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(A/N: I know CoA's last pregnancy was in 1518, but just bear with me for the sake of the plot.

Henry interrogates Richard during a council meeting. Catherine overheard of Henry's plan for her)

LATE 1520

Richard was summoned to the council. Surrey had warned him prior to the day he had planned to retire and his son, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, who would take over his job, who be on his side.

Richard sat on the chair in the middle of the room. Catherine was trying her best to not shed tears.

"An eye witness spotted one of your stewards heading off to Burgundy. He had a letter in his hand", Wolsey began.

Richard shrugged. "I send letters to my aunt all the time. I sometimes asked Andrew to send it over".

"My lord, you only ask Master Barnley when the letter is..., quite important".

Richard glared at him. "You open my letters?".

"We can't afford for a political leak, Your Grace", said Boleyn.

Richard chuckled. "Me? A political leak?".

"I can't afford any risk, brother", said Henry.

"I've risked my life for this country and this is my reward? You opening my letters and questioning my relationship with my aunt?".

"Do you have anything to hide, brother?".

"No, Your Grace. For the love of God, I have nothing to hide! I write letters to her every now and then because she's an old woman. Most of her family members are dead".

"There's Lady Pole", Henry pointed out.

"Lady Pole is busy tending to our daughter. Perhaps, she doesn't have time to write letters", Catherine chimed in.

"You're not helping, Catherine", Henry rolled his eyes.

"I swear, on our mother's grave, I have no secrets to hide. I am your most loyal servant, Your Grace. I've been loyal to England all my life. I've watched my kinsmen die just to protect your family on the throne. Yet, you still question my loyalty?".

Henry looked down, feeling guilty. "You are dismissed, Lord Gloucester".

Wolsey and Boleyn were disbelief at Henry's words. Richard gave a smirk and walked out.

He sat in his room for God knows how long. He would watch over his nephew and his sons' studies, but his mind pondered elsewhere.

Freja set her stitching aside and told the boys to go and play with the girls by the other side of the room. She sat on his lap, rubbing his shoulders.

"How dare they question my loyalty?", Richard fisted up.

"They're trying to break you, my love. They're trying to break your affinity in court".

"The Nevilles won't listen to them..., nor the remaining Plantagenets. What makes them think they have power over me?".

"I think perhaps it's me..., or our children".

Richard shook his head. "It's me. It's always been me".

Freja pulled him in her arms, resting her cheek on his head. "I'm sure it's just a phase".

"They read my letters, Freja. The system is compromised now. They're trying to cut me off".

"Is there something I can do? Please tell me, I want to help you", she held him closer.

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