The Weasley Twins One Shot Bo...

By EclipseBrock

1.2M 20K 8.6K

A bunch of relationship situations I wondered how the Weasley Twins would handle. This is strongly how I'd pr... More

Prompt Disclaimer
George Weasley: Touch
George Weasley: Scars
Fred Weasley: Starving
Fred Weasley: Jealous
George Weasley: Thief
George Weasley: Vulnerability
Fred Weasley: Held
Fred Weasley: Sleepy
George Weasley: Alcohol
George Weasley: Bullied
Fred Weasley: Music
Fred and George: The Deal
Fred Weasley: Mischief
George Weasley: Fights
George Weasley: Kids
Fred Weasley: Help
Fred Weasley: Unbelievable
George Weasley: Repairo
George Weasley: Mumbles
Fred Weasley: Signs
Fred Weasley: Ill
Little Weasley :: S1 P1 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: S1 P2 :: George Weasley
Little Weasley :: Last Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Protector
Fred Weasley: Ouch
George Weasley: Careful
George Weasley: Promised
Fred Weasley: Panic
Fred Weasley: Cry
George Weasley: ily
The Little Weasley :: S2 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S2 Last Part :: George Weasley
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part One
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Part Two
A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Last Part
George Weasley: Sad
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Part One
Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Last Part
Fred Weasley: Paralyzed
Fred Weasley: Backfired
George Weasley: Rest
George Weasley: Worried
Fred Weasley: Boring
Fred Weasley: Towers
George Weasley: Called Out
The Little Weasley :: S3 P1 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: S3 P2 :: George Weasley
The Little Weasley :: Final Part :: George Weasley
Fred Weasley: Posessive
George Weasley: Fever
George Weasley: Take Your Pain
Fred Weasley: Come Home to Me
George Weasley: Pretty Girl
Fred Weasley: No More Secrets
Fred Weasley: Eleven Years
George Weasley: Can't Sleep
George Weasley: Kiss Me
Fred Weasley: Change of Perspective
Fred Weasley: Impulse Control
George Weasley: Once Upon A Time
George Weasley: Your Kind of Pretty
Fred Weasley: Behave Yourself
Fred Weasley: Whine
George Weasley: Little Love
George Weasley: Stains
Fred Weasley: You're Safe
Fred Weasley: Not That Drunk
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P1|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P2|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |P3|
Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |Final|
George Weasley: Lost and Found
George Weasley: Just Tell Me
George Weasley: Just Tell Me || P2
Fred Weasley: Oops?
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P1
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P2
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P3
Fred Weasley: In My Way || P4
Fred Weasley: In My Way || Final Part
George Weasley: They're Okay
George Weasley: Snooze the Day Away
Fred Weasley: Flinch
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P1
Love & Loss :: Fred Weasley :: P2
Fred Weasley: I'm Right Here
Announcement !!

Fred Weasley: Parallel Minds

8.8K 183 15
By EclipseBrock

Prompt: You've injured yourself on the quidditch field and are in such a state of shock that Fred has to take over for you, because his brain works the same that yours does.  (Based on one of my own injury shock experiences, but with a different injury)

"Hey, hey, don't look at it. You're going to make it worse. Here," Fred shrugged off his jacket and draped it over your broken forearm. "See? Better. Okay, love, I need you to train your breathing. In slow through your nose and out deep through your mouth, okay?"

You tried. But by the second breath, all that were leaving your mouth were sobs. Your vision was fuzzy and unclear, your head was cradled in Fred's lap.

At some point, the entire quidditch team had gathered around you and Fred, as well as Madam Hooch as she tried to nudge away all of the other students.

Crabbe and Goyle were nowhere to be seen. They were the cause of your injuries. A purposefully aimed bludger straight at your arm when they saw you reaching for the snitch had completely shattered your arm.

The more you thought about your injuries, the worse your shock got. You started hyperventilating and suddenly felt very loopy and dazy. Like you were right on the edge of passing out but not quite.

Your hearing was close to nothing, but you could see Fred trying his hardest to get people to do things for you to make this easier until Pomfrey arrived. His eyes were full of worry but he remained composed and got things done.

Somehow a pillow had been brought out to the field for you to lay your injured and heavily bleeding arm on. Which brought some relief. But due to shock, you've now begun to shiver and shudder, which made your muscles tense in your arm.

You cried out in pain and buried your face into Fred's stomach. Fred looked down at you and began stroking his fingers through your messy, dirty hair. It had been a long game before your injury.

"You're alright, love. I promise. Pomfrey is on her way right now with things that'll make you feel better. I promise you'll be feeling better in no time. I promise. Just... do that name thing, remember? Let's do the names," Fred kissed your forehead. "Tell me my twin brother's name."

"George," You winced. "G-Georgie."

"Yep, and he's right there," Fred pointed to George who, when pointed to, crouched down next to you and Fred and took your hand into his. "What's your best friend's name? Best guy friend?"

"Harry," Your voice was now a tearful whimper. "It's Harry. F-Freddie I'm tired..."

"I know, but you can't go to sleep, okay? Don't go to sleep. We'll do more names to keep you distracted. What about professor? Who's your favorite professor?"

"Lupin," You whispered faintly. George and Fred shared the same look of fear when you began drifting in and out of consciousness. "S-s'tired..."

"Hey," George stroked your hand. "Stay awake, beautiful. We can't have you snoring on the field."

You laughed suddenly. "I don't... I don't snore..."

Fred grinned at his brother, seeing that he's using humor to keep you awake worked more than his anchoring tactics. In Fred's defense, that works for panic attacks, not injury shock.

"Bloody hell, yeah you do," Fred laughed along. "You do snore and it's so loud."

"I don't know how Freddie gets to sleep with it," George teased, making your lips turn up in a grin.

"He t...talks," You mumbled with a light chuckle. Your body shook and muscles tensed, which sent a fresh wave of pain through your broken arm.

The humorous mood was broken when you cried in pain again. Thankfully, Madam Pomfrey shuffled across the field to help. She had a few things with her that looked promising.

"Hello, dear, I need you to drink as much of this as you can," She explained, partly to you and partly to Fred. "It's a healing draught. You'll start feeling less pain when you get it into your system. That way we'll be able to move you better. Now, can I see the damage?"

Fred nodded to George who turned your head towards him so you wouldn't see your injury when Fred uncovered it for Pomfrey. Instead, George tapped your lip with the bottle of healing potion.

"C'mon, love, just enough," George soothed. "Just enough to ease the pain. You're alright. There we go."

You'd taken a few greedy gulps of the potion and dropped your head back onto Fred's lap where it was nestled before. You muttered out some kind of incoherent warning before your eyes closed and you were completely unconscious.


Hours later, you woke up in an actual hospital instead of the nurse wing like you'd predicted. St. Mungo's. Which scared you. Especially when you looked down at your casted up arm and couldn't feel it.

"Hello?!" You called out with teary eyes. "Hello?!!"

"Darling, hey, it's alright," Fred rushed in. Molly Weasley was just behind him. "Your arm was a lot more damaged than we thought. It needed surgery. But they fixed it up well and you're alright now. No pain, right?"

"No," You whispered. "Freddie..."

"I know, I don't like hospitals either," Fred leaned down to your head and kissed the part of your cheek just below your eye. "But you're so strong, and I love you so much. Me and the rest of our friends and family are here to help you through this. Okay?"

"I love you too," You mumbled back to him. "I love you too, Freddie."

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