Dean X Reader Imagines

By FictionalWife02

246K 5K 628

Dean X Reader Imagines With a dash of Jensen Ackles Contains pain, loss, fluff and some smut Enjoy! More

Jail (Dean X Reader)
Stockholm Syndrome (Dean X Reader)
I'm tired (Dean X Reader)
He hates me (Dean X Reader)
He hates me -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Beautiful (Dean X Reader)
Third love (Dean X Reader)
One night stand? (Dean X Reader)
The idiot (Dean X Reader)
Our own story (Dean X Reader)
Amara (Dean X Reader)
Virginity (Dean X Reader)
I love you (Dean X Daughter!Reader)
Daughter (Dean X Reader)
Angels are dicks (Dean X Reader)
Plan B (Dean X Reader)
Alone (Dean X Reader)
Looking for Michael (Dean X Reader)
Hunting Cinderella (Dean X Reader)
Doctor (Dean X Reader)
Safe (Dean X Reader)
Mom (Dean X Reader)
Possessed (Dean X Reader)
Don't stop (Dean X Reader)
One of us (Dean X Reader)
Scared (Dean X Reader)
Crazy (Dean X Reader)
Crazy -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Until death do us apart (Dean X Reader)
Because of you (Dean X Reader)
Loss (Dean X Reader)
Loss- Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
I love you too (Dean X Reader)
Public (Jensen X Reader)
A weekend at Jody's (Dean X Reader)
A weekend at Jody's -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
A weekend at Jody's -Part 3 (Dean X Reader)
Gone (Dean X Reader)
Gone -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Real Feelings (Dean X Reader)
From princess to queen (Dean X Reader)
Instagram (Jensen X Reader)
Instagram -Part 2 (Jensen X Reader)
Not a fling (Dean X Reader)
Dying (Dean X Reader)
Anger (Dean X Reader)
Dad (Dean X Reader)
Dad -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Dad -Part 3 (Dean X Reader)
Styne (Dean X Reader)
Let me help you (Dean X Reader)
Mess (Dean X Reader)
Not ready (Dean X Reader)
Something more (Dean X Reader)
You and only you (Dean X Reader)
Crashed wedding (Dean X Reader)
Death's door (Dean X Reader)
Death's door -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Death's door -Part 3 (Dean X Reader)
Say it (Dean X Reader)
FBI (Dean X Reader)
Arrangement (Dean X Reader)
Arrangement - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Hostage (Dean X Reader)
Celebrity crush (Jensen X Reader)
Do you love me? (Dean X Reader)
Professor Winchester (Dean X Reader)
For you (Dean X Reader)
For you -Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Quarantine (Dean X Reader)
Last night (Dean X Reader)
Help (Dean X Reader)
After life (Dean X Reader)
After life - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
On your side (Dean X Reader)
On your side - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
On your side - Part 3 (Dean X Reader)
Love letter (Dean X Reader)
No (Dean X Reader)
Bad turn (Dean X Reader)
Forgiveness (Dean X Reader)
Something odd (Dean X Reader)
Something odd - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Family (Dean X Reader)
Snack (Dean X Reader)
Best friend (Dean X Reader)
Break for the broken (Dean X Reader)
Child (Dean X Reader)
Dnia (Dean X Reader)
Worlds (Dean X Reader)
Worlds - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Spell (Dean X Reader)
Before 18 (Dean X Reader)
I never was (Dean X Reader)
Where is Dean? (Dean X Reader)
Big little accident (Dean X Reader)
Flirt (Dean X Reader)
Flirt - Part 2 (Dean X Reader)
Please read 💖

Hospital (Dean X Reader)

2.5K 62 5
By FictionalWife02

"He never liked you (Y/N), he just finds it easy to get laid when you're there. That's why he proposed, to make sure that you will always be there, that he'll always have a little slut to fuck" the demon says but I stab her before she could say more.

It's been a few days since I talked to Dean. It's not that he is away for a case or anything it's just that I don't know if I want to talk to him. After this case we had last week things became kinda weird between us. He didn't even made a move to kiss or touch me which made me even angrier. Well, it's kinda my fault too. I am not sure if I want to hear the truth. Fuck it, I need to know.

I rush to the kitchen where Dean was sitting. I sit across from him and he looks at me. "I wanna hear it" I say and he nods. "I love you (Y/N), I would never--" he starts saying "Cut the crap and tell me the truth" I say a little bit louder. "I've never cheated on you" he says "Well, I didn't want to hear that" I say and I get up. He grabs my hand and turns me around. "Wait. I... I love you (Y/N), I really do. I am not lying to you" "Did you always love me or was I just a fling at first Dean?" I ask and he looks down.

"Great" I say and I feel my eyes get watery. "Wait-" he says "No, I can't look at you right now" "(Y/N)..." "Shut up" I yell "Shut the hell up" I continue "I'm sorry, I was stupid I know but I love you. Through the years I realized that I am in love with you. That's why we are here now, together" "You want me to believe that you were not interested in me in the beginning and you were just killing your time with me but it's ok because you are in love now? Really?" "I'm sorry, you didn't want you to find out this way" he says.

At this point my cheeks are full of tears. "Well, when were you planning on telling me? On our wedding day?" I ask and he just looks at me with a sad face "Then guess what? It's not gonna happen this soon" I say and I take the engagement ring he gave me out of my finger. I let it on the table and I leave the bunker.

I get in my car and I break down. I hit the steering wheel in order to get my anger out. I take a deep breath and I start driving. I have no idea where I'm going, I just need to get away. My eyes filled with more and more tears as I thought of Dean. How he treated me at first. Like I was a whore that was there for him to have sex.

As these thoughts were going through my mind I didn't notice the dog that was laying on the lonely road. I turn the steering wheel as fast as I could but the wet road caused my car to do a whole spin and then crash on a tree.

My whole body was in pain. I couldn't move anything. "Help" I try to yell but it comes out more like a whisper.


Dean's POV
I am currently drinking the last sip of scotch that was left in the bottle. "Have you seen (Y/N)?" Sam asks me but I ignore him. I look at her ring and I feel tears forming in my eyes. "I screwed up Sam" I say "Every good thing in my life, I've managed to destroy it" I continue. "What happened?" Sam asks "I am stupid that's what happened. We were fighting and she took her ring off and left" I say. "Then what the hell are you doing here? Go find her. Go and make up for it" he says.

I take the ring and I put it on my pocket. I run to the Impala and I drive. I have no idea from where to start. I just let my gut to decide.

While driving in an empty road, I see smoke coming from the side. Please don't be... I stop the car and I run to the crashed car. It was pinned to a tree. As I run closer I realized that it was what I was afraid of. I run faster and I reach the driver's side. My heart stopped the second I saw (Y/N). Her eyes were closed and she had blood streaming down her face.

I put my hand on her cheek and I rub it softly "(Y/N)?" I say and she opens her eyes "Dean?" she whispers. She sounded so weak which made my heart break. "Yeah, that's me" I say and I smile "I'm gonna get you out of here and get you to the hospital. You're gonna me ok" I say and she nods weakly.

I turn to go back to my car to grab something to open the door of the car. "Don't- don't leave m- me" she says trembling "I'm gonna be back right away. I'm just gonna grab something from baby, ok?" I say and she nods.

I take a crowbar and I run back to the car. That's when I noticed the liquid on the ground. I need to hurry or the car is going to explode and I don't have much time to work. After a few tries I manage to open the door. I take a knife out of my pocket and I try to cut the belt without hurting (Y/N).

"It's going to explode any minute, doesn't it?" she asks "No, everything is fine" I say and smile while working on the belt. "Just get out of here Dean. I'm already dying. There is no point on saving me now" she says between silent sobs "No, there is no way I'm letting you die tonight" I say and I finally cut the belt.

I pick her up softly and I run to the Impala. I place her on the back seat but I noticed that her eyes are closed. "(Y/N)?" I say shaking her but there is no respond. "(Y/N)?" I say louder. I put my ear to her chest and I let a small sign of relief. Her heart is still beating but I have to drive as fast as I can. I can't risk losing her.


I've been waiting in the waiting room to hear news from (Y/N)'s doctor for the last three hours. As soon as I brought her in the ER they took her for surgery without saying much.

The waiting room was empty and silent. Until a couple came in almost running. "Hi, we are hear for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). They called us saying that she was brought to the ER after a car accident" the man says to the nurse and I look at them shocked "Are you family?" the nurse asks "We are her parents" he says "Ok. She is still in surgery, the doctor will come to update you as soon as they are over" she says "Thank you" (Y/N)'s mom says. They come and sit with me but I stay silent.

"Are you waiting for someone?" her mom me nicely "Yeah" I say and I blink away the tears from my eyes "I'm waiting on news for my fiance" I continue "I will pray for her too" she says and I nod. "Wait, I've seen you before..." her dad says "I don't think so" "No, I do. On... On (Y/N)'s phone. You're the guy kissing her in the photo in her lock screen" he says kinda annoyed "Wait, did you say your fiance?" her mom asks "Yeah... She haven't told you?" I ask and they shake their heads.

Why didn't she say anything to her parents? Is she ashamed of me? Is she not sure if she wants to marry me?

"You're not going anywhere close to her again" her dad says "What?" I ask "I'm pretty sure that you had a fight and that's why she went out driving this late. (Y/N) never--" "Never drives late or after rain because she knows that she is not the best driver, I know that" I say and he looks at me angrily. "Which means that I'm right. It's your fault she is here, isn't it? It's your fault she got hurt. So, I won't allow you to get close to her again" he says. My anger is building up and I feel like I won't be able to stay calm anymore. I get up and I go outside.


That son of a bitch kept his word. He doesn't allow me to get close to her room. It's been five days since I brought her in and I have no idea what's going on. I don't know if she's awake or if she's going to wake up. The only thing I know is that she is still alive because her parents are here. Five days now I'm just sitting outside the hospital in order to at least see her leave this damn place.

I was sitting on a bench when I felt someone sit next to me. I look at them and it was (Y/N)'s mom. I quickly wipe a tear that rolled down my cheek "Hi Mrs. (Y/L/N), if you want me to leave--" "No, it's ok. I actually came here to find you" she says. "Can you just tell me how she is doing?" I beg her "She hasn't woken up yet but she's stable. They say that she's should wake up any second. They have been saying that for the past four days" she says and I nod. "If I was a bit smarter she would be fine now. He's right, this is all my fault" I say and I run a hand through my face.

"Dean, right?" she asks "Yes" I say "She has been telling me about you. But she never said anything to her dad because he is kinda overprotective over his girl. Anyways, she told me that when she is with you she feels the luckiest woman alive. You make her happy and I can see that in the look and expression she has when she talks about you" she says. "She makes me happy. Even when I just see her she makes me smile and reminds me that this life isn't just crap. Because she is the light in my life that has me keep going. And now I destroyed one more good thing that happened to me".

"Do you want to see her?" she asks me and I look at her with an open mouth. "Do you...?" "Yes" I say almost immediately "I'm gonna try and get (Y/D/N) out for a few hours and then I'm gonna call you to come up, ok?" she says and I nod. I gave her my number and she left.


For the next two hours the only thing I was doing is look at my phone. It finally rang and I picked it up immediately. "He is gone. You can come up now. Room 256" she says "I'm on my way" I say and I run inside.

I get in the room and I freeze at the sight of (Y/N). Her skin was pale, the natural and really cute blush she had always on her cheeks was gone.

"She's been like this since the first day" her mom says and I snap out of my thoughts. Tears were ready to stream down my face and I think that she noticed it. "I'm gonna give you some space" she says and I thank her before she leaves the room.

I walk slowly to (Y/N) and I sit next to her bed. "Hi baby, I'm finally here. Sorry for being gone for so long" I say and a tear escapes my eye. I wipe it and I take her ring out of my pocket. "This is yours" I say and I put it on her finger. I kiss her hand and I hold it in mine. "I missed you so much baby. I'm not ok without you and I don't know if I'll ever be. You changed me in a good way. In a way that I am not the same person without you. I love you (Y/N)" I say and a sob comes out of my mouth.

"Just move on of your fingers if you can hear me, ok? Just move one of those beautiful fingers of yours and let me know that you are still here with me (Y/N). Please" I beg rubbing her cheek softly but nothing. "I need you (Y/N), I can't lose you. Not this way. Not in any way" I say and I kiss her hand. "I brought you in this life. This is all my fault, I should have let you go" I say.

"But it was my decision to stay" I hear a voice say and I look at (Y/N)'s face.

Your POV
"But it was my decision to stay" I say as loud as I can. Dean looks at my face and I smile as much as I could. "(Y/N)" he whispers and kisses me. He pulls away and looks at me "Damn you Winchester, I can't stay mad at you, can I?" I ask "No, you can't" he says and kisses me again.

"Hey, should I be offended by the fact that you didn't say to your parents about me yet?" he asks kinda ironically "I was just trying to find a way to tell them, actually to say it to my dad because he is not the type of father that wants his daughter to have a boyfriend" "I've kinda noticed" he says "What?" I ask wondering what he is talking about.

The door opens and my parents burst inside the room. "Mom? Dad?" "Baby!" my mom says and hugs me. "I'm ok, mom" I say and she pulls away. "What the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay away from her" my dad yells at Dean "I'm not going anywhere" Dean says "Dad, what's going on?" I ask "He is the reason you're in this place, I'm sure of that" "It's not his fault" I say "Don't lie to me (Y/N)" "I chose to go out. I chose to take the car that night" "Maybe but he made you to" he says.

"That's enough" Dean yells "You can yell at me, you can blame me but you do not get to yell or blame her. She is in a hospital bed and you are arguing with her? Haven't you notice that she isn't really in shape to deal with your crap? So shut the hell up or leave this room. (Y/N) needs rest" Dean says and then comes and sits on the bed next to me. He looks at me and I just kiss him. "I love you" I whisper to him "I love you too" he says.

I hear my dad chuckle "(Y/M/N), you can't be ok with this" he says "I am. I really am" she says and I smile at her. Dean wraps his hand around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest. "Dad, if you don't like this, you can just leave. We don't need your negativity. I'm happy dad. I'm finally happy because I found someone that I love and I trust" I say and I hear Dean's low voice chuckle. He probably that of the time I made a scene because I thought he was cheating which wasn't true. But it was one time only. "I heard that" I say and I look at him "Sorry" he says.

"I need some air" my dad says and leaves the room. Dean kisses my head and rubs my arm. "So, when are you planning on getting married?" my mom asks breaking the awkward silence "We were thinking about spring" Dean says "Great, have you planned anything" she asks "Not really, we both suck on planning anything" I say "I can help" she says "You have no idea how much I love you right now mom" I say and I hug her.

"I can't wait for everyone to see how handsome my son-in-law is" she says and Dean blushes. "He really is" I smile and I kiss his cheek. "My baby girl is getting married. I can't wait to see you in your wedding dress" my mom says "Me neither" Dean says and I kiss him again.

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