Chapter 157

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"Cap! Maddy! What do you both want me to do with this damn thing?!" Barton yelled.

"Get those stones far away!" Maddy said.

"Far away as possible!" Steve replied.

"N-No! We need to get them back where they came from," Hulk said.

Maddy looked around..... trying to quickly come up with a plan.

"No way to get them back! Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel," Tony replied.

"Wait! Hold on!" Scott spoke up.

Maddy raced over towards Tony and Steve.....

"That wasn't our only time machine!" Scott said.

Suddenly music filled the air...,

"Anyone see a very ugly...brown van up there?" Steve asked.

"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked," A woman's voice said.

"Wow! You sound beautiful," Maddy replied.

"Mrs. Barnes?! Thank you! I'm Valkyrie!" The woman laughed.

Suddenly a woman on a white horse, landed next to Maddy....

"Valkyrie?" Maddy asked.

The woman nodded, she turned around and placed her hand on the horse.... Maddy smiled and jumped on the horse.

"Scott, how long you need to get that thing working?" Tony asked.

The horse took off....taking Maddy and Valkyrie into the air.

"It'll probably take 10 to 15 minutes," Scott said.

"Get it started! We'll get the stones to you," Maddy replied, looking around for the gauntlet. 

Maddy looked below her and saw Tony racing towards a man in a cape.... confusion filled her eyes, but she knew she had to find out how they were going to win.

"Thank you for the ride!" Maddy smiled, jumping off the horse.

Maddy landed rough next to Tony and the man in the cape....the man in the cape stared at Maddy, hope filled his eyes.

"Hey! You said one out of 14 million, we win, yeah? Tell us this is it?" Tony asked.

"If I were to tell you what happens, then it won't happen," The man in the cape said.

"Wait! Your the Wizard?" Maddy asked.

"Yes? But call me Dr. Strange," The man replied.

"I must say....I hope you are right....about all of this," Maddy sighed, looking around.


Maddy raced across the field.....searching for Thanos, she looked on top of a small hill and saw Wanda standing infront of none other than Thanos. She slowly walked up behind Wanda.....

"You took everything from me!" Wanda growled.

"I don't even know who you are," Thanos replied.

Maddy stood next to Wanda....

"Oh but you will!" Maddy smirked.

Wanda moved her hands together....forming  a red ball of energy in them...Maddy looked from Thanos to Wanda, within a few moments Thanos was floating.

"RAIN FIRE!" Thanos screamed.

Maddy stumbled back....looking up at the sky, seeing the large ship quickly releasing bombs.

"Oh shit," Maddy mumbled.

She quickly turned on her heels....and stumbled, falling down.

Maddy closed her eyes....quickly excepting death.

Suddenly she heard a pair of feet moving towards her...she opened them, and saw Wanda....Wanda stood over Maddy. Protecting her.

Maddy sat up, watching the bombs drop around her and Wanda.

Suddenly the ship pointed its large cannons up towards the sky....everyone stopped and watched.

"What the hell is this?" Sam asked.

"Tony, what is going on?" Maddy asked.

"F. R. I. D. A. Y. has said something entered the atmosphere," Tony spoke up.

A bright light of thundering energy quickly comes surging down.....flying through the ship, quickly causing the large ship to crash into the lake. The bright light of energy....landed next to Maddy, reveling Carol.

"Carol?!" Maddy asked.

"Come on! We got to get the gauntlet," Carol smiled.

Carol wrapped her arms around Maddy and jumped into the air....flying towards a swarm of aliens which surrounded a familiar Queen kid.

They landed next to him....Maddy rushed towards his side, he jumped back...holding the gauntlet to his chest.

"Hi Maddy!" Peter smiled.

Peter turned and looked at Carol....confusion filled his eyes, causing him to look back at Maddy. Who gave him a friendly nod.

"I'm-Peter Parker," Peter said.

"Hey, Peter Parker! You got something for us?" Carol asked.

"I-I don't know how you'll both get through all that," Peter sighed.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now