Chapter 141

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  *6 months later*

Maddy laid in her bed....facing towards the window, watching the rain roughly hit up against the window. A few tears rolled down her face, knowing she was due at any given moment. There was a gentle knock on her door, Maddy sat up and faced her door.

"W-Who is it?" Maddy asked.

"It's me! Tony," Tony yelled through the door.

"Come in!" Maddy said.

Tony opened the door...a huge smile on his face.

"Can I help you?" Maddy asked.

"Yes! In fact you can.... I want to know if you'll be naming baby super soldier after me," Tony smirked.

"Tony! Really?" Maddy asked.

"At least tell me if it's a boy or girl!" Tony groaned.

"Nope! Not until I give birth," Maddy laughed.

"That could take forever," Tony frowned.

"If you must know....I've picked out some names," Maddy smiled.

"And they are?" Tony asked.

" For a boy, his name would be James Barnes! For a girl, her name would be Sarah Elizabeth Barnes!" Maddy said.

"Wow! Is that all?" Tony asked.

"Those are the only names I'm saying .....but just know I'm going to include everyone the best I could!" Maddy sighed.

"May I ask who Sarah is?" Tony asked.

"Our mother," Steve said from behind Tony.

"Oh," Tony said.

Maddy grabbed her stomach and groaned in pain, feeling water between her legs.....Tony and Steve raced to her side.


Tony and Steve helped Maddy out the bed..... forcing her to walk around.

"Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y! Scan Maddy for reasons of pain," Tony said.

"Scanning now.....It seems Mrs. Barnes is going into labor," F.R.I.D.A.Y replied.

They both helped Maddy into the living room....waiting to hear from Natasha.

In a few moments, Natasha came running into the living room....with supplies in her hands.

"Why do you have those?" Steve asked.

"The Doctor isn't gonna be able to make it," Natasha said.

"I am NOT having this baby here!" Maddy yelled.

"I'll go get Pepper! She's around here somewhere," Tony replied, rushing out of the room.

"Y-You can't be in here!" Maddy groaned, looking over at Steve.

"I'm not leaving you!" Steve frowned.

Maddy sighed...knowing he wasn't going to leave her side.

"Fine! But face the other way!" Maddy said.

Steve nodded.

Natasha helped Maddy lay on the floor.....she gently helped take off her pants.

"Okay! This baby isn't waiting," Natasha sighed, looking between Maddy's leg and seeing a head full of dark brown hair.

"C-Can you see anything?" Maddy asked.

"I see a head full of hair!" Natasha smiled.

"W-what color?" Maddy asked.

"Dark brown!" Natasha said.

Steve sat down beside Maddy and grabbed her hand....looking the opposite way.

"Okay! Maddy I need you to push," Natasha ordered.

"Okay," Maddy said.

Maddy pushed....using every bit of energy she had, she looked around...looking for Bucky but than realized he was gone.

"One more!" Natasha replied.

Maddy pushed one more time....feeling relief and soon a cry of a newborn filled the room.

"W-What is it?" Maddy asked.

"I-It's a boy!" Natasha smiled.

"A boy! I have a nephew!" Steve cheered.

"What's his name?" Natasha asked, handing Maddy her newborn son.

"James Nash Steven Anthony Barnes," Maddy smiled.

"A beautiful name! For a beautiful child," Natasha said.

Maddy stared down at the face of a beautiful angel and smiled....knowing that if Bucky were here he would be a protective dad, and very proud that he now had a son.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now