The Last York Prince [AU]

echelon8394 tarafından

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HISTORICALLY INACCURATE: Based on Philippa Gregory "The White Princess" timeline, but AU: What if Richard III... Daha Fazla

Acknowledgement & Intro
The Birth of A Prince
The Truth
Burgundy Part 2
Wales Part 2
Inquiring Part 2
Horseback Ride
New Life
New Addition
Not A Goodbye
Visitation Part 2
R + F
Hello and Goodbye
New Baby
Farewell William
Infanta of Spain
Prince of Wales
Future of England
Cousin Edward
Dinner at The Staffords
The Death of First Borns
Uncanny Alliance
Return of the Duke
Goodnight Lady Mother
Aunt Cecily
The Truth Will Hurt
The King and The Prince
Journey to Scotland
Goodnight My Son
The End of Lord Strange
Death of Stanley
Lady Pole's Destitution
Joanna de Castile
Wives and Mothers
Stafford vs Plantagenet
Letters to Meg
The Curse
Confession Part 2
Long Live The King
Lord Protector
Justice Will Be Served
The End of A Curse
Son of The King
Spanish Envoys
Motherly Love
A Mother's Loss
Sneak Attack
Goodbye Sister
Letters to the King
Peace Treaty
Uncanny Alliance Part 2
Princess of England
A Brother's Wrath
Against Time
A Brother's Love
Tudor Heiresses
The First of Many
The Plague
Aftermath Part 2
Royal Blood
Hoist The Colour
Field of Cloth of Gold
Friction Part 2
Painful Loss
Secrecy Part 2
Decision, Decision
Saving Stafford
The Plan
Dawn of A New Era
Ghosts Of The Past
Coronate At Last
Swearing Fealty
Richard's Offsprings
Elizabeth Rose
Future Rulers
Letters to the King Part 2
Our Last Goodbye
Elizabeth Tudor
Without You
Family Forever
End of A Journey
Modern AU
Moder AU 2 - Alternative Ending
Princess Mary Rose [The Tudors]
Instagram Posts
Tudors Timeline [Part 1]
Tudors Timeline [Part 2]

Drunk In Love

403 13 12
echelon8394 tarafından

(Richard uses the time he spends with the noble lords to conceal something.

Wolsey fan anyone? I know Wolsey entered Henry VII's service in 1507, which is like five years from now, but this is just a cameo)

Harry turned to where Richard was gazing out. He knew his brother had gone through lost.

Harry decided to take the feathered quilt with the intention of attracting Richard's attention. Little that he knows, Richard can see him through the window.

"Harry, you are here to learn, not for you to play around", Richard turned just as Harry wanted to trick his brother.

"You're no fun", Harry groaned.

Richard didn't say much. Harry sat back down and focused on his studies.

"Was it her fault?", Harry's question caught Richard's attention.

"Fault? Whose fault?", Richard frowned.

"Your wife. Your son is dead".

Richard scrunched his face in pure disgust. "It wasn't her fault, Harry. I asked her to accompany me. My son was already sick, though I didn't think it was The Sweat at first. Never ask me of that ever again!".

Richard's pure anger slipped through and that frightened the 11 year old Harry. Richard took off to cool down his anger. He knew his brother was merely curious.

Richard went to chapel. He took out his rosary and sat on one of the pews to pray. He sensed someone was nearby, but he ignored it until the person, a priest sat next to him.

"Forgive me, Your Grace. I did not mean to disturb your prayers", said the priest.

"May I help you, father?".

"I simply would like to offer you my condolences. I've heard of the passing of your son".

"Thank you, father".

"God works in mysterious ways. Perhaps..., there is a silver lining to it".

"I'd like to think that too, father".

The church bell rung. The priest said a short prayer before getting up to leave.

"I didn't quite get your name, father", Richard's voice halted the priest's steps.

The priest turned. "Wolsey, Thomas Wolsey".

"Thank you, Father Thomas".

Wolsey bowed and turned to leave. Richard maintained where he was until Stafford came to sit next to him.

"You need to come with me. We are going to go and hunt some ladies", said Stafford.

Richard chuckled. "That is you and other noble lords. I am not that kind of a man".

"Oh come on, you don't have to participate".

"Then why would I go? I rather be in bed with my wife than watching you flirt and ruin young ladies".

"You are such..., a person", Stafford huffed and crossed his arms.

Richard laughed. "Alright, I will sit with you ladies tonight at the feast, just to make sure you don't get in trouble".

"That's the spirit! Don't be late", Stafford patted Richard's back before leaving.


Drew was helping Richard to place his livery when Robyn walked in, announcing Harry's arrival. Richard nodded, permitting the prince's entrance.

Harry was wearing red and gold, red being the Lancasterian colour and gold to show his status as prince. Richard, was wearing his signature dark colour, in contrast of his fair skin.

Richard bowed before Harry. Harry was fiddling with his rings before he spoke.

"I would like to..., apologise. I did not mean to offend you", said Harry.

Richard stood before his younger brother and kissed his hair. "Apology accepted, but never ask me that again", Richard said, sternly.

Freja walked out from the bedroom, dressed in dark green colour. The cloth of her dress was a gift from the queen.

"Your Grace, how nice it is to see you", Freja curtsied before Harry.

"I have just come to ask Richard to sit next to me, as always".

"Not tonight, brother. Lord Stafford and other noblemen have asked me to join their table for a..., game", Richard smiled.

"Don't worry, Your Grace. You can sit next to me", Freja smiled.

Richard sat with Stafford and other noble lords during the feast. Freja took her husband's seat next to the queen.

Lizzie watched Freja's expression when she saw how the ladies flocked the table where Richard and Stafford were occupying. Lizzie placed her hand above Freja's.

"I know my son. I know he would not dishonour you, let alone out in public like this", said Lizzie.

Freja only smiled. "I know, lady mother. I know that..., his heart is in my keeping. Only death can separate us".

Richard and Stafford were drinking and laughing with the other lords. The ladies gathered by the table, wanting their attention.

"Come on, Gloucester. Pick one".

"Gloucester fears his wife", and they laughed.

Richard didn't let those comments shook him. He brushed it away and drank. He let the ladies play with his hair, placing their hands on his shoulders or brushed their delicate fingers on his hands or cheeks, but nothing can ever compare to his Freja.

Although, something puzzled Stafford. Richard had been drinking with them and yet, he's the only one not horribly drunk like others.

"Why are you still sober?", Stafford asked.

One of the edge of Richard's lips etched into a smirk. "That, dearest cousin, is my secret".

"My Lord Gloucester, you have been with us and still, you have not yet conquered".

"Oh, I will conquer. Just not these..., beautiful ladies", Richard chuckled.

All the lords turned to the high table, where Freja raised her goblet with a smile. Richard raised his and winked at his wife.

"You are boring", one of them commented.

"And you just haven't found someone as exciting as she is", Richard chuckled.

"Are you sure she's not a witch? She didn't bewitched you or anything?", one of them chuckled.

"Oh no, no, my dear friends. Her beauty and soul bewitched me and my heart will belong to her for all eternity".

"Or perhaps..., you could..., share?", one of them chuckled, but quickly regretted when Richard's smiled dropped.

Richard pulled out his knife and twirled it around. "Careful, my lord. You might just wake up with your cock stuck down your throat", he threatened.

The lord bowed and apologised. Stafford couldn't help but laughed at the older man in fear of the man, who is about 20 years younger than him, threatening him.

Meg didn't like what she sees, but she knew she couldn't do a thing. She moved from her seat to squeeze in between Harry and Freja.

"How come you let him mingle with those pigs?".

Freja chuckled. "Simple, my dearest Meg. Your brother's heart belongs to me. Those men? They can throw their daughters at him, but Richard will brush them off. He is mine, body and soul".

Little that everyone know, Richard had some other plans. Richard had instructed Robyn to take the poison vial from Sarah and slipped it in none other than Lord Strange, son of Thomas Stanley.

Richard would've targeted Stanley, but that would be too suspicious. He needed to test the poison first and who better to test than the heir of the man who betrayed his father?

Robyn was the best candidate. He knew when to slip here and there unnoticed. Richard watched as Robyn bumped into another servant and the flask, hidden in his sleeve, slipped into the wine jug the servant was holding.

Richard watched the servant poured the wine into Lord Strange's goblet. He watched as Lord Strange drank the whole jug away.

Richard downed his own wine. He refilled again and again before finally, emptying the jug on the table. He got up, feeling a bit tipsy now.

"Excuse me, my lords. I shall like to make my conquest", he announced, which Stafford and the noblemen began to cheer.

He walked up to the high table, chin up and feeling very confident. Henry and Lizzie looked at each other to see the young duke staggering a bit as he bowed.

"Forgive me, Your Graces..., for my drunkenness. I'd like to court this beautiful lady here", Richard's eyes dilated upon laying eyes on Freja.

"Dear God, these two", Meg rolled her eyes.

Lizzie was already covering her mouth, stifling a laughter. Henry, amused at the scene before him and gave his permission.

Richard almost fell forward when he stood in front of his wife. He set his goblet down and sunk to the floor on his knees. He hooked his chin on his arm while he gave her a look that resembled a puppy in love.

"My, my, aren't you the fairest of them all?", he spoke.

"My lord, you flatter me", Freja, already blushing, brushed his fingers to his cheeks, knowing the ladies that tried to flirt with her husband were watching.

"Pray tell, fair lady. Are you engaged?".

Henry laughed this time while his children were baffled that their brother was drunk and asked his own wife if she was engaged. Freja turned to Lizzie, who whispered something to her.

"Why yes, sadly", Freja spoke and pouted.

Richard's smile dropped. "Oh..., it is pity. Here I thought I could make a conquest tonight".

Meg was laughing this time. Richard was confused as to why Meg was laughing.

"Sister, you wound me. You're laughing at my failure", Richard slurred, pouting at the end.

"Oh, Richard, my brother. Here I thought you are one of the most clever person I've met", said Meg.

"I am clever, thank you. I'm just terrible at flirting right now, so don't mock me", Richard struggled to get up.

"You're telling us that you can't flirt with your own wife?", Harry stated.

"What?", Richard turned to his brother, eyes wide.

"We are married, my lord", Freja giggled.

"Are we?", Richard was obviously drunk.

"Perhaps, the king and queen could excuse us. I shall like to perform my duties as his wife and provide him with children".

Henry raised his goblet to Richard and Freja. "May God grant you both many children".

Richard bowed before his mother and stepfather, almost tipping himself over if Robyn didn't catch him. Freja helped Robyn to take Richard back to their room.

Robyn set Richard down on the bed before Freja let him retire for the night. Freja helped her husband out of his pants and jacket before Richard plopped himself on the bed.

"Hmm, I love you", he was smiling like an idiot at her.

Freja smiled, shaking her head. She undressed herself and climbed into the bed with him.

"And I love you, silly".

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