Loving You (Tyler Seguin) {Se...

By KneelBeforeSaad

313K 7.8K 6K

I never thought that I'd ever fall in love. I've always been so afraid of being in love, and sharing every pa... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Author's Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Bonus Chapter
Author's Note
Q & A
Book 3

Chapter 37

4.4K 97 39
By KneelBeforeSaad

Amy's POV

I wake up to something tickling my ear. As I start to open my eyes, I realize that it's Tyler blowing into my ear as he sleeps next to me. I quietly chuckle, moving my head back a bit to stop the tickling. I bring my hand up, putting it into Tyler's hair. I smile as I watch him sleep. He always looks so peaceful and adorable when he sleeps. He always wants to be as close to me as possible while we sleep.

I notice a bit of chocolate smeared on his face. It must've gotten there last night. We spent all night watching movies in bed while eating popcorn, chips, and candy. Tyler made a healthy smoothie for himself in order to not feel like as much of a fatass. He made me a strawberry smoothie because he knows I hate the healthy ones. Tyler fell asleep during one of the movies, so I turned off the tv and joined him.

I lick my thumb, and rub off the chocolate on Tyler's face. He groans slightly in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. He moves his hand off my body, and turns around so that his back is towards me. Tyler spent all night last night without a shirt on, so his back muscles come into view. I gently rub my hands across his muscles, trying my best not to wake him. As much as he loves waking up next to me, he does get cranky sometimes if I wake him up.

I lean up a bit, and kiss Tyler's shoulder. Then I slowly start to move away from him. I move off of the bed, and quietly walk through the room to the washroom. I grab the toothbrush that I keep in there, and start to brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror, seeing that my hair is a mess. I have chocolate smeared on my shirt. Well actually it's Tyler's shirt. He gave me some clothes to wear so that I would be more comfortable while lying in bed.

I wipe off the chocolate as much as I can before I decide to just leave it. Tyler can wash it on his own later. That is if I give the shirt back to him. I leave the washroom, and see that Tyler is still asleep on the bed. I decide to go make some pancakes for us. Tyler only likes certain things that I make, and pancakes are one of them. I leave Tyler's room, and head to the kitchen.

I find Cash in there just lying on the ground. I bend down, and give him a quick kiss. Then I stand back up, and look through the kitchen for everything that I need for cooking. Tyler likes my chocolate chip pancakes the best, so I guess I'll make those. As I start to make the batter, Marshall walks into the kitchen. I chuckle as he wedges himself in between my legs. I go find my phone, and I start playing music in the kitchen while I quietly sing along as I cook.

"I thought I heard an angel singing," Tyler mumbles as he slowly walks into the kitchen.

"I'm making pancakes," I tell him with a smile.

"I see that," he says with a chuckle, rubbing his hands over his face. "Need any help?"

"No, I'm good. This is one of those times where you can just sit and look pretty while I cook," I joke.

"Rarely does that ever happen," he teases, propping himself up onto the counter by the stove.

While I'm flipping a pancake, Tyler leans over and kisses my cheek. Marshall barks at him, which makes me laugh. Tyler gives Marshall a bit of a glare, and stares at him while he gives me another kiss. Marshall growls a little, which makes Tyler laugh. He sticks his tongue out at Marshall, and then gives me a kiss on the lips. I giggle as I kiss him, but then I feel Marshall nudging my legs.

"You're making him jealous," I say while laughing.

"Good. Everyone should be jealous of us," Tyler remarks.

"But he's my little baby," I tell him, bending down to hug Marshall. "Don't upset him."

"Sometimes I think you love him more than me," Tyler pouts.

"I could never love anyone more than you."

"You hear that Marshall? She loves me more, so back off," he says in a stern voice, wagging his finger at Marshall like a parent.

"Scared he might win me over?," I tease as I stand up again to cook.

"I'm always scared that someone might steal you from me," he mumbles.

"You shouldn't be. I've imagined a life without you, and it sucks so I don't ever want that. I'm not gunna leave you for anyone," I tell him.

"Promise?," he asks, putting up his pinky.

"I promise."

I lock my pinky with Tyler's. I pull his hand closer, and place a gentle kiss onto his knuckles. Tyler smiles at me, looking into my eyes. I let go of his hand, and return to making our pancakes. As I get to the last few ones, Tyler hops off of the counter. He wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses my neck. Tyler slides his hand under my shirt, and I let out a tiny shriek.

"Your hands are cold," I exclaim, moving them off my body.

"Let's warm them up then," he whispers, moving a hand down into my sweats.

"Stop," I tell him, but I let out a small moan when I feel Tyler's fingers brush up against my thong.

"You don't sound very convincing," he says with a chuckle, kissing my shoulder.

I start to relax my body against Tyler's, resting my head back against his shoulder. Tyler hooks my underwear, and moves it aside as he starts to rub his fingers over my clit. I close my eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hand. It's still cold, but that just adds to the amazing sensation. I moan out again, this time louder. I feel Tyler move his hand to put his fingers inside me, but before he can I smell something burning.

"Shit, the pancake," I shout, elbowing Tyler away from me.

"Goddamn pancake ruined our moment," he remarks.

I quickly take the pancake off the stove, and see that it's burnt. "This one is yours since you distracted me."

"It was worth it," Tyler says with a smirk, licking his fingers.

"Wash your hands," I tell him.

"Fine," he says, sighing as he turns on the tap.

As Tyler washes his hands, I put the pancakes onto two plates. I give Tyler more since he's able to eat more. Once Tyler is done washing his hands, he pours us both some milk. While he does that, I grab the syrup for the pancakes. Tyler grabs some knives and forks, and then the two of us sit down at the table together. Marshall follows us to the table, and sits down underneath it beside my feet.

"Don't forget that we have to go to that dinner tonight," Tyler says as we start eating.

"Oh right, I totally forgot. What's the dinner for again?," I ask.

"To celebrate you getting your memory back," he tells me.

"But I've had my memory back for weeks," I point out.

"I know, but tonight was the only night that worked out for everyone to be able to come," he explains.

"I've hung out with most of the guys since I got my memory back, so it's not like it's a big deal," I remark.

"Then just think of this dinner like any other dinner," Tyler tells me. "If it's not a big deal, then don't make it into a big deal."

I sigh. "Ok, I won't think about it too much. But what do you want to do until then?"

"I have to go shopping," he says.

"Like grocery shopping?," I question.

"No, clothes. Someone keeps stealing all of mine," he teases.

"If you want them back, I can give them to you," I tell him.

"No, it's ok. You keep them. This gives me a chance to update my wardrobe," he says.

"I only take your comfy clothes though," I point out. "So you still have your nice clothes."

"True, but if I'm going out to buy casual clothes, I might as well get some nicer ones too."

"Well let's finish eating, and then shower and get ready to go. I'm gunna need to borrow some clothes," I say with a chuckle.

"Why can't you wear the clothes you wore last night?," he asks.

"I'll wear my shorts, but I want a different top. I can't be repeating outfits," I tell him.

"Ok, I'll give you an old hoodie," he says with a sigh, pretending to be annoyed.

"Thank you."

I lean over, and place a kiss on Tyler's cheek. He continues to pretend to be annoyed, so I poke his cheek. He smiles just like I knew he would. Tyler turns to face me, pulling me in closer for a kiss. I can taste the syrup on his lips from the pancakes. I lick all of it off as I stick my tongue into his mouth. When Marshall barks at us, we break from the kiss. We both laugh as we go back to eating the pancakes I made.

When we finish eating, Tyler offers to wash the dishes while I go shower. I don't bother to argue with him on that since I'm usually always the one that washes the dishes. But to be fair, Tyler is usually always the one to cook. As Tyler starts to wash the dishes, I give him a quick kiss before heading back to his room. I go into the washroom, and strip down out of Tyler's clothes. I turn on the shower, stepping into the warm water which instantly relaxes me. As I wash my hair, I start to hum along to a random tune.

I didn't lock the washroom door, so it doesn't surprise me when I hear it open. I can see Tyler's silhouette through the curtain, and I listen as he shuffles around in the washroom. Then he opens up the shower curtain, and steps inside with me. He stands behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist. My back presses up against his chest, and I can feel Tyler's dick against my ass. He doesn't try anything though. All he does is kiss my neck.

Tyler washes the shampoo out of my hair, and I close my eyes as I relax against his body. He gently massages my scalp as he gets the shampoo out. When he finishes, he turns me around to face him. He puts the bottle of shampoo in my hands, and bends down a bit to make it easier for me to wash his hair. As I do that, Tyler grabs the bar of soap and starts to lather my body with it. I start to hum again as I wash his hair, which makes him smile.

Once all the shampoo is out of Tyler's hair, he starts to rub the bar of soap on himself. Since I'm already clean, I just step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body, and carry the clothes I was wearing back into Tyler's room. I see my shorts from last night on the bed along with one of Tyler's hoodies. It's one of his old All Star Game ones. I drop the towel, and put on my bra and underwear. Then I put on the clothes that Tyler laid out for me.

"You're already ready?," Tyler asks as he steps out of the washroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Ya, I just need to do my hair and makeup," I say.

Tyler nods, and starts looking through his closet for some clothes. As he does that, I head back into the washroom. I have some hair products and makeup here. Honestly, it feels like I live here sometimes. I probably would move in with Tyler if it wasn't for Dylan. Because of that adorable little boy that I love so much, I haven't moved out yet. But Tyler doesn't seem to care that I spend most days and nights at home rather than here.

I brush my hair, and put in a little bit of product to keep it from frizzing. Then I put on a little makeup. When I step back into Tyler's room, he's sitting on the bed waiting for me. He's dressed, and ready to go. He gets up when he sees me, and the two of us leave his room. Tyler goes to the kitchen to fill the dogs' bowls, and then we leave his apartment. We go out to his car, and he starts driving to the mall.

Tyler doesn't live too far from the mall, so it's not a long drive. But I still get to play a few songs in the car that we both sing along to. When we arrive at the mall, Tyler takes my hand as we start to walk inside. I don't really know what stores Tyler wants to go to, so I just follow behind him. As we walk, I notice a few people looking at us. Well they're mostly staring at Tyler. Some fans approach him, but for the most part, people give him his privacy.

Tyler leads me to whatever stores he wants to go to. I help him look through the clothes, taking out what I think will look good on him. He tries on a bunch of different clothes at every store. I wait outside of the change room every time, and I give my opinion when he comes out to show me the clothes. Honestly, everything looks good on him. But Tyler only ends up buying half or maybe less than half of the clothes we picked out.

We spend a lot of time shopping for new clothes for Tyler. My stomach starts to make noises, so the two of us head to the food court to eat. Tyler tries his best to get something that's somewhat healthy, but I on the other hand, pig out without a shame. Tyler finds us a place to sit and eat. We place all of Tyler's bags on the ground under our table. Then the two of us begin eating, and my hunger instantly becomes satisfied just with the first bite.

Tyler laughs as he watches me eat. Occasionally, he reaches over the table to wipe away some ketchup that has gotten on my face. I don't care if I make a mess though, as long as I don't get anything on Tyler's hoodie. Tyler finishes eating before me, and continues to watch me while I eat. As I'm eating, I notice a text from Drea. I pick up my phone to check it, and as I do, I hear Tyler's phone camera going off.

"Delete it," I tell him, looking up at him with a glare.

"I already posted it," he says with a smirk.

"I hate you," I remark.

"You looked cute in it. You look good in my hoodie, and you had a cute smile on your face. So don't worry about it."

"I still hate you," I mumble, eating the last bit of my fries.

He chuckles. "I'm sure that won't last long. I'll do one adorable thing, and your heart will melt and you'll forgive me."

"It's not that easy," I tell him.

"I don't know, Amelia. I think it is," Tyler says, scratching the back of his head in the adorable way that he always does which instantly makes me smile.

I try to hide my smile by looking down at the ground, which just makes Tyler laugh. He takes my hand from across the table, and kisses the back of it which just has me blushing more. He's right. I really can't stay mad at him. Tyler gives me a smug grin as I blush, and I shake my head while rolling my eyes. He lets go of my hand, and I go back to eating my food. Once I'm done, Tyler throws out our garbage. Then we leave our table and go back to walking around the mall.

"There's a sale," Tyler exclaims in an excited tone.

"What store?," I ask, looking around.

"My favourite one. Victoria's Secret."

Tyler has a huge smile on his face as he starts to drag me towards the store. I giggle as I follow behind him. As soon as we walk into the store, he lets go of my hand. He grabs one of those bags, and starts going around the store. He knows my bra size and underwear size, so he knows exactly what to get. Tyler fills up the bag with whatever lingerie he likes. I find a seat somewhere, and watch him excitedly fill the bag. He's like a kid in a candy store.

"Do you need help with anything?," a girl that's working asks me as she walks up to me.

"No, I'm ok," I tell her.

"Are you just waiting for someone?," she questions.

"Ya, I guess so. That tattooed guy running around the store like a little kid is my boyfriend," I tell her.

"Wow, he's really filling that bag up," she remarks.

I chuckle. "Ya, you're gunna get a good sale out of him."

"Amy, hold this," Tyler says, walking over to me. "I need another bag."

"Do you need any help, sir?," the girl asks him.

"No, I know what I'm doing," he says with a smirk.

Tyler leaves me, and grabs another bag to fill up. The girl working leaves me as well, and goes off to help someone else. I pull out my phone, and go through my social media pages to kill some time. I look up every few minutes to check on Tyler. He seems to have attracted the attention of some girls. They all watch him as he goes around the store. Some of them laugh as they watch him. It looks like they're checking him out. They can look all they want, but they can never touch.

"Ok, I'm done," Tyler says, returning to me with a second filled up bag.

"You're not buying all of these," I remark. "That's a lot of money."

"But seeing you in these will be worth every penny," he tells me, giving me a wink.

I roll my eyes. "Fine, let's go pay then."

"You have to try them on first," he says as I'm getting up from my seat.

"But it's the right size. It'll fit," I point out.

"I know, but I still want to see you in them."

"I'll try them on at home then," I tell him.

"No, put them on right here, right now," Tyler orders.

"Right here? You want me to strip in front of everyone?," I tease.

"In the change room, obviously," he remarks.

Tyler grabs my hand, and drags me over to the change rooms. The girl working there looks at the two bags that we have with wide eyes. She laughs a little as she shows me to a change room. Tyler joins me inside as well, and takes a seat on the little bench that's in there. He takes out a few bras for me to put on, and then pulls me in to stand in front of him. Tyler pulls the hoodie over my head, and unhooks the bra I'm wearing.

"On second thought, maybe you should just go braless for the rest of your life," Tyler says, pulling me in closer to suck on my boobs.

"Not happening," I tell him, chuckling as I push him away.

I grab one of the bras that Tyler had taken out, and put it on. I turn around to look at myself in the mirror that's in the change room. I look at Tyler's reflection as he sits behind me, and stares at me through the mirror. His mouth is slightly open as he practically drools. I giggle as I turn back around. I face Tyler again, and I use my finger to push up on Tyler's chin to make his mouth close. Then I take the bra off, and put on the next one.

I repeat the same process with every bra that Tyler collected in the bags. I don't try on any of the matching underwear that Tyler had also gotten. Tyler watches me closely as I try on each bra. If I look down at Tyler's crotch, I can definitely see that he's enjoying the view. He bites his bottom lip as he watches me, and I can tell that this is torture for him. I purposefully cup my boobs and push them up, which earns me a frustrated groan from Tyler.

"I can't take it anymore," he whines.

"Can't take what?," I question with a smirk, moving my hair aside from my chest.

"Stay quiet," Tyler tells me.

Before I can ask what he means by that, Tyler gets up from his seat. He pushes me up against the wall of the change room, so that my chest is against the wall. Tyler quickly unzips his pants, and takes his dick out. He tugs down my shorts, and forces himself inside of me. I let out a moan, but Tyler quickly clamps his hand over my mouth. Tyler cups my boob with his other hand, and kisses down my neck. I continue to moan against Tyler's palm as he roughly thrusts in and out of me.

Tyler moves his hips quickly and harshly. Normally, he would slow down his pace for a few minutes but both of us know that we have to be quick. I feel Tyler moan against the skin of my neck, and at the same time he bites me. I can feel myself getting close, and I can tell that Tyler is close too. Tyler takes himself out of me, and turns me around to face him. He puts himself back inside of me, and lifts up one of my legs a bit.

I want to scream out, but Tyler keeps his hand over my mouth. Tyler presses his lips up against the back of his hand to muffle his own moans. We stare into each other's eyes as Tyler expertly thrusts into me. I grasp onto Tyler's shirt as I feel myself cumming around him. My legs feel like jello as I go through my orgasm. Tyler continues to thrust through my high, but once I've settled down he pulls himself out of me. I kneel down in front of him, pumping my hand over his dick as he cums into my mouth.

"Fuck, I love you so much," Tyler mumbles, out of breath.

Tyler puts his hands on my face, and pulls me back up to stand in front of him. He sloppily presses his lips against mine, breathing heavily into the kiss. When Tyler breaks from the kiss, he zips his pants back up. I pull my shorts and underwear back up. I take off the bra I'm wearing, and put my old one back on. Tyler and I put all the bras back into the bags, and then we leave the change room. As we step out, we earn a few skeptical stares.

Tyler and I just calmly walk over to the register. There's a short line, and we reach the front in no time. The cashier looks a little shocked as Tyler and I set the two bags of lingerie down. She also looks annoyed about having to scan and bag everything. Another employee comes and helps her with packing everything. It takes a few minutes, but eventually everything gets packed. There are quite a few bags that Tyler and I both carry out of the store.

The two of us are tired, so we decide to call it a day. We leave the mall, and head out to Tyler's car. We load up the trunk with all of our bags. Then Tyler starts driving. He takes me back to my place instead of his since I have to change for the dinner tonight. When we arrive, Tyler helps me carry all my bags up to my room. Thankfully, dad and Dylan aren't home to see that I have a bunch of bags full of lingerie. That would just be incredibly awkward.

While I look through my closet for a dress to wear tonight, Tyler starts taking the tags off of the bras and underwear. He throws everything into my laundry basket to be washed before I wear it. I take off the bra and underwear that I'm wearing, and toss it into the basket as well. Then I pull different ones out from my drawer, and put them on. Tyler sits down onto my bed as I put my dress on. It doesn't need to get zipped up, so I start with my hair and makeup.

"I feel like you watch me because you secretly want to get your makeup done," I tease as I'm putting on mascara.

"Shit, you found my secret," Tyler says with a chuckle.

"Come here then. I'll do your makeup," I tell him.

Tyler's face drops. "I was just kidding."

"Well I wasn't, so come over here," I order.


"Please," I beg, giving Tyler a pout.

"Fine," he says with a sigh.

I move over a bit to make room for Tyler. He sits down on the ground across from me, and we both turn to face each other. I go through my makeup pouch, and take out everything that I'll need to do Tyler's makeup. Tyler closes his eyes, and I do my usual routine onto his face. There's a little bit of blue on Tyler's shirt, so I put some blue eyeshadow on him. I put it on really thick, which makes him look like a prostitute. I grab a deep red lipstick, and put it on him.

"You have no upper lip," I tease, laughing as I apply the lipstick.

"Ya, but you still enjoy my lips," Tyler says with a smirk.

"Can I pluck your eyebrows?," I ask as I scan my eyes over his face.

"Hell no," he exclaims.

"Fine, but I'm filling them in then," I tell him.

"Am I going to have nice eyebrows like you?," he asks.

I chuckle. "I'll try my best. Just hold still."

I start to fill in Tyler's eyebrows, and I try to shape them as best as I can. I do a few little last minute touches, and I examine Tyler's face. It actually turned out pretty good. I tell Tyler he can open his eyes now, and he slowly does. He turns his head, and looks at the mirror. I turn my head as well, watching Tyler as he looks at the makeup I put on him. Tyler wipes away a little lipstick at the corner of his mouth with his pinky, and I burst out laughing at the way he puckers his lips and fixes his makeup like a girl.

"What's so funny?," Tyler asks, looking at me again.

"Nothing. You're a very pretty girl," I tell him.

"Almost as pretty as you."

"Aww how sweet," I say, kissing his cheek.

"But the blue eyeshadow kinda makes me look like a hooker," Tyler tells me with a chuckle.

I laugh. "Ya, l went a little crazy with the blue eyeshadow."

"Well regardless, I'm still very pretty," he says.

