Chapter 133

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Everyone stood on a large open field....Maddy soon became very nervous.

"How we looking Bruce?" Natasha asked, looking over her shoulder.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it. WOW! It's like being the Hulk without actually....." Banner said, but quickly fell on his face, trying to run towards everyone.

Maddy threw her hand over her mouth...trying so hard to stop herself from laughing, but even her hand couldn't stop her.

"I'M OKAY!" Banner replied, jumping to his feet.

"Maddy! Steve! I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodes spoke up.

"Ew what are they?" Maddy asked.

"They are the aliens we fought," Steve frowned.

"Aliens? They look like something out of a horror movie," Maddy said.

Bucky laughed.

Steve turned towards Maddy..... and nodded. They started walking towards the edge of the barrier with Natasha and T'Challa behind them. Meeting the freaky creatures from another world.

"Where's your other friend?" Natasha asked.

"You will pay for his life with yours! Thanos will have that stone!" The female alien snapped.

"UM Thanos?" Maddy asked.

The aliens laughed....

"Foolish humans," The female alien said.

"Oh yeah! That's not gonna happen," Steve frowned.

"You are in Wakanda now! Thanos will having nothing but dust and blood," T'Challa replied. 

"We have blood to spare," The female alien smiled, brandishing her sword with a loud snarl.

The ships behind the aliens....started to rise.

The four heroes started walking back to the massed forces....

"Did they surrender?" Bucky asked.

"God I wish," Maddy sighed.

Suddenly T'Challa started to lead the Wakandans in a war cry.....

"YIBAMBE!" They yelled.

All of a sudden the tree from outside of the barrier started to if there was a strong breeze moving them.

"What the hell," Bucky said.

"I think we pissed her off," Maddy sighed.

"I agree!" Natasha smirked.

Everyone watched in horror was the creatures raced out from the freeline and up towards the barrier.....squeezing themselves through it.

"They're killing themselves," Maddy frowned.

"Okoye ready everyone!" T'Challa ordered.

Okoye nodded.

Maddy took a deep breath and placed a hand on her stomach....looking at all of the creatures, watching them act like rabid animals.

"Darling.... are you okay?" Bucky asked.

"Yes! Never better!" Maddy smiled.

"You're lying," Bucky frowned.

Let's kick some ass!" Maddy said, lifting up her gun and shooting the alien creatures that were running up towards them.

 "You guys see the teeth on these things?" Sam asked, flying over everyone.

"Maddy, Steve! If these things circle the perimeter and get behind us...there's nothing between them and Vision!" Banner replied.

"Then we better keep them in front of us!" Steve frowned.

"I agree! It's our best shot," Maddy sighed.

"How do we do that?" Okoye asked.

 "We open the barrier! On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen!" T'Challa ordered.

"Wait! Did I hear that correctly?" Maddy asked.

"On my signal!" T'Challa said.

"This will be the end of Wakanda!" Someone replied.

"Then is will be the noblest ending in history," Okoye sighed.

Maddy and Steve took a step forward....both ready to fight for the world....Maddy turned to look at Bucky and smiled, he smiled back. Maddy knew she had to tell him, she just couldn't find the right words.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora