Chapter 51

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"Sorry kids, you don't get to see my little party trick after all," Banner said.

"Located the Tesseract?" Thor asked.

"I can get there faster," Tony replied.

"Look, all of us....." Steve said but was cut off.

"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it," Thor said.

Tony turns to leave, but Steve gets in front of him and stops him.

"You're not going alone!" Steve yelled.

"You gonna stop me?" Tony asked.

"Put on the suit, let's find out!" Steve growled.

"I'm not afraid to hit an old man!" Tony snarled.

Maddy balled her hands into a fist, sudden anger filler her..... she stepped between Tony and Steve.

"You touch him, and I swear to god! I will make you wish you were never born!" Maddy growled.

Tony took a step backwards.... looking completely surprised.

"NOW! We all need to work together, and stop Loki! We need to save this world, end the beginning of this war.... or all mankind will be gone" Maddy said.

She looked around.... and noticed everyone had respect in their eyes for her, deep down it felt good.

Suddenly there was a huge explosion...

Everyone is thrown in every direction... Steve, Tony, Thor, Fury and Maddy were thrown across the room while Banner and Natasha were thrown down to the lower equipment room, below the others.

Maddy quickly gets to her feet, and rushed towards the hole where Natasha and Banner were thrown into.

"Natasha? Banner? Are you guys okay?!" Maddy called out.

They didn't answer...

She jumped down into the hole, and saw Natasha under some pipes.... she looked over and saw Banner, who was breathing heavy.

He was gripping the grated floor to maintain control, but his eyes are green, his face intense.... he snapped his head towards their direction.

Maddy slowly rushed over to Natasha... quickly lifting up the heavy pipes.

"We need to go," Maddy quietly replied.

All of a sudden Maddy heard Steve screaming out her name....


Natasha put her fingers to her ear...

"Steve! She's with me.... she's okay, we're okay!" Natasha sighed.... grabbing her ribs as she stood up.

Maddy looked over at Banner, she noticed he was struggling to suppress the rage....fear filled her eyes, when she noticed his face was growing, changing slowly.

"Doctor..... Banner, you need to fight this! This is what Loki wants, we're all gonna be okay... but you need to calm down, please just listen to my voice," Maddy said calmly.

Two SHIELD soldiers approached the three of them.... both Natasha and Maddy waved them off.

"We're gonna be okay, right? I swear on my life I will get you out of this, you will walk away, and never....." Natasha said but was cut off.

"YOUR LIFE?!" Banner growled.

Another explosion rocks the carrier.... Banner turns and looked at Maddy and Natasha, transforming just as the light goes out...

"Oh shit!" Maddy yelled.

"Bruce," Natasha pleaded.

Maddy and Natasha bolt up the stairs with the Hulk chasing them..... they both quickly maneuver, they roll under a turbine and start to crawl within the maze of pipes.

The Hulk pulls them out from above the catwalk.... Natasha and Maddy fall through under the catwalk and quickly and stealthy escape.

The Hulk lets out a roar of rage unlike anything.... but human.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt