Lost & Found

By MeloveDBZ

104K 2.8K 722

On a faraway planet named Gem, a set of twins girl, Liza and Lena are raised in an abusive home. Experiences... More

1: Hurting Ways
2: Cared
3: Why?
4: Abandoned
5: Found
6: Little One
7: Known
8: New Things
9: Odd Greetings
10: Loved
11: New Family
New Life
More Fun
First Day
First Day Continues
The Vision
Nightly Talks
Moving Out
Really Sam?
More Signs
It becomes reality
Enemies Become Friends
The Matrix
The Tomb Of The Primes
Battle For Life And Power
Revival 0f A Prime
Fighting For Family
Unexpected Surprise?
Meeting More
Healing Better
A Gift
New Relative?
Learning To Be Cybertronian
Halloween 🎃
Childish Adults
Unknown Thoughts
More New Things
Story Time
Back Here Again?
I'm in Trouble!
Girly Problems.
Murderous Rampage
Sick Day
Another Surprise?
More and More New Things
Knowing Each Other
Gotta Go Back Once Again
Anger Issues
Human Holidays Are Weird
First Snow Day
Valentines Day
The Aftermath and Memories
An Odd Birthday
Truth Or Dare
Wanted Secrets
Little Hope
Risky Sacrifices
A Special Dream
An Attempt
It's Not My Fault!
Fun in the Night Sky
A Bit of Trouble
There's More?
New Base
Painful Memories
Daily Explosions
True Family
Dark of the Moon
The Great Sentinel Prime
A Promise
Final Leave
The Return
Stepping Up
Recurring Nightmares
A Tragedy
Determined Spirit
Heavy Guilt
A Slight Recovery
It's All Part of War
Natural Pain
First Love
The Backstabbing Truth
Final Precious Moments
Slight Faith in Humanity
Revealed Secrets
On the Run
A New War
Bots Reunited
A Quiet Moment
The Future Awaits
Tough Reveal
Machinery vs. Organic

Proper Introduction?

954 25 15
By MeloveDBZ

Chapter 24: Proper Introduction

*Witwicky's residence*

"Tsk tsk he just left us like that. No hugs or kisses. Just a "I love you"." I sighed, watching the Witwicky family leave the driveway and drive off with small waves towards our direction.

"I already miss him. What about you Bee?"

::Come back!!!::

I stepped aside as the Camaro moved forward slightly, sad music and a woman crying in the background blared from his radio through the windows. "Aww Bee. You'll be able to see to him again soon."

::Nooo come back! Oh....How I wish, how I wish you were here.::

"Y'know you could go see him every once in a while if you feeling like driving for 2 hours. I'm mean he's literally gonna be the in the next door state. He's in Pennsylvania and we're in New Jersey."

Confused? Thought we were on base in California? Oh we are. It's just that we been moved to a temporary base in New Jersey. We should be back in California in at least a few days.

::Let him be, he wants to be free! Freedom, Freedom! Come on, player!::

"Just because Sam wants a normal life doesn't mean you won't see him again."

::.... Un-break my heart. Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused..::

I hugged the hood of the Camaro when more of the woman's sobs was heard over the radio. ::Come on.:: The passenger door opened, invitingly. ::Let's go home...so I can mourn in my...own sorrows.::

I walked around and hopped into the passenger seat. I could still hear the very quiet sobs of a woman as the seatbelt wrapped around me and buckled itself.

"Bee, it's gonna be okay."

::Oh I'm a lost child, I'm a lost child...without youuuu....Sammy Pooh.::

"Ok now you're just being dramatic." I sighed.

::Am noooot. Hehehe.::

"Are too. Come on, I'm ready to go home. Get to the cargo plane, so we can get back to New Jersey."

::Aye aye Captain!::


:: AWWWW YEAH! Baby I'm back!::

"Bee, I'm sure everyone is gonna know we're back in like 5 minutes."

::You gotta let em know now! They call me Slim Shady (I'm back) I'm back (I'm back).::

I believe that is the human rapper...um...M&M or
Eminem. Something like that.

We had just landed and Bee was now rolling out the Cargo Plane. Once he was away from the plane landing area, he came to a halt, allowing me to get out, before transforming. I looked around and noticed that there was no bot was around except Bee. It was like they all disappeared. I didn't have a clue on where they were at, but I did have three guesses.

1. Ratchet must be in a very very very bad mood and everyone's just hiding to avoid his rampage.


2. Everyone's on a super important Misson.


3. No one is just here.

I could be wrong, but I was really going with my first guess.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned, looking up at the small Autobot that towered over me. Bee just shrugged his shoulders. 

"What about our parents? You don't know where mom is?"

::Message from Starfleet Captain....and she's outta here! What a homer!::


::Hold please.....location unknown.::

"Really bro?"

::I'm trying!::

Not enough.

"Can you come with me to find them?"

::You do it.::


::Why can't ya...do your own..self? Huh?::

"Because if the twins are pulling a prank, then you're gonna be a victim with me." I said.

::Oh that's just not fair!:: Bee glared at me and I gave him a sly smirk in return.

"Come on."


" I said come on!" I repeated.

::I'm the older sibling here! I...control....you.... it's not.... the other way around.::

"Don't think that you can use that as your advantage every time?" I growled. ::Watch me.:: He retorted.

We continued arguing back and forth, not even noticing the approaching Jeep, heading towards our way.

"I'll tell dad if you think you could just-"

"Woah! Hey stop right here soldier."

We put our argument on pause and looked at the Jeep that stopped by our side. "Is that a kid?"
We heard the passenger door close and a man in a business suit walked around the vehicle. And guess who it was?

Galloway the Terrible has arrived.

Why is he still here? Shouldn't he be gone already?

He pushed his round glasses against his face and looked at me confused. "Who is this? Why is there a KID on a top secret base?"

"Uh...Mr. Galloway." The soldier spoke up from the Jeep, getting his attention."This is Liza. Liza Prime. She's the daughter of Optimus Prime and Mrs. Elita-One."

"Ha! That's the funniest thing I heard!" Galloway laughed. I remained quiet, not wanting to say anything out of place. My father always told me no matter the situation, I always should remain calm and kind. If I felt it wasn't necessary to speak, I should remain in a 'child's place'." (As the humans say it.)

"You." He said, pointing up at Bumblebee. "Bumblebeeps or whatever your name is, I'm reporting you for sneaking a kid onto a secret base."

Bee let out a series annoyed beeps and whistles. ::This is...my....sister! Jerk!::

"Like I'm supposed to believe that this is your sister. I'm taking you to Federal Custody. Come on kid." He demanded.

"No." My answer was short and simple. I wasn't movin'.

"Excuse me?"


"You stay out of this." He growled at Bee. "As for you brat. You do what I say." Galloway snarled. He grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me towards the Jeep. "Hey let me go!"

::Hey!:: Bee reacted immediately. As gentle as possible, Bee grabbed a hold of me and pulled me away from Galloway, who had a tight hold on me and wouldn't let me go. "I demand you to let this...victim go."

"Director Galloway." A deep voice spoke up. Galloway whirled around, gasping at the sight of my father, towering over him with an expression full of anger. "Release her." He growled. The anger quickly faded away from his faceplates once Galloway released me.

Where did he come from? For a big bot he's quiet on his feet.

::Ha Ha!:: A man laughed mockingly. Bee placed me on his shoulder, far from Galloway's reach.


"Director Galloway. Please tell me why you were pulling Liza's arm." Dad said calmly.

"Am I the only one who noticed that there's a KID on base? Why is she here?"

Why are you here?

"She doesn't need to be here." He continued.

"Director Galloway. With all due respect, Liza has no reason of leaving."

"And why is that? She's a child!" He argued.

"Liza is my daughter, Mr. Galloway."


"This is my daughter, Liza." He gestured towards me.

"How? You're not the same species. You're both different." I got glance of my father's frown at his words. "You're alien and she's human."

"I'm not a-" My father cleared his throat loudly, silently signaling me to not say anything else.

"It was my decision to take her as my own."

"Obviously a terrible decision." Galloway said harshly.


That's one thing I hated about this guy. He says mean things like no one has any feelings or emotions.

"Excuse me?" Dad gasped, clearly offended by his rude comment.

"Can you put the pieces together? You're alien. She's human. Plain and Simple. For Pete's Sake does the president even know about this? I should report this."

"I can assure you that president already knows about Liza."


"And he approved of my decision to take her as my own daughter."

::....Period Pooh.::

"An alien adopting a human? That's something! Well congrats, you have two kids. Bumbleebeeps over there and Liza."

"His name is Bumblebee."

