Chapter 107

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"Maddy? Can you hear me?" A familiar voice asked.

Maddy's eyes fluttered open, she sat up....looking confused.

"W-What happened?" Maddy asked, looking at the blurry figure that stood next to her.

"You fell out of the sky, and your body smacked against the water.... you've been unconscious for weeks, we all thought we lost you," The voice said.

Maddy blinked her eyes a couple of times.... trying to regain her vision.

Suddenly the figure turned clear...she smiled.

"Steven!" Maddy said.

"Tony, Thor and Natasha are here as well, they went to get coffee....I'll go inform them that you've woken up!" Steve smiled, pulling Maddy in for a hug... and gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be here," Maddy replied.

Steve hurried out of the room....

Maddy was alone, until the door swung open.....revealing a hooded man.

"Sir? I think you have the wrong room," Maddy frowned.

"Actually I think I have the right room... had to make sure my girl was alright," The man said.

Chills ran up and down Maddy's body.... she'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Bucky? You shouldn't be here! Steve will come back," Maddy sighed.

Bucky moved closer to Maddy.

"I saw on the news.... on what happened, they said that you should've died!" Bucky said.

"I'M ON THE NEWS?!" Maddy yelled.

"Y-Yes but are you okay? Does anything hurt?" Bucky asked, looking over Maddy.

"I-I'm fine, what are you really doing here?" Maddy asked.

"I-I think you should stay here.... with your brother," Bucky sighed.

"You're kidding, right?" Maddy asked.

Bucky looked away.

"I don't want to be the reason.... for him to be angry with you," Bucky said.

"B-But I want to be with you!" Maddy replied.

"Maddy.... it's for the best," Bucky frowned.

"So that's it? You came all the way here... to tell me that?" Maddy asked.

Bucky takes Maddy's hand... and gently squeezes it.

"This won't be the last time we see each other.... we both care about one another a lot," Bucky sighed.

"Then why can't we just run away together?" Maddy asked.

"Because you need Steve.... he's all you have and you are all he has," Bucky said.

"You're all we have as well.... you and Steve are the only two things I have," Maddy sighed.

"Goodbye darling," Bucky replied, throwing his hood over his head and rushing out of the room.

Maddy sat there, messing with her fingers.... she couldn't understand why Bucky wanted her to stay, she couldn't understand why he didn't want to run away with her.... the more she thought about it the more she wanted to cry, but she knew she couldn't.

There was a knock....

Maddy looked up.... and in an instant her face lit up.

"Maddy! You're okay!" Natasha smiled.

"Little Rogers, so glad you are still with us," Thor smirked.

Maddy looked at Tony..... regret filled his eyes.

"Tony? You okay?" Maddy asked.

"I-We almost lost you.... and if we did then, it would have been my fault," Tony sighed.

"Your fault?" Maddy asked.

"I made the wrong call....I put you in danger," Tony said.

"Tony! You didn't make the wrong call! And you didn't put me in danger.... being apart of this team, it's gonna come with sacrifices.... and don't ever blame yourself! I'm still alive," Maddy smiled.

"Oh stop! You're gonna make me cry," Tony frowned.

They all laughed.

Everyone gathered around Maddy and started telling her what happened.... after she was knocked out.

Hours went by.... and everyone started to leave.

Everyone but Steve.

"S-Steve.... I've decided to stay," Maddy smiled.

"Really? How come?" Steve asked.

"Because you are all I have and I'm all you have," Maddy sighed.

Steve smiled....happiness filled his eyes.

"The doctor said you could leave in a couple of days," Steve said.

"Once I get out.... I could use a cheeseburger," Maddy replied.

"And you will definitely get that cheeseburger," Steve laughed.

They both talked nonstop until Maddy slowly drifted off to sleep.... Steve watched her, his eyes started to get heavy..... he laid his head on the bed and grabbed her hand, and soon fell asleep.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum