The Weasley Twins One Shot Bo...

By EclipseBrock

1.2M 20K 8.6K

A bunch of relationship situations I wondered how the Weasley Twins would handle. This is strongly how I'd pr... More

Prompt Disclaimer
George Weasley: Touch
George Weasley: Scars
Fred Weasley: Starving
Fred Weasley: Jealous
George Weasley: Thief
George Weasley: Vulnerability
Fred Weasley: Held
Fred Weasley: Sleepy
George Weasley: Alcohol
George Weasley: Bullied
Fred Weasley: Music
Fred and George: The Deal
Fred Weasley: Mischief
George Weasley: Fights
George Weasley: Kids
Fred Weasley: Help
Fred Weasley: Unbelievable
George Weasley: Repairo
George Weasley: Mumbles
Fred Weasley: Signs
Fred Weasley: Ill
Little Weasley :: S1 P1 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: S1 P2 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: Last Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Protector
Fred Weasley: Ouch
George Weasley: Careful
George Weasley: Promised
Fred Weasley: Panic
Fred Weasley: Cry
George Weasley: ily
The Little Weasley :: S2 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 Last Part :: George Weasley
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part One
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part Two
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Last Part
George Weasley: Sad
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Part One
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Last Part
Fred Weasley: Paralyzed
Fred Weasley: Backfired
George Weasley: Rest
George Weasley: Worried
Fred Weasley: Boring
Fred Weasley: Towers
George Weasley: Called Out
The Little Weasley :: S3 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S3 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: Final Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Posessive
George Weasley: Fever
George Weasley: Take Your Pain
Fred Weasley: Come Home to Me
George Weasley: Pretty Girl
Fred Weasley: No More Secrets
Fred Weasley: Eleven Years
George Weasley: Can't Sleep
George Weasley: Kiss Me
Fred Weasley: Change of Perspective
Fred Weasley: Impulse Control
George Weasley: Once Upon A Time
George Weasley: Your Kind of Pretty
Fred Weasley: Behave Yourself
Fred Weasley: Whine
George Weasley: Little Love
George Weasley: Stains
Fred Weasley: You're Safe
Fred Weasley: Not That Drunk
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P1|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P2|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P3|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |Final|
George Weasley: Lost and Found
George Weasley: Just Tell Me
George Weasley: Just Tell Me || P2
Fred Weasley: Oops?
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P1
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P2
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P3
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P4
Fred Weasley: In My Way || Final Part
George Weasley: They're Okay
George Weasley: Snooze the Day Away
Fred Weasley: Parallel Minds
Fred Weasley: Flinch
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P1
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P2
Announcement !!

Fred Weasley: I'm Right Here

10.5K 179 97
By EclipseBrock

•{surprise? guess I had another idea? squeezed a lil somethin out of my late night writer's brain for you all}•

It's been three years since the war. Two years since the school was rebuilt. And one year full of therapy appointments for you to finally have the courage to get a job again.

And the first place you knew to go was Hogwarts.

So, after a prompt interview with McGonagal, you've now adorned the title of Mystical Creatures professor for the older years.

And shockingly enough, the Malfoy boy is your favorite. Scorpius is a hard working student, loyal friend, and loving boyfriend to none other than Harry Potter's eldest boy.

They both were sorted into Slytherin. Scorpius due to his Malfoy blood, and Albus for his rough around the edges behavior. Well, to most people.

Their antics yet loving nature have made you laugh and smile daily. They've encouraged you and been your helpers since you started working at the school.

Funny enough, now, you're rushing through the school halls at night, making sure those two weren't out too late after curfew. You'd hate to see them get in trouble.

You know that the time they spend with each other is very special and important to them. You didn't want anyone taking that away from them.

"Scorps?" You whispered sharply down the dark hallway. You raised your want a muttered a light spell.

Soon, you'd searched through most of the hallways on the ground level of the school and were just about to call it good... when you heard a few odd sounds coming from down the hallway you were currently in.

"Hello? Albus? Scorpius?"

The noises continued despite your voice calling out for whoever this was. You hope it's those two troublemaking boys. You'd hate to run into Filch.

Even as a staff member now, he still gives you the same odd vibes he always has since you met him first year.

"Hello?" You called out again. "Who's there?"

"Y-y/n?" A male voice spoke. "L- wait. Wait."

You stopped walking. You couldn't believe your ears.

You're just tired, you told yourself. There's no way.

But then there he was. Fred Weasley. Standing right in front of you in a faded, blueish-gray light.


"Darling..." He scoffed. "You- you- look at you!" He gasped. "Gods, you're gorgeous!"

You blushed instantly.

"Freddie I don't understand..."

"I watch over the school," He explained as simplistically as he could. "I'm... I work here. In a way. Kinda."

"Fred, I-" You got choked up seeing him in front of you once again. Talking to him for that matter. "I wanna hug you. But... but I'd g-go right through you."

"I'm here," Fred promised. "I'm right here, love."

"I miss you," You softly sobbed. "I miss you so much. You've missed so much."

"Well," He shrugged. "I have all of the time in the world. Care to catch me up on all of the adventures I've missed?"

So, you and Fred spent the entire rest of the night walking the halls in the school. Then you sat in the library by the fire. Then you fell asleep to the sound of his voice once again.

As he watched over you sleeping, admiring the peaceful expression on your face, he saw a wedding ring on your finger.

He smiled, knowing his twin brother would take good care of you.

Besides, he wouldn't trust anyone else with his beloved.

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