Royal soulmates.

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Elements x Soulmate reader! Here you go, after this was requested many times here ya go hun!

Sorry for the delay, I was trying to pick a soulmate au ehh it took forever. And I gave the elements makeovers.

-So, for the next soulmate fic who do you want next? Gael? Bryce? ;3

Octavian protection squad where you at?


Your whole life was stuck in grey scale, lacking any of the colors that your siblings would gush over.

Saying how pretty pink was, which was better teal or purple? You would just hide away in your room and listen to your music to escape it all.

After the age of eighteen you were supposed to meet your soulmate and see the beautiful colors of the world. Yet.. You were already twenty.

Your heart sank as you look out the car window, maybe your soulmate was a monster who had lost their way to the surface. Or maybe they were a human and died. Or they didn't exist at all.

Your bestie Kate and her boyfriend decided to take you out of the house for the weekend. A small camping trip just to get you to stop sulking around.

"Are we there Kate?" You ask, trying to ignore the horrible music that blasted on the radio.

Her boyfriend Zack looked over and chuckled. "Just around the bend actually y/n. Chill."

You rolled your eyes, looking back out the window to watch the colorless trees sway in the wind.


Since Kate and Zack were getting far more touchy and giggly for your liking, you quickly tossed on a hoodie and quickly left the campsite for a long, long walk.

Rocks and sticks crunched under your shoes, it was kind of chilly today actually. A little weird for August.

You kept wandering for hours it seemed, signs began to look the same. And you thought you've seen that pikachu looking rock more than twice.

Letting out a huff you sit on a log and take your phone out of your shorts pockets. You left a quick text to Kate to let her know that you had gotten lost and decided to stay put until they found you.

Birds chirped above you, sounding far more closer than a bird would ever get. They seemed.. Curious? Joyful? You couldn't tell.

A few bluejays landed near you on the tree branches, a couple doves along with them. Their songs were sweet, somehow welcoming.

A small smile rises on your face at the sight of them. It warmed your heart, after all you've put up with this week this really put you at ease.

A single soft feather landed in your lap. It was warm in your fingers, feeling sunny, like springtime. It smelled of daisies and twigs? You've never seen a feather this huge before.

"Enjoying the view?"

You jump, dropping the pretty feather making it fall onto the dirt path. There stood a tall skeleton monster with a giddy smile.

He wore a torn scarf it lined with stars, a long coat and a pair of goggles on his head. And a pair of almost transparent wings folded behind him, they were still huge.. They matched the feather!

"The sunset I mean! Sorry to spook you! I'm Alistair, Alistair Sky! I live near by." He giggles and takes a seat next to you. "I don't think I've seen you before, are you lost?"

You nod. "Its okay, I'm y/n. A couple of friends and I wanted to camp out here, sorry if we're on your property!"

He giggles. "Aww! Don't worry about it. We don't care as long as you aren't harming the forest in anyway. Now you seem to be in distress?"

You scoot a little closer to him, oddly feeling comfortable in his presence. It was odd.. Yet warm and comforting.

"I'm lost.. I got turned around and I'm waiting for my friends find me."

He nods and stands with his hands on his hips. "Do you mean the human couple making love out in the open?"

Your cheeks flush red as you stare at him in shock. "What?"

Alistair shrugs his shoulders. "Humans do it all the time its not like I haven't seen it. Kind of gross how they do that in public.. Its even worse from a birds eye view." He gags.

You laugh at his actions. "Well, that's disgusting.. Can't we just.. Walk or something to forget about them being gross?"

He smiles and nods. "Sure! I'm sure my brothers wouldn't mind. Are you hungry at all? I think Aspen is making his special soup tonight!"

You take his warm hand in yours. "Sure, I could go for a bite."


Instead of walking like a pair of normal people, Alistair just picked you up by the waist and held you bridal style and flew you to a massive tree house. It was rather impressive actually.

"Control your temper! I need it to be cooked not burnt!" Someone yells, clearly annoyed.

"I would if you would stop poking me with your stupid antlers!" The other voice argued back.

In front of you were two taller skeletons, one dressed in a earth themed coat with a long stitched scarf. The other taller than him wearing a burnt coat with a jewel necklace.

He had a cooking pot on his head as he sat on tin foil with his arms crossed, an oddly cute frown on his stern face.

"Aspen! I brought a guest!" Alistair waves and and glides over to the earthy one. Leaving you to walk awkwardly behind him.

Aspen smiled and sent you a small wave before tossing more herbs into the pot and stirring it with a wooden spoon.

"Y/n, these are my brothers, Aspen and Igniter! Guys she's y/n! She's going to be joining us for dinner!" Alistair grins, showing you off with jazz hands.

He really was a dork.

You giggle at the air element and send a smile and a wave to both of his brothers. Igniter simply rolls his eyes at you, avoiding eye contact just like the rest of them.

"I'm sorry I'm late, i- the snapper turtles were fighting again and i- it ran on a little l-longer than I thought.. It would." A timid voice squeaks, a still tall but shorter than the other skeleton ran over his sea themed boots clicking against the cobblestone.

"Its quite alright Octavian, don't worry about it. Dinner will be done soon, please take a seat and greet our guest of honor." Aspen replies, his soft voice sending a shiver down your spine. In a good way.

Octavian seemed to only now notice you and he froze, the two of you had made eye contact and the most beautiful shade of blue flushed across his cheeks.

Your heart felt like it was buzzing with happiness as you walked up to him and quickly hugged him. "I found you.."

He squeaks which makes your smile widen, you buried your face into his coat hood, loving the ocean salty smell of him.

A spoon fell onto the ground as you looked over at Aspen, his bright green eyes widening at the sight of you.

Alistair giggled. "I know isn't she adorable? Our soulmate is just the cutest little human.~"

Igniter and Aspen turn to him in surprise.

He tilts his head. "What, no one else knew?"

You let out a loud squeak as three other skeletons glomped you into a massive hug.

Fiery scarlet,

Earthy emerald,

Sky blue diamonds,

Ocean sapphire,

Those were the only colors that made you smile. You were no longer alone not just having one soulmate, no, but four.

End. Hope you enjoyed ~!

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