"You'd be prettier if you let me shave your beard and pluck your eyebrows," I tell him.

"If I didn't have a beard, you'd be the most upset about that out of the two of us because you love this thing," Tyler remarks, running his hand over his beard.

"Ya, I do love it. It tickles. Plus it's very sexy," I say, poking his nose which makes him chuckle.

As Tyler laughs, he leans forward and tackles me to the ground. I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck. Tyler kisses my neck and shoulder, purposely rubbing his beard up against my skin. I laugh hard from the tickling, grasping onto Tyler's shirt. He moves away from my neck, still laughing as he looks into my eyes. Tyler rubs his thumb over my cheek, and then leans down to give me a kiss. We stay like that for a few minutes before I remember about the dinner.

"Shit Tyler, we have to go," I say, pushing up on his shoulders. "You still have to go home and change."

Tyler sighs. "Ok, let's go."

Tyler gets off of me, and stands up from the ground. He puts his hand out for me, and I take it. He helps me up, and then I look at myself in the mirror. I have red marks on my neck and shoulder from Tyler's lipstick, and his lipstick is also smudged on my lips. I wipe away the lipstick on my skin, and I just apply the same red lipstick on myself on my lips. I spray some perfume, and then I tell Tyler we can go.

I put on some heels, and then the two of us leave my room. We leave the house, and go back out to Tyler's car. I can't help but laugh at Tyler as he drives. He looks ridiculous with all the makeup caked onto his face. But even though he looks like a total dork, I love him so much. I think I love him even more because he's such a dork. He's never boring to be around, and he always keeps me smiling and laughing. I feel so thankful for being able to spend everyday with him.

When Tyler and I arrive at his place, we carry all his bags to his room. He stays in there to change, but I leave. I don't feel the need to watch him change like he does with me, so I decide to play with Marshall and Cash. I follow the two of them as they lead me over to their toys. I sit down with them, and they both just shower me with kisses. I giggle, petting both of them. A few minutes later, Tyler walks out of his room, dressed up and ready to go. Tyler always looks so good when he rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt.

"Ready to go now, babe?," Tyler asks, grabbing his car keys.

I nod, and get up from the ground after giving Marshall and Cash each a final kiss. I walk over to Tyler who is waiting for me by the door to leave. He grabs my hand as he opens the door for us. I walk out first, and Tyler follows me down the hall to the elevator. We go down, and go out to his car. Tyler starts driving to the restaurant that we reserved a table at. I play around with the music, and I occasionally reach over to kiss Tyler's cheek. He took the makeup off now.

"You're not pretty anymore," I tease, poking his cheek.

"I'm not pretty without makeup?," Tyler questions with a pout.


He dramatically gasps. "No?"

"You're beautiful now," I say, kissing his cheek again.

"Just like you," he tells me. "My girl can look beautiful with and without makeup."

My heart flutters when Tyler says "my girl". Damn right, I'm his girl and I'm proud of it. I used to hate the thought of belonging to someone, but now I absolutely love it. It makes me feel wanted and needed. Like Tyler couldn't function properly without me. And honestly, he probably couldn't. I'm the same way too. I couldn't function without Tyler. I'm not sure how I spent twenty three years of my life without him, but I'm glad I have him now.

Tyler takes my hand as he continues to drive. Neither of us says much more for the remainder of the drive. We arrive at the restaurant, and as Tyler looks for a place to park, I recognize some of the cars here. I guess we're a little late. We probably wasted time when I was doing Tyler's makeup. We get out of the car, and go into the restaurant. Tyler gives the name for our reservation to the hostess, and she takes us to the table.

Almost everyone is already here. Drea and Jamie are sitting next to each other with Jamie at the head of the table. Jordie sits across from Drea, and Cody is sitting next to her. Some of the other guys are here too, like Val and Spezza. The only person that I notice is missing is Jason. Tyler goes to sit next to Jordie, and I sit down next to him. A waitress comes, and gives us some menus. But before she leaves us, we order our drinks. As everyone talks, I look around the table.

"Why are there two empty seats?," I ask, looking at the seat next to me and across from me.

"Demers is bringing Rous with him," Jordie tells me.

"You didn't tell me Antoine was coming," I whisper to Tyler as everyone goes back to talking.

"Well I invited him, but all he said was that he'd think about it. I guess he decided on coming," Tyler explains.

"Why did you invite him?," I question.

"I'm trying to be civil with him for the sake of helping him move on, and for the sake of the team," he tells me. "I want to be able to hangout with him with the rest of the guys, and not have it be awkward."

"It's going to be super awkward though," I remark.

"Baby steps, Amelia. We'll work our way up to it not being awkward."

"I love that you're trying," I say, resting my head against his shoulder.

Tyler smiles, and kisses the top of my head. The waitress returns to our table, and puts our drinks down. No one has ordered yet, so she asks if we're ready to order. We tell her that we're still waiting for some people. As we say that, Jason and Antoine walk over to the table. The waitress leaves them menus, and then walks away again. Antoine looks over at Tyler and I as I'm still resting on his shoulder. Antoine looks hurt, so I move off of Tyler.

"Cody, my man," Jason says, pulling out the chair next to Cody.

Tyler clears his throat. "Maybe you should sit next to Amy."

"Oh uhh," Jason mumbles, looking at the seat next to me and then at Antoine. "Sorry Cody, I guess I'm ditching you for tonight."

"Good riddance," Cody says with a chuckle.

"I'm hurt," Jason pouts as he walks around the table to sit next to me.

"It's ok, I'm more fun than Cody anyways," I tell him, giving him a smile.

"You guys can have all the fun you want," Cody remarks. "I'll just chill here with Rous."

As Jason sits down, Antoine pulls out the chair that's across from me. He sits down next to Cody, and avoids all eye contact with me. He turns to Spezza, who's sitting next to him, and joins in on the conversation with that side of the table. I watch Antoine, and I can tell that he knows I'm watching him because his jaw tenses. Tyler places his hand on my thigh, which makes me look away from Antoine. I look down at Tyler's hand, grabbing it with my own and then looking up at him.

"You ok?," Tyler asks me.

"I just feel bad," I say with a sigh. "He won't even look at me."

"Just give it time," he tells me, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I'm a bad person," I mumble, resting my head on Tyler's shoulder again. "I never should've done anything with him."

"You're not a bad person. You just made a mistake," Tyler says.

I sigh, and Tyler squeezes my hand. When the waitress returns to the table, I move off of his shoulder. When I look up, Antoine is staring at us from across the table. It looks like he's grinding his teeth as he clenches his jaw. I wonder what that feels like. I wonder how painful it would be to see Tyler with another girl, especially is that girl was my friend. That's like if Tyler was with Drea. That would just piss me off. I wonder if Antoine is pissed or upset. Probably both.

Everyone gives their order to the waitress, and then she leaves again. Tyler starts talking to Jordie and Jamie, so I turn to talk to Jason. As the two of us talk, Cody starts to join in from across the table. I try to pull Antoine into the conversation as well. I want him to know that I don't want things to be weird between us. Antoine talks with us, but he just mumbles a few words here and there. But I guess that's better than nothing. Hopefully, he'll loosen up as the night goes on.

"I'd like to make a toast," Jason says, holding up his glass of wine.

"Oh, here we go," Jordie mumbles with annoyance.

"I'd just like to make a toast not only to Amy, who I'm glad has her memory back, but to everyone here. I'm glad that I have all you guys in my life, and I hope that we get to spend a lot of time together. Hopefully, celebrating a Cup win."

"Aww Jason," I say, giving him a hug.

"That was fucking soft bro," Jordie remarks with a chuckle.

"But it was sweet, so I'll toast to that," Tyler says, picking up his glass.

I move away from Jason, and pick up my glass as well. Everyone at the table picks up their drink also. We raise it to the toast, and then drink from our glasses. As I'm putting my glass down, I turn to look at Tyler. He smiles at me, and brushes aside my hair. I lean in closer, grabbing onto Tyler's collar as I press my lips onto his. Tyler runs his fingers up my thigh, which tickles so I giggle against his lips.

As I laugh, I hear the harsh squeaking of a chair. Tyler and I both break from the kiss, and look across from us. Antoine is standing up with his chair pushed out. He looks at Tyler and I, anger and pain clearly fuming through his body. Antoine turns around, and walks away from the table. Everyone looks at each other awkwardly, but then Jason lightens the mood by joking about something totally unrelated.