"Whatever." He turned on his heel and hopped back into the Jeep, mumbling something about human and aliens not supposed to be together. "Let's go." He told the soldier.

Once he was out of hearing distance, turned to us. "I apologize for you two having to go through that." He sighed. I could still tell he was upset, mainly by his voice.

::That big meanie! Hurt my feelings.::

"Why is he still here? He should've been gone by yesterday."

"He did leave. He came back this morning, while the two of you were gone." Dad told us.

::That...Dookie Doofus.....bye have a good day and never come back.::

"Yeah. He should've never came back. Why is he here?"

"That is Director Galloway, the National Security Advisor of the President and NEST's new official liaison."

::Excuse me?::

"So you're saying we have to deal with him for a while?"

"Possibly forever." Dad stated.

"Can't we just pick a new person?"

"I'm not sure. I'll mention the suggestion to Colonel Lennox, but let's not judge so soon. He just arrived yesterday. He might change over time."

::What do you mean my guy? Who can't..figure out....that guy an a**hole!::

"Bumblebee, language." He scolded lightly.

::Oh I'm....sowweeeyy.::

"Where are the other 'bots?"

"They are currently hiding from what I've been told."

Called it.

"Who made Ratchet mad this time?"

::...I bet it....Old Timer.::

"It could've been 'Hide but I'm betting on the twins."


"Ratchet isn't upset about anything."

::....Hide & Seek...from...Dr. Evil.::

"Who are you referring to?" Dad asked.



"Who did you thi-"

"SUNSTREAKER, SIDESWIPE!" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when an angry roar was heard and a large wrench went sailing over our heads, merely hitting Bee. The Terror Twins zoomed past us, screaming like little girls. "IF YOU LOVE YOUR LIVES, I SUGGEST YOU RUN FOR IT!!" Sideswipe yelled.

We turned to the opposite direction they were running from and saw a raging Ratchet painted in pink and blue from head to toe.

::OH SNAP! Gotta go!::


"I told you!"

We all ran in different directions from the raging medic.




"What the...oh haha funny guys!"

Stomping from my bathroom, fuming with anger, I swung my door open to catch the Terror Twins, standing on either side of my door, laughing.

"Really? A Glitter bomb. Real funny!" I growled.

After running from Ratchet, I went to my room, thinking I was gonna get some peace and quiet. Maybe an enjoyable 30 minute nap. I went into my bathroom to get my brush, so I could brush my hair of course, but instead I triggered a glitter bomb to go off and now my bathroom is covered in glitter and so am I!

"Aw but Liz, you look so pretty and sparkly!" Sunstreaker laughed.

"I don't want to be sparkly!"

Glitter fluttered from the top of my head as I ran after them, planning how I should kill them.

"Can't catch us!" They teased. I stopped and released a silent scream of anger. I knew better to chase after them. They just wanted me to run around base looking like a sparkly fool.

Why did they have to pick me? Out of all people and 'bots? First Ratchet then me.

When the twins prank someone they usually go after the one's that can tear them to shreds of metal. I do know that Ratchet, Ironhide and Prowl are at the very top of their list.

Still confused on why they go after the dangerous 'bots.

They rarely and I mean rarely prank my dad. They don't mess with femmes. They pranked my mom and Chromia once. Once. They switched their paint colors. My mom was blue and Chromia was pink. They never bothered them again since that day.

Jazz? Every now and then. Jolt? Off limits for awhile after last week. Skids & Mudflap? At least two or three times a week for them. Me and Bee are on their list, but we're at the very bottom. Despite Bee's small size, the twins rarely prank him, because of his speed. He could easily catch them if he wanted to. It's been a whole month for him. Me? Well I'm the daughter of a Prime and their leader and the femme commander that many fear so much and the sister of Bumblebee who will not hesitate to beat the crap out of them if I'm upset. Plus Ironhide who would shoot them for me and Jazz who's a spy and could help me get revenge. Ratchet, who might help me out as well.

Not to brag.

Am I getting too off topic?


"Hide or Chromia?"

I would ask my mother, but I don't know where she's at.

If I get 'Hide, he'll let em have it, but then Ratchet will yell at him.

Chromia would do the same, but won't do as much damage, because she chooses not to. If she were the one to get pranked, then she would've done much worse than Ironhide. Ironhide would at least take them to the Med Bay, but Chromia would just leave them in like a pile of scrap.


