Cold hands, warm soul.

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Flurry x reader since he needs more fanfics. I hope this one publishes...

Btw this is the last chapter for this book but don't worry, I'm gonna make a third! So, I'll see you over there.

Listen to Snowflake by Sia, its one of his themes.


Living in the mountains wasn't exactly the greatest, but you and your husky did well with what you had.

She would lead you to town by sleigh, and in return you'd give her lots of belly rubs.

You both would get supplies from town before turning back to make your journey back up the mountain.

However, since you were in such a rush this morning, you had missed the morning forecast, including the warning of a blizzard.

Luna let you back up the snowy hills, yet the wind began to pick up, getting harsher and colder then ever.

"Hang in there Luna, not much farther now!" You call out to her, you could barely even feel your hands. And your throat was dry from the icy winds filling your lungs.

The pines are blown off the trees as the snow falling made it harder and harder to see. Sleet became more and more dangerous as the seconds ticked by.

It all became too much, Luna let out a whine and collapsed on her side, you quickly ran to her and pulled her into your lap in an effort to keep her warm.

The winds only grew stronger, snow blown over the two of you, icy tears fell down your cheeks as you held your husky tightly.

Your heartbeat grew slow, as your eyes started to close on their own, you let out a puff of air as you had fainted.

Even if your black spotted vision, you swore you thought you saw someone heading towards you.. Funny you thought, it must be an angel.. They certainly had wings like one.


Hours later, you had awaken with a large fuzzy blanket wrapped around you tightly. Luna at your feet, asleep.

Was it all a bad dream? Looking around you knew this wasn't your home. The animals made from ice on the fireplace told you that.

Many paper snowflakes hung from the ceiling, and you heard a soft humming from another room over.

You were laying on a couch, a plush soft white one, the heavy blanket around you was blue with a snowflake pattern.

A coffee table made of thick ice sat in front of you with a silver platter and a bowl of peppermints.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" You hear a soft voice say with a sigh in relief.

Before you was a skeleton, almost an inch or two taller than you, wearing a sky blue puffer coat with faux fur around the sleeves and hood. Blue sweater with white jean shorts and black leggings, lastly a pair of black snowboots.

They had a pair of curly antennas upon their head, if you squinted you could see fallen snow still stuck to them.

And a pair of massive moth wings, sparkling in the lighting of the cottage you both were in currently.

They were a transparent blue with many ebony circles and had swirls at the tips of the wings.

They fluttered as they got closer to you, holding a steaming mug out to you. It smelled of hot cocoa.

"Please, take a drink it'll warm you up. Thank goodness I found you, I was sure you were dead!" His ruby eyes held concern.

The cocoa was warm and made with love, it sent warmth to your cold heart and body. You let out a soft moan of happiness.

The moth smiled. "I'm Flurry, I found your sleigh and I saw your poor dog I knew in had to do something. What were you doing out here miss?"

You sighed and held the mug in your freezing hands. "I was getting supplies from town, I had no idea the weather was going to be so bad.."

He nods his head and looks over you a few times. "You didn't seem to have any injuries, does it hurt anywhere? Frostbite?"

You shook your head, you were just happy to be warm, and that your dog was okay. Luna snored softly.

Flurry smiles. "Well, make yourself at home. The storm isn't going to stop for a few days." His wings flutter happily.

"I'd give you body heat and maybe a hug, but.. Its safer that I don't. You see, my wings are almost like dry ice, and it doesn't help that my body temperature is always at a cool -128.6 degrees." He warns you.

You sigh. "Aww such a shame. I wanted to thank you."

"Don't mention it, I always keep an eye on the mountains. Now I'm going to let you rest and I'll get dinner ready." He beams and hops off the couch and flies out of the room.

You scratched behind Luna's ears and took a sip of your hot cocoa.

Flurry may be cold, but you could tell the little moth's soul burned bright in warmth.

End. Have some short fluff!

I'll see you in book #3!

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