"Yeah, I know. That's why it would suck to be you." I retorted.

I heard a growl come from Sam as he drove forward once the light turned green. "Bee, can you tell your sister to shut up?"

::Shut up.::


::..I tried dude.::



"Alright, pull up right by this deli." 

Sam pulled Bee to a stop and parked him on the side of the road.

"This the place?"


We traveled for a good 45 minutes to get to this RoboWarrior guy and turns out he's in a store full of raw meat and fish. It was in a tight space with other small buildings around.

"Tell me about this RoboWarrior guy." Sam said, quickly slipping on a jacket and a hat. "This guy, Robo-Warrior? Everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we revenge-hacked his site and maybe, I saw some of your... uh... alien drawings or whatever." Leo explained. "This is it. Yep. Deli. Good front! All right, wait here. I'll give you the go no-go. All right?"

Leo got out and went inside the small Deli store. Sam got very impatient in just 30 seconds and got out, not waiting for the signal. Mikaela followed her boyfriend's actions and pulled a small box from the trunk, before going into the Deli, calling after him. I was about follow them, but Bee decided to lock the door, before I could even open it. "Bee."


"Whyyyy?" I whined, falling onto my back in the backseat.

::You're still...grounded sucka.::

"You were serious about that?"

::Umm excuse me. Did it look..like I was kidding?::

"I thought you was just mad. Come on. Please Bee."

::No, can do.::


::Ohmygod Megan I said no!::

"But that's not fair!"

::Think next time. You're not...supposed to even..be here.::

"I understand why you're mad, but can't you wait to ground me until we're back home?"

::Why not now?::

"Cause I wanna help, but I can't help when I have limitations with everything I do, because I'm grounded."

::You're a child!::

What's with the age nowadays?

"Oh yeah, well if you compare yourself to the other 'bots I'm pretty sure you're not much older than me on Earth are ya?"

There was a long silence, before Bee's holoform appeared in the backseat and sending me a hard glare. ::Wanna say that again?::

"N-No." I cowered between the seats, laughing nervously. He crossed his arms, giving me a sharp nod as in saying ''That's what I thought'' before his holoform fizzled out of existence. I crawled back onto the seats and huffed. "You're no fun. What am I supposed to do, while they're in there?"

::Shut up.::

"What good is that gonna do?"

::...It's gonna do...me...good.::

"It's not gonna do me any good."


"Don't tell me to be quiet! You shhh."

::You shhh.::

"You shush."

::Don't tell me what to do.::

"Don't tell me what to do."

::I'm older.::


I huffed and flipped upside down in the seats with my feet hanging in the air, nearly touching the roof. "I'm boorreeed. What if they stay in there for hours?"


"You don't know."

*10 minutes later*

"Beeeeeee." I groaned.

::It's only been 10 minutes dude.::

"More like 10 hours."
I groaned and dropped my head against the seat.

::Oh hey look.::

I didn't bother looking up when I heard the driver door open and someone drop into the seat.

"Finally you're back. It took you guys forever."

"Why didn't you just come with us?" Sam asked, starting Bee up.

"Someone wouldn't let me." I replied.

"Why is that?"

"I don't know. Why don't you ask that certain someone?"

"Is it because Bee said you're grounded?" Sam laughed. "It's not funny!" I growled, hitting his arm.

"Ouch. Hey that hurt."

Soon Mikaela and Leo joined me in the backseat. "Hey." I said, sitting upright. "What's going on?"

Then an older man opened the door and got in the front seat, earning a growl from Bee. "Bee just calm down. We're friends now."

"Ha! Eh, I remember you. You're Bumble whatever your name is."

Another electronic growl was emitted from Bee.

"Yo, Simmons, be cool."


I didn't want to say anything, but I wanted to protect Bee.

"His name is Bumblebee." I told the man in the front.

"Huh?" He turned and clicked his tongue while shaking his head. "Witwicky, you kidnapping children now? I know you're better than this."

"We didn't kidnap her!" Mikaela defended.

"Yeah, I wasn't kidnapped Mr. um..."

"Simmons kid. Just call me Simmons." Simmons said.

::Don't...bother her Mr. Maaann.::

"Hey man." Simmons turned towards the radio with his hands in a surrender pose. "Don't get all defensive. Why is he all defensive? Hey Bumblebeep let's just leave our past behind us and let's start a new chapter between the two us. Let's just be friends. Sound good to you?"

::Tell me whyyyy.::



"By the way that's Bee's sister in the back there." Sam stated.

"Yeah right like I'm supposed to believe that." Simmons chuckled.


"What happened between those two?" I leaned over and whispered to Mikaela.

"Before you arrived on Earth, Simmons was part of a secret government agency called Sector Seven. They deal with things that look out of the ordinary. Simmons wanted to use the 'bots for experiments and museum crap. He had his men track Bee down and freeze him." Mikaela explained.

"Hey! I changed okay." Simmons argued.

"Let's just get back to business. Bee we're heading to Washington." Sam said.

"What! Do you know how far Washington is from here?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." Sam answered.

"It's gonna take hours! Then those hours are gonna turn into days!"

"Can we just go?" Leo said.

"Bee, let's go and just ignore her."


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