Chromia it is.

I walked down the long hallway, stopping in front of Ironhide's and Chromia quarters.

"MIA!!!!" It didn't even take 3 seconds for Ironhide to answer the door with a alerted and worried expression. His gaze softened, once he looked down and saw me, but the worry didn't leave. "The slag happened to you?"

"Glitter bomb. Where's Mia?" I asked, sliding past him into their quarters. "Y'know if you wanted someone to beat the scrap out of the twins, you should've just asked me." He stated, following after me.
"You'll get in trouble."

"I will always take the blame for you. I'm used to it. Me handing their afts to them is the only time Ratchet won't throw a wrench at me. He does it too."

"I know, but I need a femme that's not afraid to do a mech's job."

I walked in seeing Chromia lying on her back while stuffing Energon treats in mouth. The dark blue femme noticed me and waved at me, giving me a upside down smile, that quickly turned into a confused look.

"Happen to you?"

Chromia has a sweet tooth. She eats a lot of sugar sweets.

I noticed Ironhide was frowning at her, receiving nothing, but an innocent smile in return.

" 'Hide are you mad at Mia about something?"

"He's just mad that I'm not sharing." She giggled.

"Who has a handful of treats and won't share? Not even one. I know who. It's you."

"Who stole my guns from last week?" She retorted.


"I thought so."

"I didn't steal your guns!" He defended. "I only stole one."

"You still took it."

"You take my guns too!" Ironhide argued

"I ask, before I take them. Plus I only use them at the shooting range. Not in battle."

"I only used your gun, because....I wanted to make sure it was working right for you. I even added an improved scope to it."

"Uh huh. That's your excuse every time 'Hide. I know how to work my guns." She laughed, throwing some treats at him that hit him in his chest. He huffed. "I'll handle the twins for ya Liz." He said, walking out, with the door sliding close behind him.

These two lovebirds have an attraction to guns. It's probably one of the reasons why they love each other.

"Ok. Tell me what happened."

"Glitter Bomb."



"Need me to handle them?"


She shook her head and swung her slender legs around, so she was sitting at the edge.

"Seriously I don't think those two are ever going to stop." Chromia sighed. "Can you shake that off of ya?"

"I don't want to make a big mess."

"Just stand over there and shake it all off. I'll make 'Hide clean it up later."

I stood a few feet away from the femme and shook my whole body and ruffled my hair, trying to get as much glitter off my body as possible.

"Hey, most of it is off. You're still a bit sparkly, but I'm sure it eventually come off. Be glad they didn't soak you in glue."

"Yeah I guess." I sighed, stomping my feet, trying to get the glitter off my shoes.

She stood up and stretched, before grabbing the rifle that dangled at her hip, hitting her leg softly each time she moved. "Time to deal with those slagged twins, if 'Hide hadn't reached them yet."

"Wait." I called, before she could leave. "Have you seen my mother?"

"Oh yeah. Actually just got off patrol with her. She's been looking to kick some aft lately. She's pretty bored."

"I haven't seen her in almost three days."

"She asked about you yesterday, but you were across the country at Sam's house. I'll tell her you're back."

"Thanks, Mia."

"No problem. I'm going to handle business."

She left the room, heading after her sparkmate while I went to my room to take a shower to get this glitter off me and to somehow clean my bathroom that is now covered in glitter.

Right when I entered my room, alarms around the base went off.

"This is Black Lion Tango. We have activation of motion sensors on the western perimeter fence in Diego Garcia. Breach at B-14! Soldiers are down." The intercom said.

The Western Perimeter fence in Diego Garcia is where the remainder of the Cube is located." I mused. There was no attack on base here, so I was perfectly calm, but soldiers I could hear in the distance didn't seem to be calm.

Diego Garcia was our first base, before we were moved to base in California. I miss it there.

I left my room and saw my brother about to drive past me, but I quickly stopped him.

"Bee what's going on?"

::...I must go.::


::Time is running out....I need.. to go.. get Sammy Pooh.::

"Let me come with you."


"Please. If you're going to get Sam then it's not dangerous, because you don't put Sam in dangerous situations." I reasoned.


"Please Bee." I begged, flashing him puppy dog eyes. I heard a electronic groan, before the passenger door opened. ::Get in....backseat....lay low.::

I smiled at him and climbed into the passenger then into the back, laying low on the floor as I was told as Bee sped off the base.

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