Chapter 20

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"Bucky you go first," Maddy said.

Steve nodded... agreeing with her.

Bucky walks slowly on the gantry then quickly jumps from the end of the gantry on to the other side..... suddenly another bomb explodes, Steve looked over at Maddy.

"Maddy jump!" Steve ordered.

Maddy frowned and then jumped from the gantry onto the side where Bucky was.... she barely made the jump, but luckily Bucky was there.... he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

She pulled away and turned to look at Steve... horror filled her eyes when the gantry collapsed, Steve was trapped.... she turned to Bucky who was looking around frantically. Maddy did the same.

"There's got to be a rope or something!" Bucky shouted.

"JUST GET OUT!!" Steve yelled.

Explosions filled around them.

"NO! NOT WITH OUT YOU!" Maddy yelled.

The roof suddenly started to fall around Steve.... He eyed the impossible gap.

Fear soon filled Maddy and she noticed Steve backing up, her heart dropped when he started racing for the edge.

Maddy turns to Bucky... who's eyes are wide open, watching Steve's every move.

Just as Steve was about to make it... another bomb went off.... much bigger then the last, the blazing chaos filled around both Bucky and Maddy.

"STEVE!!!" Maddy yelled...

She walked towards the edge... looking for him, Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her away....

Suddenly a figure flew out of the blazing chaos... it was Steve.

He landed next to Maddy.... who quickly rushes up to him and pulls him in for a hug.

"YOU SCARED ME!" Maddy yelled punching Steve in the shoulder.

"Maddy... I'm okay," Steve smiled.

"Well I see that now!" Maddy yelled.


Maddy slowly walked behind Steve and Bucky.... they had been walking for three weeks, trying to reach camp.

She dropped her head and looked at her feet.... she groaned under her breath.

Maddy quickly looked up and straightened herself up.... she quickly picked up her pace to catch up to Steve and Bucky.

"How are you feeling?" Maddy replied walking up next to Bucky.

"I'm doing just fine.... darlin," Bucky smiled.

Her heart began to flutter.

Maddy looked over at Steve... who just rolled his eyes.

Bucky reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold chain.... he moved his hand over to Maddy and gave it to her.

She looked closely and noticed it was a locket... she smiled and opened it up, it was a picture of Steve and Bucky.... from when they were younger.

"It's beautiful! T-Thank you Buck!" Maddy smiled.

"No problem... darlin," Bucky smirked.

Maddy turned her head and looked forward... so many questions flooded her mind.

What does this mean? Does Bucky like me too? Why does he keep calling me darlin?

Suddenly Maddy noticed they were up on a hill, and down below was camp... Maddy sighed in relief.

"We made it!" Maddy smiled.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora