[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hol...

By DiamondDragon2002

270K 6.3K 23.6K

An Object heads High School AU featuring characters from the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity series(s). Our main... More

First day of School #1
First Day of School #2
First Day at School #3
Meeting Pen #1
ABHLOE Character Heights
Meeting Pen #2
Chapter EIGHT!
There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 2
A new Member
Field Trip
ABHLOE Character Heights #2
About Iance
The truth about Freesmart
Rebuilding Friendships
Investigation 2
Picture Day
Discovered #1
Discovered #2
A new Member Again.
About Fall
Righting the Wrong
Home Security
Movie (date)
~New Friend~
Winner & Loser
Investigation 3
BIG problem, dumb solution
Found Out
Investigation 4
Halloween Prep
The Wingman
Tricks & Treats
Party Time
Exchange of Info
Supernatural Encounter
Vengeance pt 1
Vengeance pt 2
Vengeance pt 3
Halloween Dance
Sleep over
Truth or Dare
Culinary Catastrophe
Study session
Black Out
Power Restored
Back to work
The Science Fair
Finally in!
The Reveal
Run Away
Back to Earth
Fall Break
Fun and Games
Arcade Anarchy
Housing problems
Out with the old
This chapter is about Brains
Date Night pt1
Date Night pt 2
Snow Day
Snowball Showdown
Wonders of Winter
Carol of the bells
Gift Preparation
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 1
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 2
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 5
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6
Merry Christmas!
The Child
A day at the Park
She returns?!?
Supernatural Visit
Double Trouble
Common Ground
Fair Prep
Questions & Prizes
School Festival
The Losers! Concert
Fortunes and Readings
To The Zoo!
To the Zoo 2!
Mudai no bubun
Casual lunch chat
Pet Play
Uneggpected Visitor
Three is a threat
Candle's Warning
Back Together
Even black holes need therapy
Zodiac Companions
Zodiac Companions 2
Double time
Night out with a friend
Bad Branch Day
Self Conscious
The Yoyle Zone: Like you
The Yoyle Zone: Swapped
The Yoyle Zone: New opportunities
The Yoyle Zone: Hanging out with friends.
The Yoyle Zone: Mishaps
The Yoyle Zone: Understanding
Eggellent Easter
Bring your pet to school day
Mouse, Cat and Dog
Fans and Allergies
Back up
Welcome to The Jungle
Mi Casa, Tu Casa
Grievous error with a side of Heroics (Pt. 1)
Grievous error with a side of heroics (Pt. 2)
Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1
Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in
Operation: Storm the Empire. Escape!
Black Hole the guardian
Friendships Pt 1
Friendships Pt 2
Taking your friend to play golf
Legends of the Cosmic Serpents
Don't leave your phone at home.
Rare Occuence
Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent
Camping Out
Bunk with the sis
Beach Day
Pen's epic wipeout!!
Shrunk n Drunk
Size Shenanigans
Guess who's back
Preparation for a Secret Surprise
Party Presents
Back to School
A Black Hole at Gym class
Play attention
Detention's Tensions
Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)
Aires the guardian of dreams
Fall play auditions
Spooky Night 1
Spooky Night 2
The Play: Act I
The Play: Act 2
The Play: Final Act
Holiday shopping
Seasons Fearing's
Two Teams, One danger!
Frozen Diversion and Not yourself
Pi(e) Day
Post trauma tensions
Death Itself

Lift Off

1.6K 39 91
By DiamondDragon2002

Tree's P.O.V:

We exit Starline Apartments unsure what to do next well, the others mostly, I'm still wrapping my head over the fact that Black Hole had decided to leave Earth, he loved being here way to much not to mention I can't even imagine Death P.A.C.T. or my life in general with out him. Remote starts to vibrate again causing us to halt our movement.

Liy: Okay who is this time?

Remote: Tennis Ball.

Tree: ugh, again? He just won't quit won't he?


Tree: No just hang up!

Remote: He also sent me a text saying not to hang up. He wants to help.

Liy: What makes you think we can trust him after what he and Golf Ball have done to Black Hole?

Remote: Tennis Ball and I are tetherball friends, I'm sure we can at least trust him. Let me put my self on speaker.


Tennis Ball: About time you picked up.

Fanny: You and your friend accused Black Hole of something he would not want to do! Our friend RAN AWAY back into space because of you two! Why ELSE would we NOT want to answer your calls!?

She's not wrong, but now that I think about it.. Tennis Ball didn't say anything he just stood there letting what happened.. happen.

Tennis Ball: I'm aware of that, this wasn't even the outcome I wanted, I only wanted to learn his race. It was mainly Golf Ball who made the assumption, I'm so sorry for everything.

Pillow: An apology doesn't undo everything!

Pie: Pillow!

Tennis Ball: I have a plan to get Black Hole back! Meet me at the park and we'll talk there.

Tennis Ball hung up, I suppose this is our best bet. On to the park. Once we arrived there it wasn't hard to miss Tennis Ball as he was next to a large blue passenger rocket ship with two windows and three thrusters, of course he would have something like this.

Tennis Ball: I knew you guys would come!

Lightning: Uh yeah, you were the one to tell us to. Is this your rocket?

Tennis Ball nods indicating it's not his, just then the last person I would want to see at this moment walks out of the rocket holding a tool box.

Golf Ball: Okay everything is ready, has Death P.A.C.T. arrived ye- Oh, perfect.


Golf Ball: Uh, this is MY rocket, I'm not gonna let other people use it with out my supervision!

Pen: Well, you're the exact reason Black Hole ran away! Y'know if you'd just left him alone none of this would have happened!

Golf Ball: The past is called the past for a reason! And I am aware that I'm the one at fault! I was wr-ugh... I was wro*gag*.

Tennis Ball: C'mon, is it that hard to admit it?

I roll my eyes at the sight of Golf Ball apparently chocking on a word she's not likely to use on herself, she clearly can't even swallow her own pride.

Golf Ball: I was *hrrog* I was wrong... about Black Hole. It took nearly the entire school attacking me with trash items and insults to see that now.

The entire school did what to her? snnrk, I kinda want to see that, this of course proves that everyone still cares about him, I smile at the thought.

Golf Ball: We don't have much time, if we sit here dawlding for too long there's a chance Black Hole will be gone forever! So hop into my rocket A.S.A.P.!

We all climb inside the rocket and TB and GB start it off.

Tennis Ball: T-minus 10... 9... 8... actually, we don't have time for a countdown. Lifting off.. now!

In almost no time at all we were exiting Earth's atmosphere and are now blazing through the cosmos, that was until TB changed the controls to slower the rocket, most likely to make steering in space a little easier. 

Golf Ball: So far... so good. Now to locate Black Hole.

Golf Ball then pushes a button and a screen shows up from the ceiling with a radar, a moving dark purple dot can be seen with each rotation.

Pen: What's that?

Golf Ball: One of my personal inventions; the singularity detector, I originally made this to go on my rocket to avoid black holes to make space travel easier, but this time we'll have to use it to get to one. 

Golf Ball: He's still in our solar system, we have a shott at catching up to him. Tennis Ball, full speed ahead!

Tennis Ball: Hold on tight!


Marker: I wonder what everyone else is doing...?

~ Meanwhile back on Earth~

Normal P.O.V:

Many students are gathering at the school stadium from many directions. 

Loser: Any luck searching for Black Hole anyone?

Marshmallow: Nope, haven't seen non-existent hide or non-existent hair of him.

Bubble: I haven't see Fanny anywhere either, actually the rest of Death P.A.C.T. seems to be missing too.

Pin: They obviously went after Black Hole themselves!

Eraser: Why are we looking for him then if Pen and the other Death P.A.C.Ters are already in pursuit?

Pin: Because Eraser we can't just sit around and wait for this problem to solve itself.

Nickel: I'm with Pin in that one, it's all hands and feet on deck here! Not that it's working out at the moment..

Mic: Wait just a moment now, Black Hole once told me that while his hearing was short he still my amplified voice outside his range! Maybe I can call him.

Mic then pushes her on button, takes a deep breath and..


Nickel quickly hops to push her button again to making her stop. 

Mic: Hey!

Nickel: Microphone, not to say that ability would still be useless but I don't think yelling "BLACK HOLE" is going to yield the results we want.

Female voice: At least she was on to something.

Bell lowers herself down from the sky with Grassy, Rocky and Firey. Jr hanging on to her string.

Balloony: Bell, why's Little one with you?

Bell: These three had heard what had happened and wanted to help, so I let them on my string so we could search from above.

Grassy: Grassy likes Black Hole, Grassy wants to help find him!

Rocky: *squeak*

Firey. Jr: Well I haven't really met the guy Grassy and Rocky kept telling me about how nice he is so I want to help too!

Leafy kneels to pat the small flame on the head.

Leafy: That's very nice of you Firey Jr.

Puffball in her large size then flies down with Fries, Flower, Yin-Yang and a still inebriated Test Tube on her back, after landing they get off and she shrinks to her normal size.

The were also followed by Foldy, Yellow Face, Pickle, Roboty, Book, Ice Cube and Woody on a giant paper plane piloted by David, Cloudy also followed said plane.

Puffball: We couldn't find him in the sky~

David: Aww seriously?

Cloudy: We surveyed over Evil Forest, no good.


Paintbrush: AH-!

Floory: I looked in every cave and underground tunnel I know of, no luck there either.

Paintbrush: And why pray tell WHY would Black Hole go underground?

Floory: It's where I would go to sulk, you gotta admit he seemed rather distressed when he left.

Paintbrush: Ha, if anything he would most likely go up somewhere to sulk! 

In idea suddenly hits Paintbrush as they start to think. 

Paintbrush: Guys what if Black Hole hade'nt gone anywhere on Earth, what if he went back to space!?

Everyone: *various murmurs*

Coiny: Y'know it makes a lot of sense when you think about, Golf Ball claimed he didn't belong so of course he would go back to where he came! Smart thinking Paintbrush.

Ruby: But.. But that would mean we may never see him again! I *sniff* I don't want that!

Garnet hugs Ruby as she cries in her shoulder.

OJ: I agree with Ruby, but what else can we do? Going to space isn't easy.

Bomby: I actually saw a rocket blast off at the park not too long before coming here, maybe Death P.A.C.T. were in that rocket and are goin after him!

Firey: If that is the case I suppose all we can do, even if some of us don't like it is to just wait and hope that they find him and that they manage to get him to come back...

Everyone then sits down as Firey made this claim, some of them even start to look up as all they can do is in fact just wait.

~To be Continued~

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