To date the person he wants to personally curb-stomp? The one single man on the entire planet that makes Jimin's blood burn so much it melts his ears drums?

No. No way in hell.

"You're kidding. Tell me you're fucking kidding."

"Jimin, I'm your manager, so I suggest you straighten up your attitude real quick." Namjoon pushes up from his seat abruptly and the fact that he comes face to face with Jimin, easily towering over him, makes the younger back up. "Whether you like it or not, this is a wonderful opportunity to get some attention. It's possibly the best publicity stunt we could've asked for."

Namjoon points to the cover on his desk and Jimin refuses to look at it. Can't stand the way him and Taehyung look next to each other. Like two angels that descended from heaven. Jimin's sure Taehyung took the stairs from hell though, given his cocky and arrogant personality. His ego is easily inflated and he's a narcissistic bitch that Jimin cannot simply tolerate. No way. But fuck, they look hot standing close. They look powerful. Strong. He hates it.

"Think about the agencies who're looking for a little spice! They'll be dying to get interviews with you two! I can see the story already, Jimin, it would be great press. Great promotion for not only you, but him as well."

"Like I want to fucking help him." Jimin sneers and he's so so close to turning on his two inch heels and walking right out the damn door. If he would've known that bringing the magazine in here would spark this idea, he wouldn't have done it. Not in a million years. Curse Namjoon's brilliant mind.

"Well suck it up because I'm calling his agency." Namjoon states as he sits back down and picks up his phone. Jimin purses his lips so hard he's sure they're white and he really wants to slap some sense into his manager but he can't. Because Namjoon is right.

"Seokjin, I'm gonna need you to get me in touch with Kim Taehyung's agency as soon as possible. Tell them it's important."

Jimin is only one thousand percent sure he looks like an angry kitten. Which is probably why Namjoon is able to smile up at him.

"I do believe it's in your best interest to rethink your feelings towards Kim Taehyung. The two of you are about to get real close."

"I will fucking quit. Right now." Jimin tries and Namjoon just laughs. A big laugh that booms through his large office and bounces off the windows overlooking Seoul's busy streets.

"You won't. You have a contract and you love this job."

Jimin glares at him for another second and then bursts through the doors. He stares down Seokjin too for setting up the contact, though that's the boss' orders, so he can't do a damn thing. He's infuriated that he set himself up like this when in all reality, the media would've moved on from the scandal by the end of the month since Taehyung and Jimin don't have any other scheduled shoots. God, he shot his own foot with the damn arrow.

And Namjoon's right, as always. Jimin is extremely passionate when it comes to this job. Modeling has always been his dream since he was a little boy and he started wearing his mom's makeup. The journey was by no means an easy one but shit, he made it here, so he's not going to quit now. Even if that means he has to roll with this absurd story the media thinks they discovered, when, in all reality, they created it.


"Jung Hoseok, what a pleasure it is to meet you in person." Namjoon smiles his sexy business smile and Jung Hoseok shoots him an equally large, overly bright one in return.

"I've got to say, this is probably the best thing we've gotten in a while." Hoseok says. "You're a genius!"

"Ah, not really. Jimin was the one who gave me the idea."

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