Breakaway (Cole Pendery Story...

By Liv1dforever

3.1K 104 0

Liv and Cole's story continues as Liv starts to plan her second album. Book 2 out of 11. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 part 1
Chapter 60 part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 part 1
Chapter 70 part 2
Chapter 71
Chapter 72 part 1
Chapter 72 part 2
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 part 1
Chapter 82 part 2
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 37

29 1 0
By Liv1dforever

Chapter 37


The next morning I woke up to a phone call. I grabbed my phone and saw it was Will calling me. I rolled my eyes and answered the call.

"William, it is seven oh three in the morning, I am supposed to be having a day off," I said letting the sass roll off my tongue.

"I'm sorry! I thought you'd be awake," Will said.

"What do you want now that I'm awake?" I asked.

"I have a melody for a possible song, want to help me write it?" Will asked. I shot up out of bed.

"Give me ten minutes and I'll be there," I said as I ran over to my closet and put on my sport shorts.

"See you soon, my mom will make you breakfast," Will said.

"Okay," I said as I ran out of my closet in a new blue t-shirt, I had my black Nike shoes on as I ran my brush through my hair.

I hung up the phone as I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I walked out and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note for Cole.

"Hey babe,

I'm at Will's house. He has a melody that he wants me to help write the words on. I'll be home later.

I Love You!


I smiled and put the note on his nightstand. I saw him roll over before I kissed his cheek.

I walked out of the room and went into the kitchen to have a cup of chocolate milk as Theresa walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie," she said.

"Hi, I'm off to Will's house to write a song," I said.

"Okay, is Dwight taking you?" She asked. I nodded my head as I sent Dwight the text. "Okay, does Cole know?" She asked.

"I wrote him a note," I said before I took a drink of my chocolate milk.

"Any idea when you'll be home?" She asked. I shook my head. "Okay," she said.

"I have to go, I'll see you later," I said.

"See you later," she said giving me a hug.

I walked out the door and went to Dwight's car. He drove me to Will's house. I got out of the car and walked up to his front door. I knocked on the door as Will opened the door.

"You are going to love what I have to show you," he said as he took my hand and lead me into his house.

"What kind of song are you thinking?" I asked as we got to the kitchen.

"LIV!" Ella yelled giving me a hug.

"Hello Mrs. Behlendorf," I said.

"I'm going to start calling you by your first name if you don't stop calling me that," Ella said.

"I'm sorry Ella," I said.

"That's better, now here, eat up," she said as she handed me a plate with some pancakes on it.

"Thank you," I said as I sat down at the table. Will walked back out with his laptop.

"How do you feel about writing a Christmas song?" Will asked.

"A Christmas song?" I asked. Will nodded his head. "Let's do it," I said before I took a bite of my pancake.

We talked a bit about the song, before we went to his room to continue writing the song.

I heard Cole's ringtone as I looked over at Will.

"Answer it," he said.

"Thanks," I said before he got up and left the room. "You didn't have to leave!" I yelled before I answered the phone. "Hey babe," I said.

"Hey baby, I got your note," Cole said disappointed.

"Why do you sound disappointed?" I asked.

"I was hoping to cuddle with you, but you're not here," he said.

"Awe," I said sweetly. "Go cuddle with the pillow," I said giving him attitude.

"It's not the same," Cole said. I laughed. "How's the song coming along?" He asked.

"Its okay, it's actually a Christmas song we are writing," I said.

"That sounds like fun, is it a cover?" He asked.

"Nope, an original," I said.

"Even better," Cole said. "Are you going to feature with us?"

"No, you already have "Can't Stay Away," with me," I said.

"I know, but I love singing with you," he said.

"I know, me too," I said. "Have you read the note from my mom?" I asked.

"No, I'm just waiting for the right time," he said. "What about you?"

"Not yet, I just don't know how I'm going to react," I said.

"I'll pick you up in a few hours, we have a Ustream later, and I'd like you to be there," he said.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll see you soon baby, I love you," Cole said.

"I love you too," I said before we hung up. I smiled at my lock screen of Cole and I before I looked back at the song.

An hour and a half had past before I got another phone call. I rolled my eyes.

"Cole?" Will asked. I shook my head as I checked the caller ID.

"It's Kendall Schmidt," I said before I answered the call. "Hey Kendall," I said.

"Hey Liv, are you in LA?" He asked.

"I am, I'm actually at a friends house at the moment," I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bugging you," he said.

"It's okay, we're finishing up, what's up?" I asked.

"I am about to go into the studio to work on some music for my solo career and I was wondering if you'd want to come help me?" Kendall asked.

"Sure, I can be there in about an hour?" I asked.

"That works, thank you Liv!" Kendall said.

"You're welcome, see you soon," I said.

"Day off?" Will asked with a laugh.

"It's never a day off unless Cole takes my phone away from me," I said as I started to gather my bag. "Well, thank you for breakfast, and letting me write "Jingle Bell Pop," with you," I said giving Will a hug.

"No problem, it was fun," Will said.

"I'll see you at Dana's in a few hours," I said.

"Okay, see you soon," he said as he walked me to the door.

Dwight was out there with his car as I walked over and got in.

"Studio," I said.

"Right away Liv," Dwight said as I put on my seatbelt.

Cole POV

I walked over to my car to go get Will and Liv to take them to Dana's house for our Ustream.

I drove over to Will's house and walked up to his door. I knocked before Will opened the door and walked out.

"Where's Liv?" I asked.

"She left about an hour ago," Will said.

"She did? Where did she go?" I asked.

"She didn't tell you?" He asked as he walked towards my car.

"William, I wouldn't be asking if I knew where my wife was at," I whispered.

"She got a call to go into the studio with Kendall Schmidt to help write some songs for his solo album. Liv said she would try to be at Dana's for our Ustream," Will said as we made it to my car.

"Okay," I said as we got in. I pressed the call button on the steering wheel. "Call Live," I said.

"Calling Live," my car said.

"Live?" Will asked. I shushed him.

"This call has been forwarded-" Liv's voicemail said as I hung up.

I started my car and started heading towards Dana's house.

"Why does your car take her name as live?" Will asked.

"I don't know, but on my mom's car, Liv's name is Live Stivenson," I said as Will started laughing. "So I heard you wrote an original Christmas song?" I asked.

"Yes, we also were working on a twenty thirteen mashup of all the hit songs from this past year," Will said.

"Sounds like fun," I said.

"Are you okay?" Will asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Liv said you sounded disappointed when you called earlier, because you didn't get your morning cuddles with her," Will said. I rolled my eyes.

"I also didn't get my good morning kiss from her either," I said.

"Oh my gosh, call the police!" Will yelled.

"Will quiet down," I said before I rolled my eyes. "You are like a child to Liv and I," I said.

"If it wasn't me, then who?" Will asked.

"Will!" I yelled laughing as I pulled up to Dana's house.

I turned my car off before I grabbed my phone. Nothing from Liv. "Let's go," I said as I got out of my car. Will followed me as we walked up to Dana's house and walked through the door.

"Hey," Dalton said running over to us.

"Hey, is she here?" I asked. The boys all looked at each other.

"We thought she was with you," Dana said.

"She got called into the studio last minute," Will said.

"Mom!" Dana yelled, "We need you," he said as he walked off to find his mother.

We gave Joni the laptop as she sat down on Dana's bed. We heard her start the Ustream as Dana clapped his hands we all hushed Dana as Joni made it seem we were "running late," for our Ustream.

We walked in and took control as the fans knew we were already there.

We started talking to them as Will wanted to make this Ustream the best one ever.

"Why don't you dress in my clothes?" Dana asked.

"That's a good idea, so I'm going to go put on Dana's clothes since we both have different style of clothes," Will said before he left with Dana to get dressed.

"Liv's watching," Dalton said. I smiled.

"So what should we talk about guys?" Gabe asked as he looked over towards Will and Dana.

"Why is our chat behind," Dalton groaned.

"Team Starlight or team Heartbeat?" Gabe asked.

"Team Clivia," I said.

"Team Clivia all the way!" Will yelled.

"Gabe quit watching us!" Dana yelled.

"Hey look it's Colton!" Dalton yelled as I smiled into the camera with him.

"That's what they know us as," I said.

"So Cole, Colton, or Clivia?" Dalton asked.

"You know I can't answer that," I said.

"But it's a question," Dalton said.

"Okay, we are ready!" Dana yelled running over to us. I moved the laptop as I tried to find Will.

He was in Dana's black skinny jeans, and blue varsity jacket he wore for the "Can't Stay Away," music video, along with one of his many hats.

"Hi, I'm Dana Vaughns, and this is "Go,"" Will said as he started to do the dance. I saw that Dana's pants didn't fit him as I quickly pulled the laptop away from him.

"The pants!" I yelled.

"You saw a lot of Will!" Dalton yelled laughing.

"You saw all his goodies!" I yelled laughing.

"Cole stop!" Will whined as he ran back into Dana's closet.

"Hey Colton is back!" I yelled.

"Yes!" Dalton yelled as Gabe was off to the side on his phone. "When did we ever leave, oh hey I'm going to dye my hair black," he said.

I looked over at him. "No you're not, did you get it approved by Jill or Liv?" I asked.

"No, what are they going to do about it?" He asked.

"Dye it back to blonde," I said.

"You never answered my question," Dalton said.

"What was the question?" I asked.

"No Gabe you can't!" Dana yelled as he went flying towards Gabe tackling him to the floor. I turned around and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Holy cow!" Dalton yelled.

"Fights are breaking out now," I said.

"Gabe are you okay?" Dalton asked as he laughed.

"PSA announcement, if you are having trouble with your friend get counseling, don't hit them in the face!" I said before I started laughing.

Gabe looked up and smiled at the camera. "It was fake?!" Dalton yelled.

"It was all fake!" Dana yelled.

"No one told me it was fake!" Dalton yelled.

"I knew it was fake," I said as there was a knock on the door.

"Liv was calling you," Dana whispered as I went over to the door.

I walked out of the door as Liv looked at me. "Is Gabe okay?" She asked.

"He's fine, it was fake," I said.

"I'm sorry I'm late," she said looking down.

"It's okay," I said pulling her into my arms. "I have to get back, but I'll be with you in about fifteen minutes," I said.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," I said before I kissed her lips. I pulled away and walked back inside.

"Jill is mad at us," Dalton said. "And our chat isn't working so I guess tweet me," Dalton said.

"What should we talk about?" Will asked.

"How about how white Dana's legs are," I said with a laugh. He had his pants rolled up showing off his skin. Dana walked away after that.

"Oh, never touch Dana if he's wearing white pants, he's very protective of his white pants," Dalton said.

"You made that mistake," I said.

"I know, I'm getting so many tweets about the slap," Dalton said.

"Did you already make the joke?" Will asked.

"Yes," Dana said.

"Fun fact we plan our ustream's," Dalton said.

"Or else these wouldn't be as funny as they are now," I said with a smile.

"We sit down and have a meeting about what we should mention in our ustreams," Will said.

"Will they don't need to know all that," I said.

"Will you need to leave!" Dalton yelled.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Go to fat camp!" Dalton yelled.

"I'm sorry!" Will yelled as he walked towards the door.

"I love this, a fan just tweeted me telling me to send Will to fat camp!" Dalton yelled laughing.

"Oh this is why Will isn't my favorite person at the moment, he comes over to my house without asking, he eats my chips. I don't know what else but that's Will," I said.

"Okay, we have to leave soon," Dana said.

"We have ten minutes," I said.

"No seven minutes," Dalton said.

"It's three minutes!" Dana yelled.

"Oh we have shows and stuff!" I yelled.

"Yeah, check it out at! We love you!" Dana yelled as he ended the Ustream.

We all took a deep breath as everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Is she okay?" Dana asked.

"I think so, she knew what was going to happen," I said. "But I'll go talk to her," I said getting up and walking out of Dana's room.

I went into the living room and saw Liv talking with Alex. Liv looked up at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Liv nodded her head.

"I'm not mad, I knew what was going to happen, I'm sorry I was late," she said standing up and giving me a hug.

"It's okay baby," I said as I kissed her head.


The following week, we were back to dancing.

Cole and Sharna went first for the night giving them a twenty nine.

Derek and I got a twenty nine as well, along with Zendaya and Val.

This competition is getting harder. We keep losing people and they keep giving us twists. Luckily our fans keep us in the competition.

I also recently found out, that Cole and I are the first married couple on the show. No one will ever know that, except for us, Cole's family and our friends.


Happy Friday!


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