My oh my.

760 27 18

Romeo x reader.

Got the idea randomly right after I woke up.

Listen to Camila Cabello's My oh my for the fic :3

Even tho I'm not sure who the songs fits more, Romeo or Coby?

Have a vine-

Mari: Check out this spongebob umbrella I just got.

Cyrus: Mari that's bad luck.

Mari: Relax cycy! Its fi-


Mari: *screams*


While sorting through various boxes in your attic, you didn't expect to find a massive book. Bound by leather and a lock, weird symbols on its cover.

Whoever lived here before you did must have left it? You shrug and set it on the floor.

Finally after what seemed like hours, your attic was sorted. Now time for the weird book.

Its lock was going to be a problem, even after looking through all those boxes, you didn't find a key. You did find a few other books, but none of them were as weird as this one.

Taking a paperclip out from your pocket, you bent it and used it to pick the lock. After a minuet or two, it finally clicked and fell onto the floorboards.

Inside the cover was a note or warning in cursive handwriting.

Use caution: Do not summon for revenge or loneliness. Demons are not to be trusted, do not make a deal with one.

Demons? Your lift a brow and flip to a page that had been bookmarked.

Inside was a picture of a rather suggestive horned creature, however it was only its silhouette.

There was a warning under it as well.

Do NOT summon unless- However the rest of it had been torn.

To the side of its photo was a small paragraph of words.

Come out of the darkness and come into the light, I summon you with my sinful delight. Let the passion ignite!

Curiosity was heavy in your soul, what exactly would happen if you spoke those words? Deciding not to care of the consequences, you read it loud and proud.

After saying it a few times, nothing had happened. The attic was still silent and cold as it ever was.

In your frustration you threw the book to the side. "What a croc." You sigh and go back to the cedar chest in the corner of the attic. Maybe it had something interesting in it.

Behind you, the book began to levitate off of the floor, a violet glow around it as the pages flipped by them selves.

The sweet smell of roses filled the room, along with the sweat of lust, a passionate purple light filled the attic.

Your eyes widen as you slowly back away from it, fear filling your soul. You didn't expect it to work!

The book had fallen to the floor as a horned creature stood in front of you, hand on its hip, its tail swished behind it.

Its heels clicked against the floorboards as it slowly came forward, coming out of the shadows, you finally got a good look at them.

They wore thigh high boots, with hearts at the ends of its heels. Fishnet rights, its legs were thicker. It wore a leather skirt with a slit in the side of it, a heart belt tight around its waist.

A tight magenta turtleneck sweater with a heart cut over its sternum and finally, a purple jacket with black fur around the hood, a pink R on the right half of the jacket. 

His eyes were on you, hard to read his expression or what his eyes held within them.

He walked up to you with one hand on his hip, he bent down and took your chin in his hand. "Oh, aren't you a cute one? What is it you desire?"

Your cheeks flushed a deep pink as you stared into his beautiful eyes. "I-.."

"Hmm, still a virgin? I would help with that, but nah. You see darling, I don't literally give a f*ck." He winks releasing you.

He takes a seat on one of the dressers, crossing his legs, only to look over his nails and start to file them with the file he pulled out from his boot.

"Aren't you an incubus?" You ask him, finally getting your voice back.

He nods and continues to file his nails. "Thanks for getting me out of that dusty book. Ugh, it's soo boring there. And everyone is disgusting."

"Um..your welcome?"

"I'm Romeo by the way. What's your name sugar?" He asks, lifting a brow.

"Y/n." You reply, still afraid to approach him.

"Cute. It fits you, now what do you want?" Romeo asks, looking a little impatient.


"Don't be so foolish sweetheart, you have had to summon me for a reason? What is it? Money? Sex? Luxury?" He crosses his arms, tapping a boot.

"I just wanted to see if it worked.. I didn't expect you to show up." You nervously fiddled with your hands.

He sighs and hops off the dresser. "Curiosity then. Look, why don't we go get something to drink and get to know each other more?"

You nod, cheeks still flushed as he grabs your hand with his slender bony one.


(My f**king WiFi went out as I wrote this. Thanks I love to sit in silence.)

During your little coffee break, you learned a few things about the demon beside you.

He was an incubus, the god of lust, but hated to be touched. He didn't like to be treated like some slut that could be used up in one night.

He was a showoff yes, but he liked to be admired not desired. He was sassy and could be a bitch if he really wanted to.

However, you two got along pretty well, you opened up more to him. You two hit it off!

He laid across your lap on the couch, his tail swishing happily as you pet him between the horns. He was very cat like you noted.

"And that's why I never wear Gucci." He sighs, looking up at you.

"You know, you're the first human that's actually tried to get to know me instead of using me. Thank you."

You smile with pink cheeks. "Well, I'm not the kind who's interested in what you got in your pants.. Er.. Skirt."

He chuckles and boops your nose. "Thanks babydoll, you're a keeper."

And that's how you got a demon roommate!

End~! Hope you enjoyed!

Romeo: Who cares if its no simp September, you all get a free pass here.~

Outcast oneshots #2 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