[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hol...

By DiamondDragon2002

270K 6.3K 23.6K

An Object heads High School AU featuring characters from the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity series(s). Our main... More

First day of School #1
First Day of School #2
First Day at School #3
Meeting Pen #1
ABHLOE Character Heights
Meeting Pen #2
Chapter EIGHT!
There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 2
A new Member
Field Trip
ABHLOE Character Heights #2
About Iance
The truth about Freesmart
Rebuilding Friendships
Investigation 2
Picture Day
Discovered #1
Discovered #2
A new Member Again.
About Fall
Righting the Wrong
Home Security
Movie (date)
~New Friend~
Winner & Loser
Investigation 3
BIG problem, dumb solution
Found Out
Investigation 4
Halloween Prep
The Wingman
Tricks & Treats
Party Time
Exchange of Info
Supernatural Encounter
Vengeance pt 1
Vengeance pt 2
Vengeance pt 3
Halloween Dance
Sleep over
Truth or Dare
Culinary Catastrophe
Study session
Black Out
Power Restored
Back to work
The Science Fair
Finally in!
The Reveal
Run Away
Lift Off
Back to Earth
Fall Break
Fun and Games
Arcade Anarchy
Housing problems
Out with the old
This chapter is about Brains
Date Night pt1
Date Night pt 2
Snow Day
Snowball Showdown
Wonders of Winter
Carol of the bells
Gift Preparation
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 1
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 2
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 5
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6
Merry Christmas!
The Child
A day at the Park
She returns?!?
Supernatural Visit
Double Trouble
Common Ground
Fair Prep
Questions & Prizes
School Festival
The Losers! Concert
Fortunes and Readings
To The Zoo!
To the Zoo 2!
Mudai no bubun
Casual lunch chat
Uneggpected Visitor
Three is a threat
Candle's Warning
Back Together
Even black holes need therapy
Zodiac Companions
Zodiac Companions 2
Double time
Night out with a friend
Bad Branch Day
Self Conscious
The Yoyle Zone: Like you
The Yoyle Zone: Swapped
The Yoyle Zone: New opportunities
The Yoyle Zone: Hanging out with friends.
The Yoyle Zone: Mishaps
The Yoyle Zone: Understanding
Eggellent Easter
Bring your pet to school day
Mouse, Cat and Dog
Fans and Allergies
Back up
Welcome to The Jungle
Mi Casa, Tu Casa
Grievous error with a side of Heroics (Pt. 1)
Grievous error with a side of heroics (Pt. 2)
Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1
Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in
Operation: Storm the Empire. Escape!
Black Hole the guardian
Friendships Pt 1
Friendships Pt 2
Taking your friend to play golf
Legends of the Cosmic Serpents
Don't leave your phone at home.
Rare Occuence
Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent
Camping Out
Bunk with the sis
Beach Day
Pen's epic wipeout!!
Shrunk n Drunk
Size Shenanigans
Guess who's back
Preparation for a Secret Surprise
Party Presents
Back to School
A Black Hole at Gym class
Play attention
Detention's Tensions
Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)
Aires the guardian of dreams
Fall play auditions
Spooky Night 1
Spooky Night 2
The Play: Act I
The Play: Act 2
The Play: Final Act
Holiday shopping
Seasons Fearing's
Two Teams, One danger!
Frozen Diversion and Not yourself
Pi(e) Day
Post trauma tensions
Death Itself

Pet Play

1K 30 87
By DiamondDragon2002

Normal P.O.V:

Purple Inani-mate: A black hole that chose to coexist within civilization... I never thought I would see the day.

Black Hole: You're not the first to say that, and definitely not the the last.

Floor: Hey there Black Hole, are you considering to adopt that cutie by any chance?

Black Hole: Oh this little fella? He's cool and all, and we both have similar ideals but I'm gonna have to say no to the idea. His little guy's species are way to delicate to be in the care of something as destructive as me. 

Purple Inani-mate: I would have to agree with my cosmic college, one hard hit and POOF nothing but the confetti.

Floor: Ooh, do you think it hurts?

Purple Inani-mate: Well no.. we inani-mates actually enjoy becoming the confetti. 

Black Hole: You guys like dying? Huh, I did not know that one. Well that first question tells you want to adopt this fella so, he's all yours I'm gonna check with some of the others.

Black Hole leaves Floor and the purple inani-mate to themselves.

Floor: Now what would be the perfect name for you...? I'm thinking... Toosty Woosty.

Toosty Woosty: I am a cosmic being beyond your comprehension, however... the title "Toosty Wootsy" is acceptable.

Meanwhile Nickel sits with the big grey inani-mate when Silver Spoon shows up.

Silver Spoon: Well it is only natural that someone as grand as moi would be taking the biggest one-

Nickel: Hey hey Snooty Spoony! This inani-mate and I have already chosen each other, right Nickel Jr.?

Nickel Jr.: *cheeky growls*

Silver Spoon: Ugh- You? A small insignificant piece of currency with this mighty beast? Hmph, i doubt it! 

Nickel: Hey chill out 'your highness', I found another one that's much more suitable for you it practically reminds me of you!

Silver Spoon: Really now...?

Nickel: Yep, TAH-DA!

Nickel slides a lime green inani-mate to Silver Spoon. It had one broken horn, a brown splatter, one eye bigger than the other and it's wings on the bottom of it's body.

Silver Spoon: ....

Nickel: Spitting image, have fun you two.

Nickel and Nickle Jr. leave.

Silver Spoon: Must have an endearing personality this one..

Lime Inani-mate: *gargling sounds*

Cabby and Test Tube both sit at one of the tables with Cabby's inani-mate sitting in the center, Cabby pets him happily while Test Tube takes notes.

Tennis Ball: Hey, what are you two doing here?

Cabby: I'm glad you asked Tennis Ball, Test Tube and I are studying our new pets. Black Hole had recently told us about how easily their life can be taken, isn't that right Montgomery?

Montgomery: Pachoo! Pew pew.

Test Tube: I am currently workshopping a potential Recovery Center built specifically for these creatures. 

Tennis Ball: Wow a pet recover center? I don't think that's been done before!

Cabby: Indeed, you and your friend Golf Ball are more than welcome to assist us in this mission, we'll need all brilliant minds on deck for this one.

Tennis Ball: Of course, I'll go get her right now!

Test Tube: Let's hope this idea of ours works Cabby, I don't want to have to deal with two people losing a pet.

Cabby: Two? Oh Fan.. Well let's see how you weigh Montgomery.

Montgomery: Pew!

Balloon: Hey Nickel, check my new buddy Quacky!

Quacky: *Quack!*

Balloon: Not only is he cute but he's unlikely to pop me.

Bot: Test Tube also let me keep uh.. N/A! my little guy!

N/A: [in Bot's voice] my little guy!

Bot: Not. Little.

Bot extends thier legs over N/A.

Nickel: Great. It's a shame both Baseball and Suitcase are absent today, they would love our new friends.

Black Hole: Hey guys, you and your new companions seem to be getting along well.

Bot: Yeah! I love my teenie pal.

N/A: [In Bot's voice] My teenie pal. :)

Bot: *groans in annoyance and extends their legs further up*

Black Hole: Woah, looks like we have a cute little mimicer here.

N/A: [in Black Hole's voice] A cute little mimicer here.

Black Hole: ... 

Black Hole: Is my voice really that flat???

Bot, Nickel & Balloon: Uuh... / I don't know you tell me. / Nah, I think it suits you.

Paintbrush grabs a ball from their bag and throws it by their inanimate.

Paintbrush: Alright Diamond Crusher, go... fetch!

Diamond Crusher: ... *groany noise*

Candle: having problems with your little friend?

Paintbrush: Yeah, I have no idea where to start with raising an inani-mate.

Lightbulb then shows up.

Lightbulb: Hey guys, sorry I was a little lat- WOAHA! No one told me there was going to be a pet party here! I would've brought my pal Baxter along.

Paintbrush: Hey Lightbulb! I got a new pet, this is Diamond Crusher.

Diamond Crusher: *cheerful noises*

Lightbulb: *GAAAAASP* OMGA I love them! Now I really wish I brought Baxter, you two can be friends. 

As Lightbulb mentioned the crab she ends up coughing and he flies out from her mouth.

Lightbulb: *cough cough COUGH* Oh, there you are you little rascal.

Silver Spoon: Yin-Yang! My greatest fellow Thinker, how about a trade-sies?! It's the bargain of the centry!

Yin-Yang: Yeah, bargain BIN! SCRAM, GO! Hello there Candle, how do you like our new little one? 

Candle: She's perfect for you, I can tell. 

Yin-Yang: What have you named yours?

Candle: Flamina. How about you two? 

Yin-Yang: I'm calling her Sprinkles! I thought we agreed no stupid names! It's not a stupid name! Whatever, I say Vicious is better for him. No it's not, Sprinkles is too cute for a such a scary name.

Candle: How about we let the inani-mate decide? 

Candle comes out of the cafeteria's kitchen with a plate holding two treats, one with Yin's name and the other with Yang's name.

Candle: Which name do you prefer little one?

Yin-Yang's inani-mate goes back and forth between the two while sniffing them, eventually the inani-mate gobbles up the one with the name..

Yin-Yang: SHE CHOSE SPRINKLES!! YAY! I guess if she likes it I'll take it.

Sprinkles: Bark!

Flamina: *playful coos*

Sprinkles: Ark! Bark!

Candle and Yin-Yang both sit and watch their inani-mates play together. After awhile these wholesome moments get interrupted by the school's PA system which speaks with The Principal Announcer's voice.

PA Speaker: Attention students, due to some unforeseen and chaotic events that I'm sure some of you have been aware of, school is out early today for repairs of some of the rooms. Have a good day.

After that message everyone had cleaned out their lockers and went on their ways.

Floor: You're gonna love your new home Toosty Woosty, I just hope you're okay with having to carry me in a terrarium the whole way.

Toosty Woosty: Carry you? Where exactly do you live?

Paintbrush: You allow pets in your hotel right OJ?

OJ: As long as their properly trained and well behaved, or at least housebroken.

Pen: Man... I wish I was able to pick an inani-mate of my own. They seem so cool!

Black Hole: Well like Cabby said, there's plenty of them out in the world. I'm sure you'll find yours some day.

Pen: Thanks Black Hole.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: You have NO IDEA how much I've been wanting to put the inani-mates in my AU ever since that episode came out. XD)

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