Chapter 4

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Maddy watched from afar as Steve looks into the mirror... she saw how disappointed he was, when his eyes barely went to the collar of the printed uniform on the mirror.

"Steve, come on let's go home," Maddy smiled walking up.

Someone gently placed a hand on Maddy's shoulder.. she turned around to see who it was, it was Bucky who had a worried expression.

"You're kinda missing the point of a double date. Come on, we're gonna get a chocolate soda," Bucky smiled looking over at Steve.

"You go ahead... and Maddy you go off with that rich guy," Steve smiled.

Maddy eyes the recruitment sign.

"You're really gonna do this now?" Maddy asked.

"It's fair, I'm gonna try my luck," Steve replied.

"As who? Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you... or worse, they'll actually take you," Bucky said.

Steve looks from Maddy to Bucky.... with a grim smile of disappointment.

"You guys don't think I can do it," Steve sighed.

"This isn't some back alley, Steven. It's war... why are you so keen to fight? There're are plenty of jobs out there," Maddy replied.

"Y-You want me to sit in a factory? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon while the men are laying down their lives....or how my sister is giving up everything to fight for this country as well? I can do it as well, I've got no rights to do any less," Steve said.

"Right. Cause you've got nothing to prove," Bucky replied.

A tense beat passes between the three of them.

"Hey Sarge, we gettin sodas?" A girl called out from behind them.

Maddy snapped her head in her direction.... and frowned.

"Uh yeah... we are," Bucky said.

"You should go finish your date... Buck," Maddy replied with a hint of annoyance.

Bucky turned on his heels... and starts to walk away, but stops... he turns around and looks at Steve then Maddy.

"Promise me you won't do anything too stupid before I get back," Bucky said.. talking to Steve mostly.

"Remember, when you attack... you run towards the enemy. Also I can't, you are taking all the stupid with you," Steve smiled.

"You're a punk," Bucky laughed.

"You're a jerk," Steve smiled.

Bucky turned towards Maddy.... he took a step forward then sighed, he turned around and walked away. Scooping his date up in his arms.

Maddy sighed...

"You should go too... I'm sure that fancy guy is waiting for you somewhere," Steve sighed.

"That fancy guy... was Howard Stark, he wants to turn me into a super soldier," Maddy said.

"T-That's good! I'm so happy for you Maddy," Steve smiled.

Maddy nodded.

"I'm sure I'll see you soon... Steven, I'm gonna miss you... take care," Maddy smiled.

She pulled Steve into a tight hug...

Maddy quickly pulled away... and walked away.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum