Chapter 30

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Maddy quietly sits at the bar, where her and Bucky.....which wasn't much of a bar anymore, the walls were crumbling.... the windows were broken.

In her hand was a glass of whiskey.... she slowly brought it up to her lips. Hands were trembling.

"Thought I'd find you here," a voice said from behind.

Maddy shrugged.... she wanted to turn around and see who it was but she didn't have the strength to do it.

"Maddy? Are you okay?" The voice replied.

Maddy slowly turned.... she could feel the tears pour out of her eyes, the glass of whisky fell out of her hands and crashed on the floor.

"I'm sorry.... Steve, H-He's gone...because of me," Maddy weeped.

"Hey! No it's not," Steve replied placing his hand gently on her shoulder.

Maddy looked around the pub.... remembering the night, where her and Bucky danced.

"I-I don't know if I can do this anymore.... be something everyone wants me to be, losing him was like losing myself," Maddy croaked.

"Y-You loved him, didn't you?" Steve questioned.

"Being around him, caused my heart to flutter.... and my stomach would always twist and turn, and I would always forget to say the right thing..... so maybe I did, love him," Maddy sighed.

"I'm sure there will be another guy.... you will love, Bucky was your first love. And he definitely won't be the last," Steve said.

Maddy snapped her head towards his direction.

"There will never be another man! I loved him! I will always love him..... now that he's gone, I just don't think I could possibly move on," Maddy replied.

Maddy turned around and grabbed the bottle of whiskey..... her hands were still trembling.

"I had him.... I had him in my hands, and then the next thing I know... is that's he's falling," Maddy sighed, bringing the bottle up to her lips.

"His death wasn't our fault.... it was Hydra," Steve mumbled, feeling a few tears fall from his face.

"Then everyone who works for Hydra will die!" Maddy snarled.

"Killing isn't the answer.... but ending this war is," Steve smiled weakly.

Steve sat down next to Maddy and gently took the bottle out of her hands, he quickly pulled the bottle up to his lips and took a sip.

Suddenly there was a pair of footstep that appeared behind them.... they both slowly turned around and saw Peggy.

Steve sighed.

Maddy turned back around, grabbing the bottle and continued to drink.

"Doctor Erskine told me the serum, wouldn't just work on my muscles and my reflexes... he said it would work in my cells, create a protective system of healing, regenerating.... which means..." Steve paused, turning to look at Maddy who was still drinking.

"W-We can't get drunk. Did you know that?" Steve questioned, turning back to look at Peggy.

"Your metabolism burns three times faster then the average human... he thought it could be one of the side effects," Peggy said.

"Probably didn't want anybody stealing his schnapps," Maddy replied tossing the now empty bottle at the wall behind the bar.

Peggy jumped.

"I-It wasn't your fault, Maddy," Peggy sighed.

"Did you read the reports?" Maddy questioned.

"Yes," Peggy said.

"Then you know it's not true," Maddy sighed.

"You did everything you could," Peggy replied but was cut off.

"I got in over my head... we both did, Bucky waded in and pulled us out... just like he always did. And the one time he needed me, I couldn't return the damn favor... I couldn't," Maddy weeped.

"I doubt it's that simple," Peggy frowned... seeing Maddy upset caused her sadness.

"All I had to do was just hold him, and I didn't... I failed," Maddy replied wiping the tears away.

"Did you believe in him? Respect him?" Peggy questioned.

Maddy nodded.

"Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you were worth it," Peggy said... with a small smile appearing on her face.

"As soon as I'm finished.... I'm going after Johann Schmidt, I'm going to burn out every hole there is for him to hide in. And I'm not going to stop until everyone is either captured or dead," Maddy growled.

"As I said before Maddy, killing isn't the answer.... it won't bring him back," Steve sighed.

"Yes Steven! I am very aware of that... but I won't stop until Johann is dead," Maddy snarled.

Maddy stood up and walked out of the fallen pub.... leaving Steve and Peggy.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now