Spiritual love.

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Jasper x reader. I've had this idea since my last book came to an end. Doodle above is adorable if its there.

And here, have something to read until I get requests. :3


Jaspers cheeks turn violet as he watched you laughing and hanging out with his roommates.

Being honest, the little ghost had a crush on you, the problem was that he was a ghost.. He couldn't exactly take you out.

He really wanted to take you out on a cute little date just to see how it would go. But.. He couldn't.. Unless..

An idea came to mind as he snapped his fingers. "That's it!" He smiles and fazes through the wall again.


"Cupid please! You don't understand!" Jasper begs, floating around the angel in pink.

Cupid tilted his head. "Jasp. You're talking to the god of love, of course I understand. But, why me?"

Jasper's cheeks purple slightly. "I just want to take her out.. Just once.. You know how much I like her.." He nervously fiddled with his phalanges.

Cupid sighs and smiles up at the ghost. "I am to support young love. Alright, I'll let you possess me, only this once okay?"

Jasper claps his hands and smiles. "Thank you so much Cupid! You have no idea how thankful I am! I owe you!"

The angel waves a had dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Just don't try any funny business, I wear a chastity belt for a reason." He warms, fist tapping it for effect.

The ghost blushes. "Cupid, I'm not that kind of monster! I believe in marriage first."

Cupid crosses his arms. "You're one of the good ones. Too bad we don't have more of you."

The angel prepares himself as the see through skeleton turns into a deep purple smoke which enters his non nose and mouth, it being cold.

His body twitches a few times as he gets used to the feeling of legs, clumsily I may add.

His eyes faded from pink to a purple mix of magenta, the smoke faintly there, it being a violet pink. The hearts on his cheeks glowed lavender as his clothes changed.

His wings faded to violet at the ends, the hearts changing color once more.

Once the process was complete, he looked down at his new hands, which were smaller than his hands. He felt warmer and lighter, more alive then he's felt in years.

He takes a deep breath in and smiles. "Time to ask her out!... If I can make it to the living room. Legs are weird."


You sat on the leather couch, leaning on Coby's shoulder as you watched him and Lockheart rage over Mario kart.

"You fell off the track again" you comment with a smirk.

"Shut up! Its the controller! It keeps sticking!" Coby hissed, his snakes standing on end, concerned.

Lockheart shoved him and laughed. "Eat blue shell a**face!"

"Oh go f**k yourself!"

A laugh leaves you as they bicker competitively. Lockheart using a red yoshi while Coby used Roy.

Cupid wobbled into the living room, trying to hold on to furniture as to not fall on the floor as he made his way over to you.

"Cupid? Did Hallow drink from you again?" You ask, hopping off the couch to catch the angel.

"Or did you finally get laid and now you can't walk?" Lockheart joked, making Coby choke on his Cheetos.

He shakes his head and smiles goofily at you. "No, I'm fine. Just not used to walking!" Cu- Jasper said with a pinkish purple blush.

"Jasper..?" You question, tilting your head to get a better look at him them.. Whatever.

"I'm using Cupid's body so we can finally hug! You know.. If you want to.. I was thinking we could get a coffee or something." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Using Cupid's body huh? Kinky~" Lockheart comments, eyes lever leaving the tv, Coby snorts loudly.

You ignore them with a blush. "Aww, Jasper, sure. We can go out if you want."

He smiles and hugs you tightly, still getting used to the feeling. "Wow, you're softer and warmer than I thought."

"Heh.. Thats what she sai-"

"Would you both kindly shut the f**k up!? I'm trying to read!" Fear yells from the hallway.

You roll your eyes. "Wait here, I'm going to get dressed."

Jasper nods and sits next to the snickering gorgon and archangel.


Gael sent a smile to the both of you before he walks away with your order to get it ready.

Jasper sat across from you smiling shyly up at you. "Y/n.. Thank you, for allowing me to take you out."

You smile back at him and take his hand in yours across the table. "For you? Anything."

He blushes as the smoke around his neck sparks and shines a lovely passionate purple. The ends curling into hearts.

"I.. I really like you.. Y/n." He says nervously, eyes avoiding yours as the smoke swirls, getting more vibrant than his blush.

You giggle. "I love you too dork."

His eyes widen and he gasps loudly, the smoke bright and pinkish purple, more hearts formed as he leaned across the table to kiss you lightly.

You blush and kiss him back, cupping his/Cupid's squishy cheeks, running your thumbs against the heart stamps.

"Ahem.." A chuckle makes you both pull away awkwardly as Gael smiles down at the two of you.

"Cute." He says, placing your drinks and goodies down on the table. He leaves the check in the middle of the table before leaving you both embarrassed  and flustered.


Jasper and you stood in the kitchen, Jasper holding the both of your hands in his as he smiled up at you.

"Its a shame I'm only allowed to possess him for one day. I enjoyed our time tonight." He blushes, kissing your cheek.

"I did too, but you're adorable as a ghost, you're getting lots of air hugs after tonight." You peck his non nose.

"Thank you y/n." He smiles closing his eyes.

They return to their normal pink before Cupid coughs up a coughing fit.

You pat his back, trying to help him.

Finally a ball of purple smoke came out, before morphing into Jaspers normal ghostly form. He smiles down at you.

Cupid clutches the sides of his head. "I think I need to lie down."

End. :3

I hope you enjoyed ~! See you soon.

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