Visitation Part 2

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(William spoke to Maggie. Richard and Margaret of York sit down for a private conversation. Pole reminds Richard of who he is. Freja received her blessings..., reluctantly)

Along the way, Richard rode with his small entourage. Drew was behind him while Sir Richard Pole was next to him.

"Lovely day for a ride", said Richard, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it is", Pole said, almost quietly.

"Is there something you wish to tell me, Pole?", Richard turned to him, smiling as if everything was fine.

Pole looked at him, sweating nervously. "About what, Richard?".

"Whatever either of you are plotting, please. I'm begging here. Don't go through with it".

"I do not know of what you speak", Pole looked away.

Richard drew his sword and aimed it at Pole's neck. "I'm imploring you, Pole. For the sake of our family, please don't do it".

"Are you Tudor now, Richard? Have you forgotten what they have done to you?".

"You don't have to remind me of what they've done! I know what they've done! Maggie is my family. You are her husband and if you don't keep her safe, this sword will be the last thing you'll see", Richard's anger was seething.

"You think I haven't tried?!".

"Try harder! Tudor is smart. Your head would be flying if one wrong move is made".

They reached Burgundy not long. Richard was welcomed like a royalty, although Margaret of York expected it to be a bigger entourage for Richard's standing.

"The lesser people, the better, dearest aunt", Richard smiled.

After they dined, Margaret and Richard took a walk at the garden. Pole and Drew weren't that far behind.

Richard described Freja to Margaret. Margaret smiled, seeing how Richard was talking about his soon to be bride.

"I'm sure she's charming. I would love to meet her, but I'm afraid your mother might disagree".

"You are my family. I want you to be there".

"Will the king consent to it?".

"He will, I will speak to him".

"I see he grants you many things. Your father's title, Jasper Tudor's dukedom and now, the earldom of Warwick. Do not be mistaken, nephew, I'm glad that land goes to you rather than one of his supporters. Like that one behind us, what does he think of marrying George's daughter to him? He's not of our standing".

"He married her off, thinking it's a safe way".

"Safe as in?".

"Safe as in he is related to the king".

"A low knight like him?".

"It is done. We can't just break them up".

"Unless he dies first".

"He is a good man, Your Grace. He loves Maggie".

"Love? You think you can merely survive on love? When he dies, he will leave her with nothing, but suffering".

"I'm here. If anything happens, I will take care of her".

Margaret gently grasped Richard's hand that she was holding. "Of course, you will. Just as your father had done".

"Enough about me? How are you?".

"I'm alright".

"How's Philip?".

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