Nightime comfort.

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Random comfort fic for my own sanity.

Mostly Fear's pov?


Finally, with the chime of the grandfather clock downstairs it signaled him that the sun had finally set.

His mother had come home from a long day, she hasn't been her cheerful self lately and it concerned him.

He and her were very close, they spoke of pretty much everything that would be bothering them.

Their mother didn't have many friends in her life with the other humans, she would hide her horns. However, it always seemed to end the same way, a friend of hers would leave her behind.

Now, she felt as if she had no one to turn to, talk to, spend time with. He hated seeing her cry, it made his cold heart ache.

With silent steps down the hall he peeked into her room, she was asleep with the angel of blood in her arms like usual.

Amour was like a security blanket for her, always there when the others couldn't be.

Amour had his blindfold off silently looking up at the spider with this eerie glowing eyes of his, holding a protective and blood thirsty gaze.

However he simply smiled and sent a half wave to the spider, before turning back to the gaming console in his unbound hands.

Maybe Amour's eyes always looked that way.

Fear simply nods back to the horned angel before shutting his mother's bedroom door behind him.

Taking a web down the stairs, he landed soundlessly on the floor below. On the couch sat the vampire and the werewolf arguing over movie logic, popcorn flying everywhere.

Fear rolled his eight eyes and made his way silently into the kitchen.


Cupid's back was to him when he entered the large pink and white themed kitchen.

Cupid always was a little odd to him, thanks to that aura of his he had many fools chasing after him. Yet, Cupid turned them all down, claiming to care more about his job than any relationship.

In the past his aura had tried to get the spider to fall for him as well, yet Fear ignored the feeling and refused to be near the angel for too long. Soon enough, it wore off and didn't affect him as it did the others..

"Fear is that you?" Cupid asks, looking over his shoulder with a brow raised.

"How did you know I was here?" Fear replies, keeping his distance from the angel. The bright pink of his nightclothes made his eyes hurt.

Cupid giggles. "I knew someone was lost in thought and staring at me. It had to be you, you don't talk much." The angel turns to the spider with two mugs.

Cupid takes a seat at the dining table, scooting the second mug over to him. "And I knew you weren't Coby or else I would hear rattling."

Fear sighs through his non nose and takes a seat across the pink covered skeleton. He gently takes the warm mug in his small hands, it smells of hot chocolate?

"What are you doing up so late?"

"It's only a little after nine."

Cupid raises a brow. "Really? God how long have I been in this darn kitchen?"

Fear chuckles at that, taking a sip from the mug. "Far too long it seems."

After a few minuets of silence, Cupid's casual smile had fallen into a frown, his halo sagged a little to the side and the pinks of his eyes weren't as bright.

"Have you seen Creator?" He asks, crossing his arms on the table top. His hands lacking gloves for once in his existence.

Fear nods. "I have, she's not been herself much has she? Has anyone else noticed?" 

The angel sighs, propping up his face with his arm. "I'm not sure.  Amour knows though. Why does this always happen?"

Fear shakes his head. "Who knows? Sometimes people are taken out of our lives for reasons, its just how it is."

"Says the recluse."

Fear shrugs his shoulders.

Cupid stands from the table. "I'm going to get her a comfort package from my office, let Lockheart know if you see him."

The spider nods as the angel tosses his mug into the sink, then leaves the kitchen with silent slipper covered feet.


Fear sat in the now silent living room, Hallow and Asher had fallen asleep through another of their terrible films. Hallow's torso hanging off the couch, while Asher had fallen on the floor twenty minuets ago.

The front door opened and in came the sounds of sharp heels, Fear instantly knew who it was.

Lockheart never was the silent one, always making annoyed grunts, hisses, or growls. Poor thing only seemed to be angry every five minutes.

"Where have you been?" Fear closes his book, setting it into his lap.

The fallen angel jumps, nearly falling over after kicking his sharp booted heels off by the front door. "Fear what the f*ck, don't do that!"

"Were you out with Lily again?" Fear sends him a slight smirk, Lockheart's cheeks flushing red as he shook his head in denial.

The spider chuckles slightly, setting his book on the messy coffee table littered with candy wrappers and empty chip bags.

"Anyway, why the sh*tting f*ck are you waiting up on me like a f*cking creep?"

Fear rolls his eyes. "Cupid wanted me to. Have you seen how upset Creator has been? Or has your head been up your ass to long for you to notice."

Lockheart chuckles at that, then crosses his arms. "Yeah, she's been in her room most of the time. Did it happen again?"

Fear only nods.

The horned angel sighs. "Why is everyone such a f*cking asshole? I'll be up there in a minute."

And with that, the hot head had left the living room, his wings sank with his heart.


Creator has sat up after yet another nightmare, she often got those a lot. She looks over to the angel in white, who paused the game and looked over her in concern.

She softly smiles and scratches him between the horns. Amour smiles and goes back to his game, murdering everything with a single  Sylveon.

"Ma, are you alright?" The voice of her grumpy angel was heard from her doorway. Cupid stood next to him with a box of donuts, and boxed of pockey in his arms.

She nods. "Come on in boys."

The brothers joined her on her bed, Amour stealing a box of pockey then going back to his game.

Soon enough, one after another each of her boys joined in on the comfort party. She sat in Hallow's lap, Asher snug at her feet, Coby playing with her hair, Fear holding one of her hands and rubbing the back of her knuckles.

"Thanks boys, I really needed this." She smiles, using her free hand to pat Greenie on the head.

Lockheart smiles. "Anythin' for ya ma. F*ck everyone else."

The room fills with laughter, and Amour's murderous mutters at the pokemon league.



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