"I'm gunna go check on him," I say, getting up from my seat.

"Are you sure?," Tyler asks, grabbing my wrist. "That might not be the best idea. Maybe he just needs some space. Or someone else could check on him."

"No, I think I should," I tell him. "This whole issue is because of me. Maybe it'll be good for him to say what's on his mind to me."

"Do you want me to come along?," he questions.

"No, I'll be fine."

I kiss Tyler's cheek, and then I leave the table. I walk through the restaurant, following the path that Antoine took. Through the glass doors of the restaurant, I see him outside. He's sitting on the ground with his face buried into his hands. I sigh, and open the doors. I slowly approach Antoine, and I take a seat next to him on the ground. I put my hand on his back, rubbing it comfortingly. Antoine looks at me with sad eyes.

"I can't do this," he mumbles.

"Do what?," I question.

"Move on, and act like nothing happened," he explains. "I've been trying. I really have. I thought tonight would help me to move on, but I can't. It's too hard to watch you with him because all I want is to be in his position. All I can think about is being with you. But it's all just a dream. I can't have you in reality."

I sigh. "Antoine, I want you to be happy. You have to move on. I want the two of us to be able to be in the same place without it being tense. I want us to be friends."

"I can't be friends with you. Not after everything we did," he tells me. "I want more than just friends."

"I don't understand this. You're a good looking guy. You're funny, really nice, and super sweet. You have the accent going for you. You're a professional hockey player. You could get any girl that you want. Why are you so hung up on me?"

"Why are you so hung up on Tyler?," he remarks.

"That's different. I actually know him. You don't know me," I say.

"You know Tyler, but you also feel something with him. That's what makes you so crazy about him, and that's what makes me so crazy about you. I feel something amazing with you," Antoine tells me.

"Well I'm sorry that you do because the feeling is never going to be mutual," I say. "And I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I'm just being honest with you. I want Tyler. I need him, and that's not going to change. And you need to learn to deal with that, and move on because no one wants to see you like this."

"And everyone needs to accept the fact that I can't move on," he mumbles. "Everyone needs to stop worrying about me. I'm tired of everyone feeling sorry for me, and feeling like they need to walk on eggshells around me. I don't want you or Tyler to feel guilty. I'm growing used to the pain that comes from wanting you. I'm thankful for the concern, but I'm ok. So I would appreciate it if everyone would just let me be."

"I understand that you want your space, and you want to deal with all of this at your own pace. But you have to understand that we're concerned because we care. So if you're gunna storm out like that, someone is gunna chase after you," I tell him.

"And why was that someone you tonight?," he asks.

"Because I care the most."

"You do?," he questions.

"You're hurting because of me, so of course I'm gunna be concerned the most. Hurting you was never my intention," I explain.

"Actually having feelings for you was never mine. You were just a pretty girl at a party, but then you became so much more," Antoine says with a weak smile, looking at his feet.

"I'm sure you'll meet another pretty girl. And you'll feel an even stronger connection with her, and she'll feel it too," I tell him. "You deserve to have that in your life."

He sighs. "I hope you're right. Not about that happening, but about me deserving it."

Antoine continues to look at his feet. Neither of us says anything else. Silence grows in between us, but it's not uncomfortable. The night air blows through my hair. Strands of my hair hit Antoine in the face. I giggle as I move the strands away from his face. Antoine chuckles as well, looking up at me again. I get up from the ground, and put my hand out for him. He takes it, and I help him up from the ground. I let go of his hand as we walk back into the restaurant, and rejoin everyone at the table.

"Is everything good?," Tyler asks me as I sit down next to him again.

"It's still a long road till things are good, but I think we're getting on the right track," I tell him.

Tyler smiles, and kisses the side of my head. When he does that, I look over at Antoine. He's watching us, but when I look at him, he gives me a small smile. It doesn't look very genuine, but at least he's trying. I hope one day that he's actually happy. I want him to have what I have with Tyler. I want everyone to have that. It's the most incredible feeling in the world. One of pure happiness, and everyone should get a chance to experience that at least once in their life. I'm grateful that I get to experience it with Tyler.

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