Hectic harem.

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What if reader-chan lived with six very attractive boys? But.. Are they hiding something?

I got inspired by Diobolik lovers when I watched it a while back.

Have fun~ Pic above is the Outcast mansion. If its not there, I'm slapping the w off wattpads logo.


You stood at the front door nervously, re reading the letter in your hands over and over. It didn't make any since.. Why were you supposed to stay here?

The letter wasn't even signed, was it for a job? They didn't say. You tucked it away in your bag for now, then you knocked a few loud knocks on the mansions double doors.

After a few minuets, the doors opened. Revealing a tall male with a lifted brow, once his eyes lay on you he smiles.

He was tall with peachy skin, with bright green hair which was long a messy. A camo pattern hat with studs was backwards on his head of hair.

He wore a casual purple t-shirt, with a leather vest with fluff around the hood. A pair of ripped black jeans and bright red converse to complete the look. Lastly, a pair of bright red sunglasses covered his eyes.

It was odd to wear sunglasses at night...

"Heya, is there something ya need?" He asks, his voice had a Boston charm to it that made your cheeks flush.

"Um.. I'm y/n, I was ordered to come here?" You hand him the letter shyly, he lifts a brow and takes it from you with his long slender fingers.

He lifts his shades and turns away from you to read the letter over, he reads it a few times. "Huh.. Weird.. Uh, come on in. I've gotta talk to Sebastian about this."

He steps aside for you, and walks down a hall to your right with the letter in his hands. The back of his vest had a green cobra symbol on it.

Unsure what to do, now that you're alone, you set your suitcase by the door to wait. However a sweet smell catches your attention.

Soft humming fills your ears as you follow the scent, it smelled like freshly made cinnamon and.. Chocolate?

The kitchen wasn't exactly what you were expecting, it was bright pink! The floors were pink and white checkered, white cabinets with red curtains on the windows.

There was a smaller figure in the kitchen, he faced the oven with his back to you. He wore a bright pink sweater with blue jean shorts with a pair of white low heeled boots with pink and white striped knee socks.

He must have noticed you staring at his cute attire, he quickly spins on his right foot to face you with a soft smile.

He had very light skin with a black heart on his cheek, his hair was short and curled at the bangs, it being pink but fading to white. A heart clip held his bangs back from getting in his eyes.

"Omg Hi!" He greets you with a soft wave, setting his cookie trey down on one of the counters. He wipes his hands on his apron before approaching you.

"I don't think I've seen you before. Are you one of Coby's visitors?" He asks with a cute tilt of his head.

"W-what? No! I was told I was supposed to stay here.. I'm not sure why?" You admit, feeling butterflies in your stomach when your eyes met his bubblegum pink ones.

He puts a hand on his chin in thought. "Huh.. That is strange. I wasn't informed about your arrival..normally I'm the first to know."

He takes off his apron and sets a hand on your shoulder. "Well, let's go into the living room, maybe we can all figure this out." He smiles.


Once in the living room, you sat next to the pink haired male with the green haired on to your left, his arm over the top of the couch.

A very tall male with tan skin and grey messy hair styled in a long Mohawk sat across from you, his arms crossed, and one of his legs propped up on the coffee table. He wore a red and black flannel with torn jeans.

A stocky male who seemed to be paler than the others sat in the recliner, his yellow eyes looking over you from the corner of his eye. His hair was black with a single orange highlight. He looked tired. He wore an orange hoodie with grey sweatpants.

Were.. Were those candy corn earrings?

A short male stood in the corner with his arms crossed and scowl on his face. He also had a heart on his cheek, just on the opposite side of the pink haired boy. His hair was red but faded to white it was messy with a few strands in his eyes.

His eyes being red with a heated glare towards you. He wore a red sweater with a white leather jacket. Black jeans with a studded belt, and.. Were those five inch heels?

Finally, the last male entered the living room, your letter in his small hands. He was the palest, you could tell he didn't get out much.

His hair was solid white and brushed to perfection, it had a single red streak through his refined bangs. His only showing lavender eye turned to you.

He was the shortest. He wore a deep blue trench coat with a grey sweater, his face was hard to read. His glasses framed his handsome face perfectly.

"How odd.. Were any of you informed about this girls arrival?" His voice was soft with a British accent which sent shivers down your spine. It was oddly... Unsettling.

"Nah, I'm just as confused as ya are." The grey haired one said with a shrug of his shoulders. His voice held a heavy Irish accent.

"That doesn't explain why the f*ck she's here. I thought mom made it very clear no one could walk passed the damn gate!" The red head hisses.

"Let her speak. Now, miss care to explain yourself?" The Brit asks.

You let out a shaky breath. "Just like I told him, I got the letter in the mail yesterday. They told me to pack my things and come here. That's all I know.."

"Very well.. Since we have no one to contact about the matter as of now.. I guess we all shall introduce our selves if you're going to be living with us." He adjusts his glasses and tucks your letter into his coat.

"I am Sebastian. If you have any problems with the others feel free to come to me when help is needed." He says, crossing his arms behind his back.

"I'm Jackson, it'll be a little weird having a girl around, but if you're ever bored my door is always open! I've got lots of snacks and movies!" The one with yellow eyes sends you a smile. Did he just have fangs?

"I'm Coby, sweetheart. But you can call me tonight~" The green haired one sends you a smirk.

"I'm Asher. Let me know if ya ever need anythin'." The orange eyed one gives you a shy smile with a soft blush.

"I'm Cupid! Don't worry I'll be doing most of the cooking!" Pinkie smiles giving you a side hug.

"I'm Eros. Go f*ck yourself." The red head scoffs, and quickly leaves the room with a huff and stomping heels.

"As of now, you may explore while we set you up a bedroom. Enjoy your stay, my dear." Sebastian sends you a soft smile and a bow.

You had no idea what got you here, or why you had to stay here.. But something told you, your life was about to get interesting.

End..! Little preview for whenever I actually go through with writing this!

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