Chapter 31

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Maddy and Steve stare at the map, completely focused on New York.

"Every able bodied man we have is either here or in the Pacific, our broader share wide open," Maddy replied.... not looking at anyone.

"How much time do we have?" Jones asked.

"According to my new best friend, under twenty four hours," General Phillips said... walking through the doors.

Utter dread filled the room......

"Where is he now?" Steve said looking over at Maddy... who was still looking down at the map.

General Phillips points to a spy photo of a mountain.

"Hydra's last base, is here in the Alps," General Phillips said... he quickly moved his fingers down.

"Five hundred feet below the surface," General Phillips sighed.

Everyone walked closer to the map.

"What are we supposed to do? It's not like we can knock on the front door," Morita said.

The room goes quiet.... suddenly everyone looks over at Steve than to Maddy.

Maddy grumbled.

"Let's go get this son of bitch," Maddy replied coldly.


Steve and Maddy blast through the forest on their motorcycles.... trees ship past them as they weave through the woods. They trip a wire across the road, unwillingly..... Flares shoot out from their exhaust pipes, laying down several yards of fire behind them.

The nearest Hydra rider is helpless as his uniform and saddlebag catch fire, the rider  veers into the woods and flies off a cliff, exploding in midair.

Maddy whips her head behind her to see what happened.... an evil grinned slowly appeared on her face.

One biker remains... he quickly catches up to Steve and Maddy on a straightaway, he pulls along side.... grinning. He quickly reaches into a side compartment and pulls out a hand grenade, Maddy quickly snatches it away from him and punches the rider in the jaw. The riders helmet drops over his eyes, blinding him.... he begins to wobble.

Maddy bites down on the grenade pin and yanks it out..... she quickly tosses the grenade back into the riders compartment.

Steve and Maddy throttles up and pulls away.

Maddy looks behind her... she watches as the rider quickly recovers, and then all of sudden  the grenade explodes.

Maddy turned to look at Steve....

"You have to admit, that was pretty cool," Maddy smirked.

Steve frowned....

"We need to get moving," Steve said.

They quickly got situated and took off on their motorcycles.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now